Cherry and Marcia

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Two-Bit's Point of View

The next day Bob had picked out an orange Mickey shirt for me to wear and had me stay in my cowboy boots.

We lounged around all day and played cards and watched TV, eating and drinking beer and there were no further interruptions from the gang coming back.

It was smooth sailing all day for all of us as we waited till that evening when Cherry and Marcia would be coming over and when it was later, Bob took me over to the dog bed.

"Sit," He clipped on the dog chain as I sat, looking up at him expectantly.

"You gotta stay here while the girls come, okay buddy? And you'll be a good boy while they're here, right?"

I nodded, "Yes, Bob."

Bob smiled and patted my hair. "Thatta boy." He got up and went to the couch and I watched, waiting for the girls to arrive.

The knock at the door made me jump and I watched Bob get up and open the door.

"Hey baby, long time no see!" Bob greeted, pecking Cherry on the cheek and Randy came over to Marcia, pulling her close.

I cocked my head a little and watched with furrowed eyebrows, lips pursed.

Marcia looked over at me right away and bit her lip with big eyes. I frowned back at her and didn't say anything when Randy turned Marcia's face, kissing her cheek.

"Come on, baby," He murmured and led her to the couch.

Cherry stepped in and saw me right away, stiffening. Her eyebrows furrowed and she crossed her arms. "Bob," She started.

"Hey, don't be like that....I told ya he's okay and he is," Bob defended, wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her close.

"You didn't tell me ya had him chained up like a dog," Cherry growled and pulled away from him with a glare.

"Oops. My mistake." Bob just snickered. "Come on, let's go sit down," He started pulling her to the couch and Cherry looked at me, lips pursed as she slowly went with him.

I watched them at the couch, keeping still and quiet, able to hear murmurs over the TV. The girls didn't look back at me again, the guys seeming to be keeping them close and kissing them however often.

After a good twenty minutes or so, Cherry suddenly rose and started coming to me and Bob lept to his feet in protest, following her.

Cherry bent down in front of me and I blinked, cocking my head, looking at her.

"Two-Bit, Two-Bit, you okay?" She started, biting her lip, green eyes wide.

I nodded, eyeing her, watching Bob come over. "Of course he's okay, I already told ya that," He huffed. Cherry ignored him.

"Come on, Two-Bit, let's get ya outta here," she started reaching for the chain and I shrunk back a little.

"I-I don't wanna leave....." I swallowed.

She stopped and her eyes went to Bob. "You brainwashed him.....?" She demanded.

"Hey, it's not like I tried to; David was kickin' him in the head and then he woke up and-"

"What? Oh my gosh, Bob," Cherry's eyes were wide. "How could you? Do you know how worried his friends are and-"

"Hey, I don't give two sh*** about his friends," Bob sneered. "He doesn't wanna leave and that's fine by me."

Cherry looked back at me and I swallowed. "Two-Bit, Two-Bit, ya gotta snap out of it! Think of the gang!" She put her hands on my shoulders, shaking me a little. "Pony, Dally, Soda! Snap out of it!"

I flinched and frowned at her, not answering, lips pursed. Bob pushed Cherry off me.

"Hey leave him alone, Cherry, what's done is done. He's stayin' here."

Cherry huffed, getting to her feet. "He's not staying here forever." She glared.

"Uh, i'm pretty sure as long as he's brainwashed he will," Bob snorted.

"Uh, no he's not. Because if you don't let him go, imma break up with you." She crossed her arms over her chest with a mean look.

Bob looked taken back. "Wha? You-you can't break up with me, not over him!" He growled.

"I can and I will, if you don't let him go!"

Marcia stood up from the couch, pulling away from Randy. "Yeah, i'll break up with you too, Randy if you don't let Two-Bit go!"

I swallowed, shifting on my knees. Why were they both so intent on letting me go? I don't wanna leave. And what were they saying about me being brainwashed?

Randy snarled at Marcia, getting to his feet. "You can't do that!"

"I'm warning you Cherry," Bob growled, pointing a finger. "You better lay off."

"No Bob, you better lay off," Cherry snapped. "You're d*** sick for treating an innocent boy like this. If you don't set him free, we're through. Come on, Marcia." Cherry huffed, marching to the door.

Marcia huffed and went with her.

"Hey! Get back here!" Bob growled, starting after them. But the girls just glared and marched out, slamming the door shut.

I flinched and swallowed. That hadn't gone well.

Bob turned to me with a death glare. "I hope you're happy, Two-Sh**." He spat at me and I flinched, cowering back with a whimper.

"Way to go, Bob," Randy growled angrily. "You f***** up my relationship with Marcia," He seethed.

He had been arguing with Bob a lot more recently and they fought quite often.

Bob growled at Randy. "Shut up, Randy. At least Two-Bit's still here."

"Well maybe I don't care if he's still here! We shoulda let him go ages ago!" Randy growled, eyes narrowed.

"Come here, Randy," Bob growled and he and Randy went to the kitchen to yell at each other, arguing over me.

I swallowed, not liking being the cause of such drama, sucking in a breath.

At least Bob had been right about one thing.

At least I was still here.

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