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Two-Bit's Point of View

I screamed and cried out as Bob held me as David drove along wildly. I can't believe I had been stolen away again, I can't believe it!

I cried and squirmed and wiggled and Bob just sneered at me with a huff.

I had no idea where we were going but David drove out of town and into the country, going about 80 miles an hour.

I whimpered and cowered, crying, wanting the gang, scared for my life, just wanting to be free and be treated right.

I wanted to be loved.

Bob huffed and murmured things to me as I continued to cry as David kept driving and driving.

He eventually arrived at this old abandoned church in the middle of nowhere and I cried as I looked at it with big eyes.

What was Bob going to do to me now?

I whimpered as Bob shoved me out of the car, clipping on my leash, dragging me inside.

I yelled out in anger and fear and didn't move, pulling back, trying to run away.

Bob yanked on my leash with a snarl. "Come on, Two-Bit, now!"

I whimpered as I was forced to go with him and he pulled me into the church with David and it was awful eerie in there.

There were cobwebs everywhere and it was obvious no one had been in here in ages.

How did Bob know about this place, I wondered as I shook, looking around with big eyes.

Bob let out a huff when we were inside. "Alright. This should be a good enough place to keep ya hidden, right Two-Bit? No one will find you here."

I whimpered out and tried to pull away and get to the door but the leash stopped me. "Hey that's enough," Bob growled, holding me back.

"Come on now, why don't we get you hogtied, buddy?"

"Enough!" Someone shouted and we both jumped, the gang bursting through the door, looking fierce.

My eyes widened in joy, knowing they'd save me.

"What the?! How the f*** did you find us?!" Bob snarled, gripping my leash hard.

"Johnny saw y'all sneaking off," Sodapop growled. "We just had to follow you."

Bob swore in anger and I was just plain overjoyed.

"Now let him go." Soda snarled, glaring with the others.

"No way," Bob growled and pulled me back, making me whimper. "He's mine."

"Hey man, we won the rumble fair and square. Now let him go!" Steve growled.

"Y'all just get back!" Bob pulled me back into my chest and I whimpered, struggling to pull away. "I'm warning you!"

"No we're warning you, pal, let him go!" Tim snarled, ready to tackle Bob down.

"Fine, you leave me no choice!" Bob growled into my ear and I shook badly, afraid in his arms. "If I can't have him, no one can!" Bob shouted.

Suddenly his gun was at my head and I heard the gang gasp and I went rigid, immediately whimpering loudly in pure terror.

"You-you let him go right now!" Soda called in a shaky voice, looking afraid.

Bob cocked the gun, pressing it hard into my head. "Y'all asked for this!" I whimpered and squeezed my eyes shut, crying, shaking as I kept still, knowing he was going to shoot me.

"Put the gun down!" I suddenly heard Dally yell and I opened my eyes, seeing him holding a gun of his own, aiming it at Bob. I flinched and cowered.

"Go on, drop it!" Dallas snarled, teeth bared, keeping the gun pointed.

Bob suddenly let go of me and ran off in the opposite direction, making a break for it and Tim, Dally and Steve immediately ran after him.

Breathing heavily and whimpering in fear, I shook and Darry came up to me, quickly untying me. "We got ya buddy, we got ya," He said hurriedly in a gentle voice and he took out my gag and I immediately hugged him, sobbing into his chest.

"Darry, oh Darry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I sobbed hard and Darry just hugged me back, his arms gently around me.

"Shhh shhhh, it's okay. He ain't gonna hurt ya no more," He whispered and rubbed my back softly and I sobbed into his shirt, shaking badly.

I just stood there and sobbed into Darry's chest when Dally and Tim dragged over an unconscious Bob to the middle of the floor, having bound and gagged him. Steve dragged over David, having done the same.

I looked over and flinched, whimpering, eyes wide in fear.

"Shhh, easy Two, they ain't gonna hurt ya no more, not ever again," Darry rubbed my back and I sniffled, hiding my face in his chest.

"Here," Darry unhooked my collar from my neck and handed it to Dally, who threw it at Bob in disgust, it landing near him.

"That'll be the last we see of that d*** thing," He growled.

"Come on, Two-Bit, let's get you outta here," Darry spoke softly and gently scooped me up into his arms, carrying me.

I sniffled into his shoulder, crying. "Wh-what about Bob?"

"The police can come and take care of him. You don't ever gotta worry about him again, buddy," Darry spoke and carried me out to his truck, setting me down gently in the back, sitting next to me, his hand on my shoulder.

The rest of the gang all piled in the back of the truck and Steve got in the driver's seat, driving away.

I wiped at my tears with a sleeve, sniveling. "O-Oh Darry, i'm so sorry. Th-Thanks for saving me. Thank you."

"Hey, it's okay, Two-Bit, just relax. You're safe now."

And as we drove for home, my real home, I sniffled and knew I really was safe now, looking at Darry with a soft smile through my tears, glad I was finally back with who I belonged with.

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