Prisoner or Pet?

630 7 35

A/N: If you thought Bob was acting weird before, well, it only gets weirder my friends.

Also in the middle of this chapter is where the 'Prologue' takes place so i'm not including that again as you can go back and read it over again if you like.


Two-Bit's Point of View

I awoke to the sounds of Bob Sheldon's cheery voice and I instantly groaned, hating him, not even opening my eyes.

Bob sat me up and he was saying something to me in a happy voice but I was choosing to ignore him. I finally opened my eyes though and he was taking out my gags and untying me.

I looked over at Randy who almost looked nervous, biting his fingernail and eyeing me and Bob.

I wondered what his problem was and waited until I was untied to stand, Bob nudging me along.

I yawned, tired, my head hurting and I wanted to scratch it. My arms and legs were sore and I knew it was from being hogtied yesterday. Stupid Bob.

Bob was leading me to the bathroom and untied my wrists, letting me in. I used the john and washed my face and hands, sighing long and hard.

Looking in the mirror, I frowned at my expression and almost started crying. When will I get to go home already?

I sniffled and wiped at my eyes with my sleeve, feeling my eyes go narrow. I decided I'd have to fight to get away and I can't stop no matter how much it hurts. I have to get outta here.

I readyed myself and opened the door, letting Bob grab me before I jerked and immediately elbowed him hard in the gut.

I groaned in pain and I managed to whip around and sock him hard.

"Okay, that's it!" He growled like a tiger and he punched me hard, slicing open my face with his rings before he slammed my chest into the wall.

I yelped and tried to pull away, punch and kick at him but his hand went over my mouth and nose, his other arm over my chest and he pinched my nose as his arm tightened around my chest.

He pulled my head back onto his shoulder as he pushed at my face and for a brief second this felt oddly familiar.

I yelled out and pried at his hands, scratching and clawing as I couldn't breathe, yelling out, thrashing my head around, kicking.

I couldn't breathe and I felt my skin pale and I felt my knees giving out. I whimpered and quit thrashing, weakly prying at Bob's hands as he kept my head leaned back on his shoulder, keeping my nose pinched as he shushed me slowly in my ear.

My legs went out and I expected Bob to let go of my nose to let me breathe but he didn't and I couldn't take it any longer. My eyes rolled back and my body went limp as everything went black.


Bob quickly caught the limp Greaser in his arms, taking his hand away from his face, using his arms to support Two-Bit's body, holding his slumped body a minute, looking Two-Bit over a moment before scooping him up.

"Thatta boy," Bob huffed as he looked down at a pale Two-Bit in his arms, who was now breathing again, chest slowly rising and falling.

Bob had purposefully made Two-Bit pass out, sick of him always trying to get away. But he knew things would be different after today.

Bob smirked at the thought and he started carrying unconscious Two-Bit back to the basement.

Two-Bit's mouth hung open and Bob frowned a little, gently reaching over and closing it for him, carrying him gently downstairs.

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