Chapter 7 (Cloaked Figure)

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A/N: I keep just writing these author notes because I enjoy writing as myself. And let me just say, you all fucking kill me with your comments. Like you just join up and start full on wars with the characters that break up the ship, and I LOVE reading your comments. I don't always respond because I'm just letting you all have your moment. But do know that I read EVERY SINGLE comment I get, even if I don't reply. 

Narrator's P.O.V:

Nova glanced at Igneel, seeing the tear streaking down his pale shocked face. She smiled sweetly up at him, as she gave him a giant hug.

"You really missed her huh?" Nova whispered.

Igneel slowly wrapped his arms around Nova's slim figure, "Y-Yes I really did"

Nova smiled sweetly up at Igneel, the height difference was pretty extreme between the two. Igneel was standing at a tall 6'4, while Nova standing at an average 5'4. The whole search party looked completely different from when they were kids.

Igneel grew a stronger build and grew taller, his voice also got a lot lower than the childish screaming voice he used to have. His hair remained a bright blonde matching his mother's beautiful blonde hair, and his eyes were trained as sharp as his father's. Igneel now being 16. 

Luna grew up to stand at exactly 5 feet, as she turned 12 just a few days ago. Luna kept her hair short as it was easier to move around for training and fighting, her hair still being that same rosy pink. Luna grew up with a sharp tongue, similar to her father's. Her eyes matching her mother's, she was almost a perfect image of Nashi. 

Luke was the youngest of the Dragneels, and he was now 10 years of age. He had the exact same face structure as his father, but the same features as his mothers, blonde hair with chocolate brown eyes. Luke was just barely meeting five feet in height.

Nova kept with her beautiful blonde hair like her father, while her eyes were shining bright blue with kindness like her mother. Nova was 16, just like Igneel was. She had the same beautiful personality like her mother, but don't test her because her temper is short like her father's.

Simon grew up tall just like the other boys, he stood at exactly six foot. With his same red hair as his mother, and the same red tattoo above and under his right eye like his father. As long with beautiful brown eyes to match his mother. Simon was now 18.

Rosemary was the youngest Fernandes. She was 10, as she had a quick temper and wasn't exactly reasonable. Rosemary shared the same features as her brother and mother. Rosemary stood at 5'2.

Nova wiped away Igneel's small tears and showed him her same smile as her mother would have. Igneel chuckled softly as he watched Nova giggle in response. Simon rolled his eyes at the two, as Rosemary jumped on Igneel's back and screamed out in joy.

"ACK!" Igneel caught himself before he fell backward.


Meanwhile, Nashi was roaming around the forest as all of the people around have learned the hard way not to mess with Nashi. She would always have her cloak on just in case, but everybody still recognized the famous cloaked figure. Nashi could feel an immense magic power coming from the girls' house as she quickly ran back there worriedly. 

Nashi got the house in view as she noticed six new magic presences, but three of them were somehow familiar to her own as two were similar to each other and one stood out perfectly. Nashi hid behind a tree and peeked out from behind and noticed the six figures. She easily recognized three of them as Nova, Simon, and her brother Igneel.

Nashi gasped quietly and flipped around to completely be hidden by the tree. Igneel's sharp hearing caught onto the small gasp as he flipped around and yelled.

"Whoever is there come out now!" He demanded

Yulia shook her head in disappointment, as Lilia's eyes widened noticing who it was. Zelia sighed and rolled her eyes at Igneel's actions. Nashi stood there in complete shock, as she was frozen in place. Her limps felt like they were going numb, she shook her head and wanted to look confident so she did.

She walked out from behind the tree and showed her figure, the long hood hiding her face perfectly from view, Igneel couldn't sense any magic power coming off of the figure. Nashi smirked under the cloak. While she was training for those ten years she learned how to hide her magic power completely.

"A person without magic challenging a bunch of mages?" Igneel smirked, rolling his eyes.

Nashi covered her mouth to try and not laugh, as she burst the ground into complete hell flames. The six mages all flinched at the action, while the Cerberus girls rolled their eyes.

"Show off" Yulia coughed.

"Yulia if you wish to say something, say it louder" Nashi laughed.

"You. Are. A. Show. Off" Yulia said slowly.

Nashi raced the flames towards Yulia, as Yulia stepped forward to get 'burned' by the giant flames. Nashi sighed and let her flames all die completely, she flipped the hood slightly back on her head and pulled down on the cloak's clip around her neck to show her face.

"Hello again" She smiled.

"NASHI!!" Igneel, Nova, and Simon all screamed.

Luna was too young to remember Nashi, as Luke and Rosemary weren't born yet. The three mages ran forward and picked Nashi up in a giant hug. Nashi laughed softly and hugged the three back. The three finally let go of the slayer happily to look at her.

Nashi unclipped the cloak from her neck as she looked at her younger brother. She started to laugh randomly out of the blue. This causing Igneel to get slightly confused, along with Simon and Nova.

"You make me look like I'm not the oldest Iggy" Nashi laughed softly.

"Well, I tried" Igneel joked.

Nashi punched his arm, "Jackass!" she cursed lightly.

"Nashi you have no idea how much we missed you...." Igneel smiled weakly. 


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