Chapter 20 (Nashi vs Storm)

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Igneel and Nova (10 votes)
Igneel and Sylvia (1 vote)
Rin and Nova (0 votes)
Storm and Nashi (12 votes)
Storm and Gale
(0 votes)
Simon and Nashi
(0 votes)
Simon and Gale (8 votes)

Rin and ??? 
(Not taken)
Sylvia and ??? 
(Not taken)

Also, everybody keeps telling me Rosemary and Rin should be a couple, and I understand why. Because it would be adorable, but Rosemary is 10 while Rin is 16...

Narrator's P.O.V:

Nashi laughed, "I'll be fine" she lied.  

Storm wasn't able to see through her lie and just smiled and nodded. Nashi turned out to be a pretty damn good liar, she didn't know if that was a good thing or bad thing. Storm stood up and just ended up sitting right back down next to Nashi. Nashi smiled seeing that Storm wanted to spend time with her, she giggled cutely once again. Like the last time causing Storm to blush at her giggle.

"What's with the giggle?" Storm asked, suspiciously. 

"You just seem to be spending a lot of time around me... Is it because you love me~" Nashi teased him.

Storm blushed all shades of red, "W-What!" he stammered.

In a way, Nashi wished his answer would be yes, but she knew otherwise. 

"Well~" Nashi teased.

"N-No, I just want to make up for those years I lost with you" Storm smiled

And that's when his smile caused Nashi to blush, and he got his turn to tease.

"Ooohhh is Nashi blushing?" Storm teased, "Is it because you love me~" 

"S-Shut up you dork!" Nashi shoved Storm lightly.

While Storm wrapped his arm around Nashi, "I missed you" he whispered.

"I did too" Nashi whispered back.

Storm smile, as Nashi was so close to just kissing him already but she held herself back and simply smiled in return. Storm stood up and nodded.

"I'll see you in the arena then, Dragneel" he teased her with her last name.

"And I'll get to beat your ass, Fullbuster" Nashi teased right back.

Storm chuckled, shaking his head and went into the arena to wait. Gale, of course, was standing on the side ready to vote and cheer for Storm. Igneel, Nova, Luna, and Luke were voting for Nashi, while Gale, Simon, Rosemary, Rin, and Sylvia were voting for Storm. Natsu was yelling and shouting at Gray, playfully this time, that Nashi would beat Storm's ass. 

Nashi smiled seeing the two fighting not seriously, this making her relax. She quickly got one last drink of her water to get her prepared as she walked into the arena, ready to fight Storm. She was hella nervous to fight Storm, mainly because she didn't want to hurt him again like last time. Makarov got ready and called the fight.

"3...2...1...START!" Makarov shouted.

Nashi didn't make the first move, she never did during fights in that one way she wasn't anything like her father. She had learned not to be reckless during fights, thanks to Yulia beating that into her head daily. Storm quickly jumped forward and turned the floor into ice.

Nashi whined, "AGAIN!?" she remembered their first spar all those years ago.  

Storm chuckled and nodded smirking, as Nashi quickly slammed her fiery fist into the floor and cracked the ice completely melting it into pieces. Storm's eyes widened seeing her so much more powerful than last time, Nashi smirked and stood up straight. 

"Nice try ice boy" Nashi smirked.

"GET EM STORMIE!" Gale giggled.

Nashi almost threw up hearing Gale's little nickname for Storm, as Storm looked just as uncomfortable with it. Igneel growled hearing Gale and looked towards the others.

"Come on guys, let's cheer for Nashi! I know she does better with people cheering her on!" Igneel smirked.

"GO NASHI!" Nova screamed happily. 

"BEAT HIS ASS NASH!" Natsu laughed.

"KICK HIS SORRY FULLBUSTER ASS FIREHEAD!" Casper floated down and smirked. 

Nashi heard Casper's voice and her mind quickly clicked into place, as more cheering followed Casper's. Nashi listened to her father's words, along with Casper. Casper always knew how to piss Nashi off in order for her to win any fight, and calling her 'firehead' was one certain to do it. Nashi's eyes glinted yellow as she placed her foot behind her slyly.

Storm watched her foot placement and could read her next actions, Nashi slammed her foot into the dirt and shot off of it immediately like a silver bullet. Only this silver bullet was raging hot. Storm swung to the side and catch Nashi's wrist. Lifting her arm up and revealing her three reducers on her wrist that was previously hidden. 

Everybody stopped talking and gasped seeing this, Nashi still had so much power with three reducers, they all thought it was a trick. But it certainly wasn't a trick, everybody's eyes went wide as whispered exploded into the crowd. Gale especially started to judge her own abilities if she lost when Nashi had those reducers on, little did Gale know that Nashi was only wearing one reducer then. 

Nashi smirked, "Found me out have we?" she chuckled darkly. 

Storm raised an eyebrow seeing her smirk, as Nashi quickly burned her body temperature and burning Storm's hand. Storm yelped in pain and jumped back letting go of her wrist, and looking at his badly burnt hand. Nashi felt good seeing the pained face Storm made.

*If only that burn would hurt as much as your hurting my heart* Nashi cursed mentally. 

Storm tried to wave off the bad burn and caused a giant ice hammer to appear in his hands, Nashi started to get light headed. Nashi could control her flames like a master but she can't control how much magic she uses all that well, along with that her body was extremely tired after fighting with Igneel. She panted heavily and grabbed her head in pain.

Storm looked at Nashi worriedly, as he let the hammer in his hands disappear and quickly went to help Nashi. Nashi's vision got fuzzy as she quickly fainted and fell backward. Storm ran towards her and caught her just before she hit the ground, Storm held her close and looked at Nashi worriedly. The barrier was quickly dropped and Natsu and Lucy quickly raced over to Nashi. 

"Storm what happened?!" Natsu demanded.

"I'm guessing she pushed herself more than her body could take so she just fainted" Storm responded calmly, as he removed hair from Nashi's face gently.

*Who am I kidding... Nashi's beautiful, and yet I'm lying to myself and telling myself that I love a woman I don't actually love... What's wrong with me?* Storm thought. 


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