Chapter 15 (New style)

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Igneel and Nova (10 votes)
Igneel and Sylvia (1 vote)
Rin and Nova (0 votes)
Storm and Nashi (11 votes)
Storm and Gale
(0 votes)
Simon and Nashi
(0 votes)
Simon and Gale (6 votes)

Rin and ???
(Not taken)
Sylvia and ???
(Not taken)

Narrator's P.O.V:

Nashi turned to go and say hello to the Fullbusters and right as Sylvia turned her eyes landed on Nashi.

"NASHI-CHAN!!!!" Sylvia screeched.

She bolted towards Nashi and full-on bear tackled her to the floor, "OW!" Nashi cursed. Storm busted his ass off laughing at Nashi, while Rin just face-palmed at Sylvia's actions. Nashi ended up glaring at Storm before laughing and hugged Sylvia back. The two girls got off the floor, and Sylvia kept talking at a million words per second, trying to catch Nashi up on everything. It wasn't working because Nashi couldn't even understand what Sylvia was saying half the time. 

Nashi ruffled Sylvia's hair and walked towards Gray and Juvia, Juvia, of course, hugged Nashi and Nashi returned the sweet hug. Gray gave a harsh glare at Nashi, while Nashi raised an eyebrow. 

"I've heard you've been starting fights with my dad, like brutal fights" She spoke cockily.

"Don't pin this on me, little girl! That dickless coward was starting them with me!" Gray snapped back. 

Nashi yanked on his collar, "Watch your tongue, that's my father your talking about. And if you want an apology for what I did all those years ago here ya go:" Nashi started and let go of Gray's collar, "I'm sincerely sorry for hurting your son, I didn't have any control over my magic back then. That's where I've been for these ten long years is training to make sure I don't hurt anybody else. Again, I'm extremely sorry for hurting your son and causing you to worry and get angry with my family" Nashi apologized formally. 

Storm smiled, "No worries Nash, you're forgiven. Right, Dad?" Storm glared at his father. 

"Nashi, I accept your apology, thank you" Gray nodded.

Nashi smiled and nodded before she ran around the guild with the Fullbuster siblings like crazy people. Lucy stopped Nashi and pulled her into the other room, and placed some clothes in Nashi's hand and forced her to get changed in the back room. Lucy waited outside the door for Nashi. 

Nashi got dressed in the clothes, as she picked up the final item and realized it to be her famous scaley scarf she got from her father all those long years ago. Nashi wrapped the special scarf around her neck happily and walked out the door. 

Nashi was dressed in her father's old clothing with the white baggy pants and a tie around her waist making the pants to fit her slimmer figure. She had his old vest with only one sleeve on her left arm and brown tie around her upper arm. A white top wrapped around her chest, and of course, the white scaley famous Dragneel scarf tied around her neck. Lucy squealed quietly seeing Nashi in the outfit, as Nashi laughed slightly at the old sandals. 

Lucy slowly pinned up Nashi's hair into a high ponytail with a beautiful braid wrapping around the base of the ponytail. Lucy tied it all into place as Nashi walked back out to the main guild area, everybody stopped and looked back at Nashi. 

Storm stopped what he was doing and blushed seeing Nashi as he turned around and looked away. Nashi smiled as she looked around the guild hall, as she ran around the guild with confidence shimmering off her beautiful smile. Sylvia ran around with Nashi as everybody cheered and went back to partying like crazy. Cana getting totally drunk and challenging everybody with drinking contest and even Nashi, but Nashi laughed and said no. That's the one thing she knew she couldn't win. 

"How is she not dead" Nashi laughed, watching Cana drink another barrel.

"Sometimes I wonder if she's actually just a ghost that looks human" Storm whispered, walking up behind Nashi.

"EEK!" Nashi jumped away from Storm.

"Haha! You should see your face! Priceless!" Storm laughed loudly.

Nashi smirked, and slapped Storm straight across his cheek and caused his head to whip away.

"Haha, you should see your face! Priceless!" Nashi mocked him.

"You bitch" Storm laughed, looking back at Nashi.

"That's what I'm known for, I'm the devil in a cloak" she smiled, too innocently it came off as creepy. 

"Devil in a cloak huh? I think I've heard of the rumor" Storm winked playfully.

"Are you messing with me, or are you serious that the name got all the way out here" Nashi laughed softly.

"Nope, the name got all the way out here. You were pretty famous but if only we knew it was you. We would've gone looking for you" Storm chuckled.

"Well, in that case, I'm glad you didn't know my name. I needed to finish my training" Nashi laughed, shaking her head playfully.

"So the famous Nashi Dragneel was actually the infamous Devil in a Cloak" Storm laughed, "What a thought"

Nashi simply laughed and rolled her eyes at Storm's playful words, "You are such a dork" she laughed.

Storm leaned down to look her in the eyes, "But a big adorable dork, right?~" Storm teased.

Nashi blushed lightly but was able to control it this time, as Storm noticed her small blush and smirked in victory.

"Aww lookie here the infamous Devil in a Cloak is blushing" he teased her again.

Nashi growled in response, not talking still.

"You are so short" Storm laughed and stood up tall.

"EXCUSE ME!?" Nashi coughed, "OH THAT'S IT!" 

Nashi jumped up and just like Gajeel, nailed Storm right in the head with a powerful kick. Only this time she put more effort into the kick. Causing Storm to fall to the ground, as Nashi landed softly, she bent down to look at Storm whining in pain.

"Look who's short now, you talking giraffe" Nashi cursed.

Igneel, Nova, and Rosemary all ran over to Nashi as Rosemary kept jumping up and down happily. Nashi stood up and faced them.

"Okay, what's happening?" She laughed softly.

"We want to spar with you!" Igneel smiled.

"Uhh.." Nashi got nervous about the idea, she would have to hold back a crap ton, "You know what. Hell yeah, I'll spar with you three" she smiled.

"YAY!" Rosemary and Nova cheered in unison. 

Storm jumped up, "Ooh! Ooh! Count me in too!" he smiled, "I wanna see how deadly the devil in a cloak really is" he teased.

"You're the Devil in a Cloak?!" Igneel, Nova, and Rosemary spoke in shocked.

"A story for another time" Nashi laughed.

"I call the first spar" Gale walked up, "Me and you Nashi Dragneel. I wanna fight and don't hold back on me."


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