Chapter 10 (I'm staying!)

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A/N: It's kinda funny because people have asked me how I get through so many chapters a day. The reason being: I WANT THIS BOOK TO PROGRESS! It's seriously going to be a longgggg ride so I'm trying to get this first stage over... Along with soda and candy help a lot. And I'm currently in a spot in a show I watch so I'm kinda trying to avoid it XD

Also... Voting time! Who should be Igneel's girlfriend? Leave a comment and tell me your opinion, it can be any of the next gen girls. And your comment can even include other couples you want to happen in the series. Their fate in your hands, so pick good cute couples, will you? XD

Nashi's P.O.V:

"See... This is why I can't go home... Because of these cursed flames. I wish I could go home, but I would just hurt someone again... I can't hurt somebody again, my soul can't take it! This is just shattering me! How do you think I felt hearing that I wouldn't be able to see you all smile for ten years?! I was shattered to the point where I cause multiple forest fires... It's safer if I stay with the Cerberus girls." I spoke sadly.   

"Nashi! Come home please, this isn't you! Mom and Dad have been crying their hearts out thinking their oldest daughter is dead!" Igneel yelled at me.

"I can't go back!" I held back my tears. 

"W-Wait... What?" Nova stopped Igneel from talking.

"I'm scared! I don't want to go back! I'm actually terrified for my life" I spoke truthfully.

"Is somebody threatening you?!" Igneel grew protective, glad to see that hasn't changed.

"No... I'm scared of Storm" I whispered.

"WAIT WHAT!?" Everybody screeched.

The Cerberus girls sighed heavily, Lilia looking at me with sorrow filling her eyes. Zelia sighed, knowing the whole story, as Yulia's fists clenched in anger thinking about it.

"Storm... The whole reason I ran away that day was that I hurt my friend. I can't stand the thought of going back and having him ignore me because I was an insane maniac who couldn't control their own magic! So I refuse to go back home! I'm staying here forever!" I spoke, as an image of Storm flashed through my mind. 

"Nashi, Storm doesn't hate you" Simon explained, "In fact, he's only been talking about you and how much he hopes you would return" 

"You are just saying that..." I shook my head.

"I'm not. I wish I had a recorder because Storm talks about you and how much he wishes for you to come back to the guild." Simon fought back.

"I don't believe you" I growled, "Who wouldn't hate a crazy person like me?"

"Nobody hates you, Nashi. Now, will you just let us show you and come back home with us?" Igneel spoke carefully.

"I told you all... I'm staying damn it!" I cursed.

A sudden flapping noise was heard over us, as I turned around and noticed my best friend. Casper the exceed. Casper floated down and landed on my head, he looked at the group of mages and shook his head.

"Too tall," Casper pointed at Igneel.

"Too much like Nashi," Casper pointed at Luna.

"Too much like Lucy," Casper pointed at Luke.

"Too basic," Casper directed his paw towards Nova.

"Too red," Casper pointed his little paw at Simon.

"Too much like Erza," Casper pointed at Rosemary finally.

"You done judging everybody?" Igneel growled.

"Too mean" Casper went back to pointing at Igneel.

Meanwhile, I was laughing my ass off at Casper, my god I love this cat. Yulia was trying not to laugh in the back of everybody. Lilia rolled her eyes at the judgemental exceed while Zelia sighed in disappointment. I reached up and softly pet Casper's head.

"Aren't you a feisty ball of fury today?" I laughed.

"Aye!" Casper nodded.

"Isn't that Happy's line?" Luna raised her hand.

"Well, it's mine now!" Casper stuck his tongue out at Luna.

Luna froze and looked away, "Stupid cat"

"OI! WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!" Casper flew up into the air.

I quickly grabbed Casper and hugged him, holding him close to my chest, "Cool off mister" I laughed lightly.

"I'm not a stupid cat! I'm a glorious exceed!" Casper snapped.

"The sass is not needed Casper" I rolled my eyes playfully.

Casper huffed in annoyance, as Casper didn't change all that much over the ten years. He just got taller and his wingspan grew a tiny bit as well. His personality got sharper and a little more judgemental. And he's little a sadistic bastard of a cat, along with a pessimist. But for some odd reason, I love the stupid fur ball. 

"Of course sass is needed! It's always needed" Casper giggled.

Igneel sighed and shook his head, as a small branch fell from the tree and nailed Igneel on the head. 

"Oww fuck" Igneel whined.

Casper threw a laughing fit and kicked his small feet around, he almost started crying he was laughing so hard at Igneel's pain. This cat I swear... I'll never get used to it. Nova went and made sure Igneel was alright. 

"Anyways, besides that stupid cat. Why don't you just come home Nashi?" Igneel shook off his minor pain.

"I told you. I'm scared to face Storm, I want to stay here... forever" I spoke quietly.

"Forever? Come on Nash, don't be like that" Igneel spoke.

"You are starting to sound more like Dad everytime you talk" I chuckled softly, "But yes... I wish to stay here forever. I may seem like I perfected my flames but I haven't-" I was cut off.

"Actually you have. You've gotten as close as you'll ever be to perfecting those flames of yours. We told you it would take ten years, and now those years are up... Go home Nashi" Zelia spoke fluently. 

"Z-Zelia!" I froze in place.

"You heard her... Come home Nashi" Igneel stood tall.

"I'm staying! I refuse to go home!" With that I quickly bolted into the forest, letting go of Casper. As the small exceed glared at everybody and quickly followed me into the forest. 


A/N: Casper is seriously my favorite character to write about XD

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