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3rd person POV

At the HQ, the whole place was in a chaos. Blood was everywhere, bodies lied around, dead and lifeless. Some were in one piece but mostly were torn into shreds.

"Oppa? What's going on in here?" Yooji tugged on her brother's shirt but he was lost in his thoughts. His eyes were red and his fist is balled. His nails dug into his palms and the pain brought him back to his sense.

"Yoonie, stay with Jinyoung. Min and Xin, south wing. Moonbin, we will stay together at the North wing. Yoonie, Jinyoung, East wing.  Yoonie, just do whatever you can. Your powers will listen to you but please stay safe. Same goes to each and everyone of you. Meet at the Central after settling them. West wing have the others." Mark gave instructions and we all set off to our destinations.

Jinyoung held Yoonji's hand and flew off. Min and Xin flapped their wings and flew. Moonbin cannot expose himself so Mark flew both of them there.

Jinyoung's POV

The East wing is as chaotic as well. Or should I say, worse. Devils are on a killing spree, our people are trying to defend and attack back but failed. They don't fear the devils and took them on bravely. Though they are already injured.

We quickly landed and Yoonie just literally found a devil and tested her powers on him and boom! He died, literally boom, exploded. Yoonie looked at her hands and started attacking the devils.

I summoned my staff and joined in the war, killing every single devil I found.

The tables are turning. More devils fall and I asked Yoonji to try to use her healing powers to heal those who are injured.

Yoonie tried her best to heal everyone but it is too slow. I took down the last devil. Blood splattered all over my shirt and pants. My staff is stained with blood too.

"Jinyoung. Can you fly me up to the ceiling and I use my healing powers to cover the entire place so that it will be faster and more effective?" Yoonie asked. Her idea is great and I can use my healing power to help her as well.

"Sure. I can use my healing power to help you as well so that we can go and help the others as soon as possible." I carried her in my arms and flew the both of us in the air.

We use our healing powers to cover the entire East wing and help to increase the healing process. In 10 mins, everyone is healed but Yoonie looked abit weak and she almost fainted when I place her on the floor.

Thank god that I have fast reflexes and held her up in time before she have a hug with the ground. I helped her to regain her energy and carried her to the Central.

Trust me. The whole Central is in a huge mess and that devil's best helper is there. The battle is gonna be hard and the stakes are high. If we win, we get rid of that psycho's best helper but if we lose, we will have no chance to fight back.

I flew up to a tree and hid there while Yoonie took a quick rest.

"Yoonie, I'll inform the rest through our links and you rest a while. The battle that is coming on, is a tough one."

Yoonie weakly nodded and tried her best to regain her energy.

"Mark, how is it going at your side?"

"Going on well. We would be able to go to the Central very soon. Just a few more to go."

"We are on top of tree no. 175. That guy's best helper is here."

"Got it, I'll tell Moonbin. Stay safe and wait for us."

Mark cut off our link and I quickly linked Xin.

"Xin, How is it going there?"

"Not so good. We just got back our wings and most of our powers so it is a disadvantage for us as we still have not recovered and---MIN BEHIND YOU!"

"Xin? What's going on? Is everything ok?"

"Shit, Min's injured. A devil went up behind her and slashed her back but she's still alive and kicking and bashing that shitass. Believe it or not, it seems like her powers got stronger and she's kicking every devil's ass and chopping them up. Judging by this speed, meet you all in 10."

"Min's style. Be careful girls, Yoonie and I are on tree no. 175. Mark and Moobin are coming to meet us soon. Take care of your side and yourselves and meet us here ASAP. Our old friend's best helper is here for a visit."

"And for his ass to be kicked and be chopped into pieces."

"True enough. Meet you girls in 10." I cut off our link and start to heal poor Yoonie who used to much power which resulted to her being weak now.

Welp, soon, it would be time to kick some asses or get our ass kicked. But I prefer the 1st option.

This story is getting weird but welp idc amymore XD
-Your lazy author

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