Chapter 36 (Halloween Fun!: HALLOWEEN FINAL)

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A/N: I'm rushing to get this one done so sorry that it's bad ^^"


10th of October: Midnight Forest
17th of October: Insanity
20th of October: Bye-bye!
31st of October: Halloween Fun!

SO LET'S SEE WHAT MY MIND CAN COME UP WITH!~~ (Also these chapters will be shorter than normal and have no effect on the normal plot!)

!!Trigger Warnings!! This chapter includes:
-This chapter might make you squeal
-This chapter might make you cringe from how bad it is
-This chapter might very unlikely make you laugh
-This chapter might make you mad

Narrator P.O.V:

Nashi was sitting out in the forest hanging upside down from a tree, Fairy Tail was currently celebrating Halloween but Nashi wasn't in the mood for cheering. She couldn't help but feeling weird like she's not herself. Soon a pair of arms grabbed her waist and pulled her off the tree, her legs falling over their back.

"ACK STORM!" Nashi cried out.

"Come on babe!" Storm whined, "The party is so boring without you~" he chimed.

"Screw off!" Nashi kicked and struggled. It almost looked like Storm was kidnapping the poor pinkette but luckily... He wasn't.

Storm carried the female dragon slayer upside down back to the guild hall, while Nashi whined and struggled against him the whole way. Finally, Storm put Nashi down carefully while Nashi tried to run away again but failed due to Storm hitting her in the gut. Nashi coughed and stumbled into the guild hall where Luke and Luna tackled her in a hug, soon Igneel joined. 

"AH NO!" Nashi cried and tried to get up but failed as her siblings dragged her off. 

Nashi glared at Storm who was dying of laughter at the guild halls. Gray died with laughter as well until Natsu smacked him and Storm with a chair.


"ASSFIRE!" Gray called.

"Assfire?" Storm looked disturbed.

"Natsu farts fire sometimes," Gray said.

"I DO NOT!" Natsu smacked Gray to the floor with the chair. 

A loud smack noise was made when Gray went tumbling to the floor as the Dragneels all blurted out into laughter, excluding Lucy who just rolling her eyes at the pointless yet amusing fight. I mean who the hell smacks somebody with a chair- nevermind we all know Natsu would... sigh...

Soon Nashi was giggling mischievously as she had a small little plan for Storm as a way of revenge. She would just have to wait until later that Halloween night. At 11:59 pm.

Later That Night:

Nashi was walking home with Storm, she actually had a pretty good time at the party but still wished she was left alone for a bit longer. Storm was happily holding her hand and swinging their connected hands dramatically. Nashi let him and shook her head playfully at his childish actions. 

Nashi glanced at the time once they reached Storm's house, she saw it was almost 11:59. It was 11:40 right then so she had little time. She walked into the bathroom and looked around, she soon walked back out and peeked in the living room to see Storm relaxing on the couch. She walked over and took Storm's hand, she bit her lip as two of her reducers were off. Only one on her wrist. She 'accidentally' burnt Storm's hand causing him to wince and pull his hand away. 

Nashi tilted her head to the side, "You alright babe?" she asked, playing dumb and she was brilliant at it. 

"You burnt my hand" Storm muttered. 

"No, I didn't" Nashi shook her head, when he wasn't looking she slipped her other two reducers back on her wrist.

Storm showed Nashi his hand, "Yes you did... That's kinda cruel Nash..." he muttered.

Nashi could barely keep it together, "Storm... I don't see anything.." she muttered nervously, "I wouldn't burn you"

"Nashi! Yes, you did! Look!" Storm panicked.

"Storm I don't see anything!" Nashi threw her hands up 'innocently'

Storm glared and stood up and walked into the bedroom, slamming the door shut. Nashi coughed in a way of containing her laughter. She could easily heal his wound later. She stood up and leaned her head out the window and created a real looking hand and slammed it against the bedroom window and slowly dragged it down. 

Storm yelled in fright from the window, he quickly bolted out of the bedroom with panic in his eyes. Nashi was then sitting down on the couch.

"Babe?" She asked, playing dumb yet again.

"I think somebody got murdered" Storm panted heavily.

Nashi furrowed her eyebrows, she stood up and took his hand. Her reducers back off. She burnt the other hand slowly, causing him to wince and shoot his hand away from her. Nashi whimpered sadly, acting hurt.

"Stop burning me! It hurts like a bitch!" Storm stepped away from her.

Nashi looked down, "I-I didn't do anything" she muttered.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING!?" Storm panicked.

Finally. Nashi couldn't contain it anymore.

Nashi launched backwards in a fit of laughter.


A/N: MY NEW NALU BOOK IS OUT! You can see it if you wish if you click on my profile since I'm too lazy to link it XD

It's called, 'If Only You Knew'

I hope you all love it as much as I am! Also, I hoped you enjoyed this cliffhanger stupid chapter XD


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