Unwelcome Guests

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The next morning everything went smoothly. Two-Bit was still complying with everything Bob told him and obeyed quietly, keeping calm. So Bob fed him and then took him to the basement and then it was off to school for the Socs.

Two-Bit waited for them to come back as he spent another long day stuck in a lonely basement, saddened and lonesome.

Two-Bit was almost happy to see Bob and the others, grateful to be untied and able to move around again.

Bob fed Two-Bit his lunch and Two-Bit listened, eating quietly and afterwards, Bob took Two-Bit into the living room to watch TV to which Two-Bit wordlessly complied.

Later, after David had started supper and Two-Bit was still with Bob and the others watching TV, there was a knock at the door.

Bob sat forward with narrowed eyes, Two-Bit's eyes wide, swallowing. "Wh-Who is it?" He whispered quietly, tense.

"Open up, Socs! We know you're in there!" Two-Bit almost squeaked as he heard Steve yell from the other side of the door.

"Sh**," Bob swore and hissed, getting up, grabbing Two-Bit and shoving him to Randy.

"Two-Bit, go with Randy, now. And don't say anything," He warned lowly, tense, watching Two-Bit nod. "Randy, take him in the closet."

Randy nodded and started dragging Two-Bit off to the closet, hurriedly pulling him inside, closing the door. "Come on, come on," He muttered, keeping an arm around Two-Bit tightly.

Two-Bit shook, gulping, wide-eyed, his mouth open, tense with fear. Another knock came pounding at the door.

"Open up!"

Bob ran a hand through his hair, scowling. "Be cool, be cool y'all......" He glanced at the closet door with shifty eyes, going and opening the door, met with six, tuff-lookin' Greasers.

"Whatta ya want, Greasers?" He sneered with hate, eyeing them.

Steve and Dally pushed past Bob, letting themselves in, glaring around, Soda joining them.

Darry looked at Bob with narrowed eyes. "We're looking for our friend, Two-Bit. Have ya seen him?"

Two-Bit gulped, shaking from the closet, afraid that the gang was really there to kidnap him away, too brain-washed from Bob and he stayed close to Randy, who held onto him.

Bob glared at the Greasers as they entered rudely into David's house, looking back at Darry. "Two-Bit? No, no man, haven't seen 'em. So get your greasy a*** outta here," He growled.

Darry eyed the Socs who sat at the couch, watching as Soda, Steve and Dally searched the living room.

Steve stepped near the closet that Randy and Two-Bit were hiding in and able to see through the slits of the door from inside, Two-Bit gasped quietly and Randy quickly put a hand over his mouth.

Two-Bit's dog tag jingled as Two-Bit jumped in surprise and the two froze at the sound, hoping Steve didn't hear.

Steve's eyes were narrow and he was peeking at the kitchen and the hallway, not having heard.

Soda eyed the dog bed and the chain with narrow eyes. "Y'all got a dog here?"

Bob swallowed and gave him a glare. "Yeah. We do."

"Well where is he then? Don't see 'em." Soda looked around, eyebrows furrowed.

"He's outside, in the back. Now would y'all beat it? Your Greaser a** friend ain't here." Bob huffed.

Dally looked around with narrowed eyes, fists clenched, looking dangerous, having an odd feeling in his lower gut. He slowly made his way over to the closet where Steve was, his head up, eyes narrowed.

Two-Bit tensed and nearly whimpered as he saw Dally coming towards him, afraid and Randy kept his hand over Two's mouth tightly.

"Shhhh," He whispered very lowly, barely audible.

"Alright y'all, let's go," Darry huffed at the doorway, waiting for the others. "Steve, Dallas, come on."

Steve huffed and turned, scowling as he made his way back to Darry with Soda. Dally hesitated and slowly turned, walking out.

Bob watched as the Greasers left and he slowly closed the door after them. "Hope y'all find your friend," He sneered, closing and locking the door.

He waited a minute as he leaned back against the door, glaring at the floor with narrowed eyes. "Y'all can come out now," He called.

Randy let go of Two-Bit and got up, opening the door, going out with him.

Two-Bit shakily came out, wide-eyed, gulping. "Th-They's came here to take me away, didn't they? J-Jus like ya said, Bob...." His voice shook as he trembled at the thought.

Bob looked at him with narrowed eyes, jaw clenched. "Yeah, Two-Bit. I know."

"If-If Dally woulda found me in there, oh man, I woulda been dead meat for sure," Two-Bit whimpered out, knowing how scary Dallas could get. 'Specially if he was mad.

"Yeah....." Bob swallowed and looked away with hard eyes for a minute.

"Th-that was too close, Bob. They coulda found us in there." Randy breathed out, looking tense.

"I know Randy, I know," Bob huffed, eyebrows furrowed. "Just be glad they didn't."

"I know I am," Two-Bit put out, swallowing with a frown.

"Look, we'll get this figured out, alright? Let's just relax for now, okay?" Bob huffed and gestured to the couch, wanting to sit down and think.

Two-Bit frowned and sat, swallowing, relieved the gang hadn't found him, not wanting to be subjected to being a prisoner to them.

"Two-Bit, listen, ya ain't gonna be goin' nowheres, alright?" Bob nodded to the Greaser, eyes narrowed.

Two-Bit nodded, frowning. "Yeah......yeah. I ain't goin' nowheres. Good."

Bob nodded as he looked away, mumbling. "Yeah, good. I ain't gonna let them take you away from us. Not that easily."

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