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Two-Bit's Point of View

The next morning, guess who woke me up? Betcha can't guess. Bob Sheldon.

I growled as soon as I heard his voice, trying to turn away. Bob had made me sleep on the dog bed chained up and though it was much comforier than lying on the hard floor, it wasn't nearly as comfortable as a bed.

I groaned as Bob sat me up, tired, wanting to sleep more. He took out my gag and I yawned, stretching a little. It had been weird lying down on a dog bed all night.

Bob untied my ankles and unhooked the chain from my collar. I blinked, still trying to wake up and Bob clipped on the leash. "Come on now,"

I got up and walked with him to the bathroom, yawning again. What is it now, the fifth day? Great.......

Bob untied me and unhooked the leash, pushing me inside the bathroom. I rubbed my eye, still waking up.

I used the bathroom and frowned as I washed my hands, looking in the mirror.

I eyed the dog collar and swallowed, frowning deeply. Seeing my name engraved on the dog tag made me feel sick and I shuddered. I wondered if I could take it off.

I reached back and attempted to get it the hell off me but I couldn't see back there and my fingers didn't know what they were doing.

I scowled, not able to get it off by myself. D*** it, Bob. I ran a hand through my hair in frustration and shook my head, hating this.

Bob clipped the leash on me when I came out and he led me to the table, feeding me breakfast.

He told me I had to be downstairs in the basement while they were at school so I wouldn't be out in the open in case someone tried to break in.

So it was back to the basement for me and Bob gagged me, tied me up and left me once again, locking the door shut.

I sighed and rolled over, miserable. I was getting pretty bored of not doing things all day.

I thought of Marcia and what had happened last night, frowning, knowing she hadn't cared enough to try and save me.

I swallowed and fell back asleep, dreaming of her and the gang and chocolate cake.

Oh how I miss Dary's chocolate cake.

I woke up hours later in a cold sweat, having had bad dreams about Bob and all the horrible things he's done to me.

I whimpered a little and looked around in the dark, frowning deeply, completely saddened and miserable. Oh how I miss the gang.

Lying there, bored out of my mind once again, I waited and hummed a little, making up little tunes or humming Steamboat Willie.

Awhile later, I heard the door give a click and I looked over. They're back already? That was fast.

I watched as I stayed on my side, waiting for them to come down. Except it wasn't Bob and Randy, it was.......

I lifted my head, eyebrows furrowing. "Mmmm mmm?" Marcia.

I wasn't expecting her. I shifted myself and watched her as she came down the stairs, her looking over at me with big eyes.

I frowned at her with wide eyes, watching her as she came over. "Mmmm mmm mmm?"

Biting her lip, Marcia frowned at me and bent down, taking out my gag, letting it fall at my neck.

I frowned and moved my jaw around, gaping up at her. "M-Marcia?"

She frowned and held my face gently with a hand, giving me a nod.

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