Chapter 1 (Ten Years)

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A/N: I'm not really proud of this book cover, so I'm sorry that it's terrible (in my opinion) BUT WELCOME BACK TO LOST AND FOUND EVERYBODYYY!!! :D

Eight Years Later...

Nashi's P.O.V:

It's been exactly ten years, today ten years ago was the day I ran away and went to train with the Cerberus girls. And my god, these 10 years have been an adventure. Basically the ten years went a little something like this. 

Year One:

I kept training my ass off, until I couldn't breathe I was so exhausted. Yulia pushed me beyond my limits. I started to cry myself to sleep as I couldn't bare being apart from my family for so long. I got my room decorated exactly like my old one. Zelia asked me questions daily, from when I woke up to when before I went to bed. She wanted to make sure I didn't have any other strange dreams or nightmares. I had to take some weird ass potions like Zelia's test subject! One was apparently for my cuts, I turned into a frog.. Second, one was to stop any nightmares. And instead I just had more nightmares... Nice work Zelia...

Year Two:

I was still being pushed to my limits, I wasn't used to such brutal training. At this point in time I would get hit with these green magic orbs if I wasn't fast enough and dodged. Let's just say.. I had bruises on my stomach for awhile. Zelia kept working on her potions, and still was using me as a test subject this time I turned into a cat! Next time a horse, then a dog, then a tiger, then another frog, more frogs. OH! And did I mention FROGS!?! Lilia had me a on a breathing exercise in order for me to calm myself without blowing something up with my powerful flames. 

Year Three:

I was still being almost impaled with those green magic orbs, and ended up only getting more orbs. In the middle of the year I was switched to a duel fighting type training, where I had to fight Zelia, Yulia, and Lilia each and everyday day. Tuesdays and Saturdays where my relaxing days. And to remind you all, Zelia can think of what I'm going to do before I even attempt it. Yulia could crush my bones like a toothpick. And Lilia can move at the speed of sound. I was still being a test subject, and kept on my breathing exercise.

Year Four:

I kept on with everything like normal, nothing really changed this year. But I started to have more emotional break downs. Like to the point where my flames consumed half of the forest, this magic of mine was out of control! Zelia got one potion to work correctly, as this potion actually healed my wounds perfectly. This time not leaving any scars or pain! Lilia kept working with me on calming my temper down a whole lot. I think it maybe started to help by this time. But that didn't stop me from having my mental break downs, and anxiety attacks. 

Year Five:

My break downs started to faultier, as my emotions in general where fading for some odd reason. I couldn't feel anything, not pain, not sadness, anger, or worst of fall happiness. Zelia had to work fast on this, as Lilia tried to regain some of my emotions by using my worst memories against me. Both Zelia and Lilia finally got my emotions back and kickin! Yulia kept training me hard, as on the duels she started to go more vicious and actually trying to hurt me. I got pretty good at controlling my flames... when I was calm. When I was angry it was a different story.. haha

Year Six:

I started to control my flames more, but Yulia started to get on my nerves with all the brutal attacks and training. But I forced myself to get through it, as when Yulia pulled something stupid I would lose control of my flames. Zelia was there with Lilia with literal water buckets to cool me off. It was pretty stupid in my opinion but it worked effectively, I guess? I kept with my breathing exercises as Lilia told me that it wouldn't stop for awhile... Stupid dreams and nightmares and shit.... Oh well I dealt with it anyways like normal

Year Seven:

This year got pretty exciting, or scary as some would say, people started to come for the Cerberus girls like somebody was setting up wanted posters of them. And not only just to be turned in, more like to be murdered cruelly. Ugh this world makes me sick sometimes; I kept on training hard as my flames were getting out of control again. Every now and then I start to lose complete control because everything just blows up. Especially with the dark wizards coming every few days to try and kill the girls just sent me over the edge. To the point where more than half of the forest this time was gone.... Oops

Year Eight:

This year caused the dark wizard's numbers to grow, at a scary rate. To the point where the wizards would crowd all the way around our home. Yulia told me to let my flames loose and I gladly did so. I pretty much blew up every single wizard standing there... Maybe I even killed some? I don't really remember, and mostly likely don't want to. But from what Zelia told me, I went into a blind rage and even almost killed Yulia, scary right? A simple mage like me almost killing the Cerberus girl that represents brutal strength. Maybe these powers are more deadly than I thought... I don't want to go back to Fairy Tail...

Year Nine:

I started to gain almost complete control over my flames, and fighting with all three sisters almost became too easy... I scared myself at times when I thought like this. Yulia started to scare me even more with saying "Only two years left, kiddo." First off, 'kiddo' reminds me of my dad. Secondly, two years seemed so far away but little did I know that it actually came by too quickly for my liking. I was starting to even think about if I even wanted to go back or not... What would Storm say?

Year Ten:

The final year. Thinking about this scared me more than anybody can even comprehend... I started to wonder what everybody at Fairy Tail would think about my new abilities. The Cerberus girls taught me how to control dragon force within these years. Not to mention that my flames almost got brighter than the sun when I got enraged. Lilia finished her breathing tatics on me, and I had perfect control over my emotions, anxiety, depression, magic, and scariest yet: I had perfect control over Dragon Force.

A/N: Well I hope you all will enjoy this second book, and pleaseeeee don't expect an update for a little. This actually took a lot of planning, so I'm gonna take a rest for a few days and I hope you all enjoyed this little teaser into the new book ;)

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