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Copyright © by MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
Chapter:06 Published 09/14/2018


"Some hearts understand each other, even in silence"- Unknown


I felt suffocated.

I could feel my parent's eyes watching me. Mom had called me in the morning telling me to come home to discuss the funeral arrangements with the Stevens family. I had arrived a few minutes ago and my parents and the Stevens were talking in the living room. Not much had been said between us; as there was not much to say. At least something that would console me. So, now here we were, all of us seated in the living room. Nobody said anything. There was just silence.

Deciding that I should be the one to break the silence. I spoke up. "Have you decided on a date?" I looked up to see who would answer.

"We decided to have her buried this Sunday." Caroline's father Mr. Stevens answered and I looked at him.

"You mean tomorrow! Why so early?" Sunday is tomorrow. I did not understand why they would want to burry her so soon.

My parents looked at each other before my mother spoke up. "There is no point in delaying her funeral. Putting her to rest is the best thing or all of us."

"Mom, she died three days ago!" I stated.

"I know son but you need to let her go. Caroline loved you a lot and she wouldn't want to see you upset. We are doing this for her and for you." My father spoke up.

"Your father is right Noah, we need to let her go. Holding onto her will do us no good; you know that. We have already informed everyone that the funeral is tomorrow. So, I hope you can understand." Said Mrs. Stevens.

I knew they were right. There was no point in delaying her funeral. I was being selfish by not letting her go. Sighing I ran a hand through my hair.

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just that everything is happening too fast." I said getting up from the couch. "If you guys think that the funeral should be tomorrow, then so be it. I support your decision." I continued.

"Thank you for understanding son." My father said as he got up to give me a squish on the shoulder as a way to comfort me before I sat down.

"Now that we have agreed on the date, Noah sweetie could we talk to you?" Asked Mrs. Stevens as her husband and her made their way towards me until they sat beside me on the couch.

"We'll give you some privacy." My mom said before dragging my dad along with her before exiting the living room.

Ignoring my parents I turned to look at the Stevens. "What did you want to speak to me about?"

"Noah, I know that our daughter just died three days ago. We still cannot believe she is gone. But, we want you to move on. Somewhere in the future if you fall in love with another girl, go ahead and be happy. Not that you need our permission to like someone else. But, if you did like another girl, do not feel guilty for moving on. My husband and I want what's best for you. And so would Caroline. You made our daughter happy. You were there for her all the time and we are grateful for that. Someday in the future you will be happy again and we will support you because Caroline would have wanted you to be happy." Mrs. Stevens spoke her voice breaking as her eyes became watery.

Noah hugged her immediately. Both had lost someone they cared about. But their pain was different.

Mrs. Stevens had lost her only daughter. But Noah had lost the love of his life. His first love.

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