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Two-Bit's Point of View

The next morning, I rolled over with a yawn and sat up as Bob woke me up, them having to go to school again.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes as he unhooked the chain and I slowly got up, going to use the bathroom.

When I came back out, Randy was coming inside, slamming the door shut. "Thanks a lot, Bob Sheldon....Marcia broke up with me!" He snarled.

"Good for you," Bob just huffed, going to the table for breakfast.

"You know Cherry's gonna break up with you too, man," Randy growled, coming over.

Bob sneered as I sat down next to him. "She won't break up with me, man. She loves me too much."

Randy snorted. "Yeah well, Marcia used to love me too. Before this a****** came along," He shot daggers at me and I cowered a little.

After breakfast, Bob told me he'd let me stay upstairs if I promised not to run away or try and escape.

I nodded as I sat at the couch. "I promise."

Bob put on his jacket. "Good. Now help yourself to the fridge and to beer. Make sure all the doors stay locked and don't answer the door if someone knocks. Don't answer the phone neither, ya got that?"

I nodded, keeping quiet.

"I set your clothes out for ya otherwise we'll be back after school today. You be a good boy, alright?"

"Okay Bob. See ya later." I nodded to him and waved as he and the others left, locking the door behind them.

It was quiet, but I was now free to wander and help myself to food and the TV and do as I please. It was real nice.

I later changed into the clothes Bob had picked out and combed my hair, sighing contently.

I watched TV and ate some of David's cookies, drinking beer, enjoying myself and the quiet when there came a knock at the door.

Forgetting that Bob had told me not to answer it if someone knocked, I got up and came over, hearing my dog tag jingling.

I opened the door. "Hello?"

"TWO-BIT!" Suddenly arms were around me and squeezing me and I flinched, instantly pushing myself away.

I looked up with huge, fearful eyes to see Soda, Dally and Tim who were all smiling at me, looking overjoyed.

"I knew he was here, I knew it!" Soda huffed, glancing behind me at the dog bed.

Dally was reaching out for me again to pull me close and I stepped back, terrified. "No, no, just stay back, leave me alone!"

Dally's face fell and Soda spoke. "Huh? Two-Bit, buddy, it's us, we found ya!" He tried to hug me again and I jumped back, backing up against the couch, gaping.

"No no, don't touch me, get away!" I whimpered out, pleading.

"What's wrong with him?" Tim murmured to Dally, who eyed me with narrowed eyes.

"Two-Bit, it's us, your friends!" Soda tried again with big eyes, stepping towards me and I cowered back with a whimper.

"No, no, you're not my friends, you're not, you're not!"

"They musta brainwashed him," Dally huffed, scowling. "He doesn't know who we are,"

"Sh**," Soda swore, eyeing the dog bed and my Roo and then my collar.

"We gotta grab him," Tim said in a hushed voice and Soda reached for me again, coming towards me.

"Two-Bit we ain't gonna hurt ya we jus-"

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