The Gang's Hostage

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Two-Bit's Point of View

When I woke up later, letting out a groan as I blinked my eyes open, I looked down to see I was tied down to a chair.

My eyes widened and quickly panicking, I began to jerk and hop in the chair, calling out, still gagged, my voice muffled and I struggled.

They had actually kidnapped me, just like Bob said! Next they'll make me into a slave!

"Hey guys, he's awake," I heard Tim Shepard and tensed, afraid, not wanting them to come over to me.

"Rrrrr," I growled out, jerking, my eyes widening when I saw the three come into the kitchen and my growls turned to whimpers.

"Mmm mmmm!"

"Easy buddy, it's okay," Soda frowned at me with big eyes, holding out a gentle hand.

I flinched and turned away, yelling out, jerking around.

"Soda, he's brainwashed, remember?" Tim huffed.

"Well, we have to at least try to bring him back. We can't just leave him tied up; Darry will be home soon!" Soda huffed. "Lemme try talking to him."

"Good luck," Tim snorted.

"Two-Bit, Two-Bit buddy, listen," I looked at Soda with big eyes, shaking in fear. "You gotta listen to me. We're your friends! We ain't gonna hurt ya. Now listen, i'm gonna take that gag out, okay?"

I listened and eyed him skeptically, slowly nodding.

Biting his lip, Soda slowly reached for my mouth and gently pulled away the gag.

Acting quickly, I leaned forward and bit his fingers hard.

Soda screamed and I let go, thrashing and jerking around. "Help! Help! I'm being held hostage! Help me!"

Dallas and Tim were shouting and running up to me and Soda was holding his bleeding fingers.

I continued to jerk and fight and hop, yelling out. "Help! Hel-"

Tim shoved another gag in my mouth and I whimpered out loudly, yelling, wanting free.

"Mmmm mmmmm!" I sniffled and whimpered as Tim pulled away.

"Jesus, he just won't shut up...." He huffed.

"Tim, stop gagging him for pete sake," Soda huffed, trying to nurse his fingers. "That ain't gonna help us any."

"Well how else we supposed to shut him up? Sides, he bit you." Tim huffed.

"Darry ain't gonna be happy with y'all when he gets home," Soda shook his head, not liking how Two-Bit was being treated.

I watched with narrowed eyes, jerking in the chair. "Mmmmm mmph rrrrr....."

"Oh and just what is your big brother going to do differently about him, huh Soda? Either way he's still brainwashed." Dallas huffed. "Don't think even Superman himself can use his super powers to save this."

I listened and watched with furrowed eyebrows. Why do they keep saying i'm brainwashed?

"Hush Dally," Soda glared. "I dunno what he'll do. But he ain't gonna like keeping him tied up like this. Don't y'all think we should try untying him once?"

"He'll just try and get away!" Tim huffed with a scowl.

"You don't know that!" Soda huffed back. "We have to try."

I listened, tense. Yes, yes, let me go so I can get away and get back to Bob!

"Fine, but you untie him," Dally huffed and stepped away from me and stood next to Tim.

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