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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
Chapter:10 Published 10/21/2018


"The thought of what could have been is as painful as a broken heart" -Bridgett Devoue


When I woke up this morning, I had a massive headache. Which proceed by the coughing fits that I had since I woke up. This meant that I was catching a cold. So, as soon as I got up from the bed I walked to the kitchen cabinets and grabbed some medicine to relieve my headache.

Today would be a long day, and I would need all of my energy to get through it. I had college classes in the morning and then I had to work. But considering my state I would have to take the subway.

I am at fault for catching a cold. I should have left as soon as it started to rain but I chose to stay with James.

Yesterday after I left the cemetery I got inside the car. But instead of driving away I stayed tin the car for another hour, with my forearms placed on top of the wheel as I laid my head on top of it. All that surrounded me was the rain. But it comforted me. Just like it always has. Majority of the times when I was sad it would be the rain bringing me its comfort.

Which is why I love the rain. It brings me peace and comfort.

I didn't arrive to the apartment until 8. As soon as I was inside I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done with my shower I got inside the bed's duvet and laid on the bed for a while just thinking about him. It wasn't until the clock hit eleven that I found drifting to sleep.

As I swallowed the pills for my headache I put the glass of water down. Walking to the refrigerator I opened the door to see what I could eat for breakfast.

Looking inside, I realized I needed to go grocery shopping.

Hopefully I could go today. I thought to myself.

I grabbed the strawberry jam and milk and placed the items on the counter before closing the door.

Heading to the pantry I grabbed two pieces of bread and placed them inside the toaster. Pushing the button I walked away to grab a spoon from the kitchen drawer. As I waited for the bread to pop up I headed to my room to grab my school bag.

Grabbing all of the books I would need for my classes today I placed them inside the bag. Grabbing my pencil bag I opened it to check if I had all the utensils needed for today. Satisfied I closed it and placed it inside the bag.

When I came back the bread had finished toasting so I grabbed a piece and distributed the jam all over it placing it on a plate. Opening the milk I walked to the cabinets to grab a glass cup. After pouring some milk I placed it inside the refrigerator and grabbed the plate and cup and placed them on the table. Sitting down I proceeded to eat.

As I ate quietly my mind wondered to James. I wondered of what could have been of my future with James.

Would he have gotten better?

Maybe he would be alive in this moment.

I only wondered of a future where he was okay because that was the most important thing to me. But it didn't matter anymore, as that future would never come. It was just me now.

Shaking those thoughts away I took a last bite of the toast and got up to wash the dishes.

When I was finished with the dishes I grabbed my bag and headed back to my room.

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