Chapter 27 (Confession)

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Narrator's P.O.V:

Simon was walking back to his apartment in this pouring rain, as he could hear soft footsteps running towards him. He had his head low so he couldn't see who was running towards him, he lifted his head to look around but the thick rain was clouding his vision. Simon tried to wipe away the rain so he could see but still couldn't. He saw only a small figure running towards him, as it seemed as they couldn't see either. 

The closer the figure got Simon started to hear painful sobs as they ran, from their voice he could tell it was a female. Simon couldn't move his body as the figure ran straight into him, he quickly caught them to make sure they wouldn't fall. 

The crying girl turned out to be Gale as she just tried into Simon's chest heavily, Simon blushed madly seeing Gale willingly letting him hug her. Simon slightly froze up.

"G-Gale?" Simon question

"S-Simon" Gale whimpered, knowing it was him from his voice and scent.

"What happened?" Simon asked, careful of his tone.

"S-Storm... He... Broke up with me" Gale cried harder.

In a way, Simon totally saw this coming once Nashi returned but he couldn't help but feel bad for her. Gale did truly love Storm, just her feelings were returned fully. Instead, her feelings where returned falsely. Gale gripped onto Simon's shirt and just cried harder. Simon couldn't help but also feel pressure to let Gale know how he truly felt about her. Gale was always super sweet and kind to Simon, but he did hate how she treated Nashi. 

"I'm sorry to hear that Gale" Simon whispered

"S-Simon... Can you take me home?" She asked quietly, "I'm scared of the dark..."

Simon was surprised hearing Gale admit she was scared but agreed to take her back home. 

"Yeah sure," Simon nodded.

"Thank you, Simon" Gale whispered, shyly.

Simon nodded and walked home with Gale, the two remained silent the whole walk. But it wasn't awkward for Simon, the quiet was peaceful. For Gale; however, she was feeling the awkwardness coming from the quietness. Simon continued to walk forever and kept his pace slow to match Gale's pace. But Gale wasn't exactly walking slowly she was speeding along home, she didn't want to be in this heavy rain anymore.

Simon heard a loud thundering crack of lighting, this causing Gale to jump up and bolt forward slightly. Simon caught her wrist and pulled her to his chest and tried to calm down her racing heartbeat. Gale's breathing was quick and forced as she was panicking from the thunder, as Simon walked back to her apartment with her. Gale looked down and noticed Simon's swinging hands. 

Gale softly bit her lip and decided to go for it. Little did Simon know, but Gale wasn't fully loyal to Storm when the two were in a relationship. She was softly crushing on Simon but never let her true feelings shine through instead, she hid behind Storm whenever Simon was around. Simon was completely clueless about Gale's feelings, but he did know for a fact that he felt strong feelings for her. 

Gale took a deep breath and went for it, she slowly walked next to Simon matching his pace and reached out for his hand. At first, connecting only their fingers but barely, Simon's eyes widened feeling Gale's hand. He quickly smiled and took a stronghold of Gale's hand and intertwined their fingers together, locking them in place. Gale smiled strongly feeling Simon, as her mind started to race with questions about this. 

The two finally reached Gale's apartment, as Simon stopped in front of her door and opened the door for her like a gentleman. Gale walked inside and turned around to face Simon. She had the brightest smile on her face, as some soft tears rolled down her cheeks. She started to feel as if Simon was mending this broken heart of hers. Simon slowly brought his hand up to Gale's cheek. He wiped away her tears and kept this sweet smile on his face.

Gale placed her small hand over his on her face, as she let out a small giggle. Simon blushed softly and stepped forward only a little bit to test the waters. Gale looked down and softly reached for Simon's other hand.

But Simon was quicker than Gale, he quickly placed his other hand at her waist. Gale blushed bright red but didn't stop this cute action of his. Gale stepped forward and cuddled into Simon's chest. Simon wrapped both of his arms around Gale's waist, as Gale stepped back once again. Taking Simon's hands and pulled him inside her apartment.

Simon then took this chance.

"Gale..." He started off with a shaky voice.

Gale noticed his shaky voice and got nervous, "Is something wrong?" she asked.

"Yes actually" he looked away.

"W-What?" Gale spoke nervously.

"I'm killing myself inside by keeping this inside all the time. I have this want, this need for something. But I just shut myself up and keep acting like nothing's wrong but when in reality my heart just aches without this someone" Simon whispered.

Gale blushed softly

"Gale... What I'm trying to say is... I love you" Simon whispered.


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