Chapter 18 (Nashi vs Rosemary)

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Igneel and Nova (10 votes)
Igneel and Sylvia (1 vote)
Rin and Nova (0 votes)
Storm and Nashi (11 votes)
Storm and Gale
(0 votes)
Simon and Nashi
(0 votes)
Simon and Gale (6 votes)

Rin and ???
(Not taken)
Sylvia and ???
(Not taken)

Narrator's P.O.V:

Igneel was busy taking care of Nova so Rosemary jumped up and got ready to fight the undefeated Nashi Dragneel. Rose didn't even care about winning this fight she just wants to test Nashi herself, she may only be 10 years of age but damn she got some serious skills on her. Thanks to her mother's training, Rose has been training since she was four so she was pretty confident in at least hurting Nashi. 

Nashi watched Storm calm Gale down and growled lowly. She rolled her eyes at Gale's dramatic response to their fight, *Drama queen* Nashi thought to herself. Nashi then glanced around and spotted Rosemary talking with her mother, Nashi started to get curious which magic Rosemary picked up. Nashi kinda figured it would her mother's magic since Rosemary seemed so close with her mother. 

Nashi glanced at Jellal to see him talking with Simon, as she decided not to question any further. Nashi got once last drink of water, and secretly the water had a magic replenisher inside so Nashi didn't have to wait forever for her magic to rebuild. She looked down and nervously played with her reducers around her wrist, luckily nobody has been questioning it. 

She had to take them off in order to get her dragon force to work, but she was able to slyly pull them off and slip them back on without anybody question it. She knew some time sooner or later somebody would notice and freak out. There was so much nobody knew about her yet.

Rosemary jumped into the arena and bounced side to side and warmed herself up, Nashi chuckled softly, as she stood up and walked into the arena. Nashi stood at her end of the arena, and the barrier slowly closed over them. 

Makarov got ready to call the match yet again, "3...2...1... START!" he called out.

Rosemary quickly caused two swords to appear in her hands as she bolted forward and start to swing and attack Nashi with the swords, Nashi ducks and leaned to the left and right to avoid the deadly blades. Nashi's eyes went wide seeing how accurate Rosemary was already in her young years, Nashi kinda felt guilty about what she was about to do since Rosemary was only 10. 

Nashi quickly kicked Rosemary in the gut and sent her flying, as Rosemary stuck her swords in the barrier to break her fall. Then pushed off the barrier with her feet and straight towards Nashi once again, Rosemary cut both of Nashi's cheeks. Nashi leaned back and landed on her hands and kicked Rose in the jaw, as Nashi flipped backward and landed easily on her feet once more. Rosemary got launched back and little and rubbed her now sore jaw, as she growled. 

Nashi shook her head to regain her thoughts quickly, as she closed her eyes for not even second only to get slammed into the barrier with Rosemary holding a sword at her throat. Makarov got ready to call the fight once again.

"Will you quit counting me out so quickly?!" Nashi yelled at Makarov.

Nashi kicked Rosemary in the gut and twisted Rose's arm and yanked the sword out of her hand and threw it away at the ground. Nashi burned the ground around her to make some distance between Rose and her. Rosemary watched Nashi as she walked over and picked her sword back up. 

Nashi finally noticed the blood running down her cheeks, as she brought her hands up to her face the cuts started to sting. Nashi winced slightly, as the pain shot anger through her body. Nashi took a deep breath and had to control this anger of hers, she didn't want to hurt Rosemary. Nashi had to keep her anger uncontrol but this burning cut wasn't helping her case.

Nashi sealed the cut by burning it closed like she did before with her and Gale's fight. She sighed feeling the pain vanish luckily as her anger started to die down, Nashi wouldn't be able to control herself if she got angry so she needed to keep herself calm during all of these fights. Well, she did let her anger cloud her actions with Gale but that's just because she was so damn fed up with it, right now she's fighting an innocent 10 year old, so yeah she has to stay calm.

Nashi quickly snapped back into reality and let her flames die down, causing Rosemary to quickly charge at her, as Nashi swung herself to the right to avoid being hit. Rosemary kept attacking Nashi with swords, and if Nashi didn't know how to dodge she would be full of cuts already. 

*This kid is only 10 and yet her accuracy is scary good* Nashi thought to herself, her eyes filled with shock. 

Rosemary smirked seeing Nashi's eyes, as she quickly bolted forward and this time Nashi moved to the right and grabbed Rosemary's arm and pinned Rosemary straight to the ground in a submission hold. Rosemary whined as she laughed.

"Forfeit" Nashi smirked.

"Yeah yeah fine! I only wanted a playful spar anyways" Rose laughed

Makarov called the spar over and the barrier dropped, Nashi standing up and helping Rose back on her feet. Nashi smiled down at Rosemary and ruffled her hair playfully.

"You got a damn good aim girl, just need to learn what to do if your target knows how to dodge" Nashi smiled.

"Thanks, Nashi! You're an awesome fighter!" Rose giggled and ran off to tell Simon all about it. Even though Simon was watching the whole fight.

Nashi smiled watching Rose run off, she sighed and sat back down on that same rock as before, she took a drink of her water to replenish her magic. She looked at the ground then hearing footsteps she glanced over and noticed Storm standing there.

"You're quick on your feet." He smiled.

Nashi giggled, "Of course, training with three Cerberus girls kinda helps" she rolled her eyes.

"You always talk about those girls, mind telling me about them?" Storm asked, sitting down next to Nashi.

Nashi noticed Storm sitting closer than normal, as she tried to control her blush. Nashi nodded and smiled.

"Well, there was Yulia she represented brutal strength. You remember her right? The brutal navy haired girl. Then, Lilia, she represented speed, the brown haired girl that would give us food when we were kidnapped. Then Zelia she represented intelligence, the dark purple haired girl she usually didn't talk to us" Nashi smiled, looking down at the ground. Nashi shed a single tear, as she started to miss the girls more than she could take, as her emotions took over. 

Storm wrapped his arms around Nashi and whispered in her ear, "Don't cry, I'm here"


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