Chapter 5 (Forest Home)

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A/N: I've had a lot of people asking about my OCs. And wondering if more of my OCs would be appearing in this book, and to answer that question. As far as I know, no. None of my OCs will be entering the scene. And I love to see that everybody enjoyed seeing the Cerberus girls, that makes me happy about my OCs so I might just have to add another for my own sanity XD 
Have any other questions about my OCs feel free to ask me at any time :)

Igneel's P.O.V:

The others and I were walking around the forest. We were getting to a point in the forest that I don't even remember. How did we miss this part of the forest? We kept going deeper into this forest as I started to see a glimpse of a... house? The hell is some stupid house doing all the way out here. Rosemary started to walk towards the house but Simon pulled her back.

"Rose, come on don't walk off like that!" Simon scolded her.

"Simon, lay off" Luna snapped at him.

"Thank you, Luna" Rosemary giggled. 

Luna nodded while smiling at her. I simply rolled my eyes at them all, stupid fights aren't going to get us anywhere! Sometimes I wish I could take these search parties alone, I work better alone. Ever since Nashi disappeared, I've been told that my personality has drastically changed. But in brutal honesty, I couldn't care less. 

I walked towards the house, ignoring Simon trying to stop me. I walked straight up to the house as I saw some shadow figures walk inside. Three figures to be exact. They all ranged completely different in height, and they all had feminine shapes. I walked straight up to them before they could enter the house.

"Excuse me," I said, boldly. 

The tallest female figure turned to face me, as she turned around. I recognized her immediately. These damn girls where the ones who captured Nashi all those years ago! You got to be fucking kidding me! Oh, that's it!

"You are the three girls who captured Nashi all those years ago right?" I growled.

"Yes, what of it" A girl with navy long hair walked straight up to me. 

"I'm here to get my revenge!" I cursed.

"Not now, Iggy!" Rosemary squeaked.

The rest of the search party came out ready to fight, as I felt my arm being held. I looked down and spotted the navy girl ripping my arm with a death grip. My god, it hurt like hell! I winced in slight pain, as she yanked me down to look her in the face.

"Look, buddy, I don't know who the fuck you think you are. But messing with you would be your last mistake" She growled, her red eyes glowing with fiery rage.


"Yulia! That's Igneel Dragneel!" The smallest girl of the three, with brown hair and red eyes, spoke up quietly. 

"SHIT WHAT!?" Yulia screamed... I think that's her name.

"Yep," A girl with dark purple hair and matching red eyes nodded her head.

"My name is Zelia, that right there is Yulia" Zelia motioned towards the navy fire head, "And this is Lilia." she motioned towards the shy brunette next to her. 

"Then I take it you've heard my name and gotten scared of my abilities?" I asked, cockily.

"Pfft no!" Yulia laughed, letting go of my arm, "I'm not scared of you in the slightest!"

"Then why did you freak out upon hearing my name?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"I'm not scared of you; however, I'm scared shitless of your freaky ass sister" Yulia spoke, "She's like turned into a devil"

"Huh?" I spoke in pure shock.

The rest of the search party completely started to wig out and asking a million questions at a time. My question is, does this mean Nashi's alive still? I'm going to pass out from either shock or happiness I can't quite tell currently. Someone help my brain is malfunctioning! (A/N: Aka me during school)

"You speak of my sister like she's alive, is she?" I asked, with pure hope in my voice.

"Oh hell yeah!" Yulia laughed, "Nothing can kill that girl. She's like a walking bomb, you make her angry and everything around her explodes into dust!" 

"To be exact, it explodes into fire and a hell mess" Zelia spoke up.

"Zelia... Shut up" Yulia blinked her eyes furiously.

Lilia squeaked quietly at Yulia's rage, as Zelia ended up giving Yulia a heated death glare. What is going on with these sisters!?

"I thought we had a deal on no more scaring Lilia?!" Zelia growled.

"Don't go around making me do shit I don't want to!" Yulia cursed.

Simon caused two swords to get dangerously close to the girl's throats.

"Ladies please calm down, we need our answers and you fighting isn't going anywhere" Simon sighed.

"Formal ass bastard" I cursed under my breath

"Igneel, is there something you want to say to me?" Simon asked.

"Yeah, fuck you" I cursed.

Simon rolled his eyes at my comment, causing me to smirk at his reaction. Dickless cock (A/N: I'm having a lot of fun with these insults as you all can probably tell XDD)

"Anyways, where exactly is Nashi?" Simon asked, once again formally.

"Nashi should be inside" Lilia spoke quietly.

"She isn't, I checked. She left a note saying she would be back in a number of hours" Zelia held up a piece of paper.

I walked up to Zelia and grabbed the note, as I clearly recognized the handwriting as my sisters. Nashi is actually alive... I can't believe it... I read over the note a million times..

A single tear ran down my pale face... 

My big sister, Nashi Dragneel, is truly and actually alive. 


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