Chapter 25 (Two Broken Hearts)

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Narrator's P.O.V:

Storm kept hearing the rustling of the bushes, as he quickly turned around to look. Keeping Nashi pretty close to him. Nashi kept her hands at Storm's chest as she looked over and saw Gale walking out of some bushes. Completely drenched in the rain like Nashi and Storm were. 

Gale saw them hugged and her anger blew up once again, as she still hasn't learned her lesson. Nashi stood tall on her wobbly legs and Storm let go of Nashi and the two stood in front of Gale. Gale about to blow, but she just let that anger all out right now.

"You slut! How many more times do I have to tell you that Storm is mine" Gale cursed.

"You're calling me the slut?" Nashi laughed, "That's ironic"

"You bitch! Just stay away from my boyfriend for the last fucking time!" Gale snapped, basically growling like a dog.

Nashi finally snapped herself, "Well maybe you should get it through your god damn thick ass skull that I'm going to hang around Storm as much as I fucking please!" she growled, her eyes glowing. 

"You fake ass bitch!" Gale yelled.

"Says the one who thinks she owns Storm!" Nashi shouted.



"TRY ME, BITCH!" Gale slapped Nashi

Nashi tried to attack Gale but Storm quickly wrapped his arms around Nashi and stopped her from attacking Gale, as Storm glared at Gale harshly. Little did anybody know, that Storm's heart was shattered from hearing Nashi's story. And Nashi's heart was shattered because of Gale. Gale's heart was only cracked by Nashi. Nashi was a growling mess sounding like a demon possessed her, but luckily Storm was strong enough to hold Nashi back. 

Nashi was fuming with rage, as her body was heating up dangerously. Storm quickly tightened his grip and tried to calm her down. Nashi was losing all control over herself, Gale's harsh words and Nashi's broken heart was not a good mix currently. Nashi started to cry once more but this time she wasn't fragile. She was raging like no other. Storm even had a hard time holding Nashi back from Gale, and one thing's for sure if Nashi were to get loose... Gale is going to be messed up completely. 

Nashi was trapped inside her own mind, as she jolted forward trying to get out of Storm's arms. Nashi's nightmare side was slowly taking over her mind completely, but Nashi kept fighting it but sometimes this side would take over in a bad way.

Nashi had a dark side, everybody does. But Nashi's dark side is real, it's like another personality but she doesn't call it a split personality she just says it's an 'issue' she has potions to take to calm this side of her down. Even after ten long years of searching through everything she could, nothing could explain where her extreme magic came from or where this dark side of hers even started. 

Nashi kept lunging forward over and over attempting to burn Gale but she just couldn't get out of Storm's grasp. Her eyes started to glow a lustful for blood, she stopped lunging forward as her dark side had officially taken over. Nashi's eyes begun to glow a dark red while her body started to heat up extremely. Storm could take the heat but Nahsi snapped free of his grasp and tried to launch forward at Gale but was stopped. 

"Stop right there, missy" A new voice spoke. 

Nashi stopped and slowly regained herself, "W-What?" she looked around for the voice.

A new figure stepped out of the shadows and smiled seeing Nashi. The figure turned out to be a young woman with bleach blonde hair with brown roots. Her eyes seemed to almost being glowing, her eyes were quite unique. Her right eye was bright pink, while her left was a creamy yellow. She had a pair of wolf ears on her head along with a fluffy tail behind her, matching her bleach blonde hair. She had this shy smirk on her face but was trying to be confident but she was obviously scared. 

Nashi growled, "Get lost" she snapped.

"Sorry Nashi, but I'm actually meant to be watching you" The girl spoke nervously.

"I SAID GET LOST!" Nashi snapped.

"I-I can't" The girl whispered slyly

Storm snapped, "NASHI QUIT IT!" he shouted.

"Yeah quit being a bitch!" Gale smirked.

Nashi growled, "Oh will you quit-" she was cut off.

"Excuse me ma'am but I cannot allow you to say such things to Nashi, now please leave before I force you" The girl stood tall.

She wasn't that tall, in fact quite short. She only reached exactly 5 feet and she looked completely innocent and not scary at all. And Gale took advantage of her nervousness.

"If you don't stand down I'll make sure you choke on your own blood" Gale smirked darkly.

"Gale!" Storm yelled at her. 

The girl pinned her wolf ears down on her head and tucked her tail between her legs nervously watching Gale. 

"Now Nashi, I want you to fight me with everything you got!" Gale shouted, "Because I know I'll win against your sorry ass!"

The girl then sharpened her glance hearing Gale's sharp words and begun to growl showing her wolf fangs. Something about this growl of hers seemed deadly, as her fangs were sharp and her eyes started to glow with bloodlust.

"You say another thing about Nashi and I'll rip your face off" She spoke.

"Who the hell are you?!" Gale cursed.

"My name is Tala I was sent by the Cerberus girls to make sure Nashi is controlling herself" Tala stood up tall.

Gale laughed and noticed her wolf ears before attempting to attack Tala, Tala grabbed Gale's arm and completely flipped her over and straight on the ground again. Tala held Gale by her arm and pinned her to the floor ready to snap Gale's arm in two.

"You bitch get off of me!" Gale growled, trying to get off Tala off of her.

Nashi was laughing at how vicious Tala was being with Gale. Tala finally lets Gale stand up as she stands next to Nashi. While Storm was slowly losing his patience. 

Until Storm's patience finally snapped...



A/N: People have been begging me to add another OC of mine, so here you go everybody. Meet Tala Hazar XD

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