"Good Boy, Two-Bit."

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Bob smirked as he led Two-Bit into the living room by his leash, them just having finished supper.

He had to admit he kinda liked this new, obedient Two-Bit. He knew David had done something to the Greaser when he had kicked him in the head and Two-Bit woke up acting like that but Bob was quickly growing on him.

He had to admit he wished Two-Bit would put up more of a fight and a struggle but on the plus side, Two-Bit was listening to anything he said and he liked that.

Bob sat down and Two-Bit started to sit next to him, his wrists tied behind him.

"No no, Two-Bit, sit on the floor here, right in front of me." Bob smirked at him.

Two-Bit gave a nod and got down on the floor, sitting on his knees, not knowing any better, his brain too confused and in a haze from being kicked too hard.

Bob listened to the jingling of Two's dog tag, smirking, liking how it jingled whenever Two-Bit moved.

Bob turned on the TV, putting it on Looney Tunes, glancing at the red-head before him, seeing him pout a little, watching the show.

Bob leaned down and unhooked Two's leash, feeding him another Scooby Snack. Two-Bit took it gratefully and Bob patted him on the head.

Bob smirked. He didn't think his idea of treating Two-Bit like a dog would ever go this well.

He eyed the back of Two-Bit's head and his brows furrowed a little as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a comb, reaching forward, combing, starting to fix Two-Bit's messy hair.

Two-Bit flinched and glanced back at Bob, frowning a little.

"Shhh, it's okay, i'm just fixing it up," Bob shushed him softly as he combed, straightening Two's long, red hair.

Two-Bit's expression softened and he nodded, turning back to watch Looney Tunes. He flinched when Bob started combing through some tangles in his hair and he growled lowly as Bob pulled on them.

"Rrrrr," He flinched, wincing.

Bob chuckled at the Greaser and combed through the tangles, running his fingers through Two's hair.

"Bob, what are you doing?" Bob looked to see Randy come in with a beer, sneering as he sat down.

"Brushin' the Greaser, what's it look like?" Bob huffed, admiring Two's red hair.

Randy bit his lip. "I dunno Bob, why don't you tell me what it looks like?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bob looked at him, brow raised.

Two-Bit glanced at Randy out of the corner of his eye but didn't say anything, watching TV quietly.

"I mean, it looks like you've gone soft. Treatin' Two-Bit like this and all." Randy huffed.

"Do you have a problem with it?" Bob glowered, sending Randy a mean look.

"W-Well, I-" Randy stuttered a little. "N-Nevermind."

Bob sneered and patted Two's head as he was done combing it, huffing. "That's what I thought."

Bob handed Two-Bit another treat. "Good boy, Two-Bit." Two-Bit chewed and swallowed quietly.

Randy watched with a sneer, disapproving. Bob leaned back in the couch, smirking lightly, sipping his beer.

"So what now?" Randy cleared his throat. "What?" Bob huffed.

"I mean, what now now that the Grease had tried to escape?"

"What ya suggestin' here, Randy?" Bob glanced at him.

"We're just keeping him here, then?" Randy swallowed, glancing at Two-Bit wearily.

"Shut up, Randy." Bob snapped. "Not in front of Two-Bit."

Randy swallowed and shut his mouth with a huff. Two-Bit glanced back at them once, swallowing, shifting a little on his knees.

The three watched TV for awhile, lounging when Bob noticed Two-Bit yawn.

Bob shifted a little, nudging Randy gently. "Wanna head into the other room with the others a sec, man?"

Randy shrugged and huffed. "Sure I guess," He shrugged and went into the kitchen where the others were playing cards.

Bob gave Two-Bit a soft nudge. "Hey, wanna sit next to me?"

Drowsy, Two-Bit glanced at him and slowly nodded, getting up and sitting down next to Bob.

Two-Bit yawned again and Bob slowly pulled him closer to him. Two-Bit looked at him a little surprised.

"Two-Bit, you remember the talk we had?" Bob leaned Two's head back on his shoulder, keeping his arm around his chest, keeping him close.

Two-Bit's eyebrows were furrowed and he slowly nodded.

"You remember that i'm your master and you're my prisoner, yes? And you do what I say, yes?" Bob talked slowly, watching Two-Bit.

Two-Bit frowned a little, nodding, listening.

"And you remember who your enemies are? Your friends?" Two slowly nodded.

"You know you were a very bad boy for escapin' earlier and you were a bad boy for tryin' to run off with that so called buddy of yours," Bob sneered a little.

Two-Bit frowned, remembering Tim, swallowing.

"Now I want ya to promise me ya won't try and run off again, alright? Ya promise?" Two-Bit swallowed and closed his eyes. "I-I promise."

"Now I gotta make sure you're tellin' the truth. Tell me Two-Bit, who am I?" Bob smirked, enjoying himself.

Two-Bit licked his lips, keeping his eyes closed. "Y-You're my master." He spoke calmly.

"Good, good. And you are?"

"Your prisoner."

"And your enemies are?"

Two-Bit swallowed. "M-My friends.....a-all of 'em, are my enemies." He spoke slowly and unsurely, frowning.

"Good boy, good boy. You remember why they're your enemies?"

"Th-They're gonna steal me away and keep me all tied up and beat me." Two-Bit frowned deeply, tense.

"That's a good boy. But who's gonna keep you safe?" Bob smirked at Two-Bit, glad he was complying so well.

"You-you are.....you're my friend, Bob," Two-Bit breathed out, hesitating.

"Thatta boy," Bob praised happily with a smirk. "Good boy, good boy. Everything's gonna be okay. Ready to go to bed now?"

Two-Bit slowly nodded, tired and still in a daze.

"Alright, let's get ya to bed now. Up." Bob let go of Two-Bit and let him up, Two-Bit watching Bob and waiting.

Bob clipped on Two's leash and led him over to the dog bed, Two-Bit complying willingly.

"Lay down now," Bob nodded and watched as Two-Bit slowly lowered himself down onto the bed, lying on his side.

"Good boy, Two-Bit." Bob watched and bent down, holding out a gag. "Open."

Two-Bit opened his mouth, keeping quiet, letting Bob gag him without a struggle.

Bob unhooked the leash and clipped on the chain to Two's collar, patting Two's head.

"See ya in the mornin' Two-Bit. 'Night." Two-Bit nodded, lying still, watching Bob walk out, slowly closing his eyes, eventually falling into a deep, relaxed slumber.

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