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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
Chapter:17 Published 01/29/2019


"I'd love it

if we made it" - The 1975


I am awake. The night shining bright with New York's gleam.

I couldn't sleep. Once again those sleepless nights haunting me. And so I am forced to stay awake.

A few hours ago I was in my room trying to fall sleep. But, sleep never came to me.

Which is why I decided to go out at 2:46 in the morning. I left my place with no destination in mind. I just walked to where my feet led me to. Until, I stopped at a playground.

I don't know why I stopped at a playground. But I walked towards the swings and sat on one.

So here I was. Swinging forwards and backwards feeling the freezing breeze brush my face.

Nevertheless, I chose to continue swinging the swing.

I'm not sure how much time passed until I decided to put my feet on the ground to stop the swing.

Slowly getting up I headed to a bench. I sat down and leaned back, hands inside the pockets of my jacket.

Good thing I decided to wear gloves I thought.

Besides the hood, I only had a over-sized hood to shield me from the cold.

I felt blinded by the shining lights of the city, but the moon overpowered the city. It always did.

I looked up to watch the moon.

It was a full moon tonight. The stars could barely be seen due to all the lights, but if I looked closely, squinting slightly I could see some stars twinkle against the dark sky. Leaving me in a daze.

They are so pretty.

There was one in particular that caught my attention. A little star all alone, separated from the others. But this start was different, for it was next to the moon. But it was not truly alone, the moon was its companion. Together they made in each other company. They were each other's rock.

I didn't realized I was almost going to cry until my sight became glossy. No longer being able to see clearly.

Quickly closing my eyes to avoid crying. I didn't need to cry.

Correction. I didn't feel like crying. I was too tired right now. I just wanted to sleep.

I opened my eyes ever so slowly. And I looked around the playground.

Maybe I came here because I longed something.

Parents. I wanted that.

I had it for a while, until it was ripped away from me. Just like everything I come to love.

I bowed my head. My hood falling closer to my face. If anyone saw me they wouldn't be able to see my face clearly unless my hood was moved.

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