Chapter 9 (His fault)

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A/N: Couldn't find a proper image for this chapter, so enjoy the this instead XD

Narrator's P.O.V:

*Nashi's been gone for ten years... It's all my fault, damn it! She's probably dead because I was hurt, why couldn't I of been stronger! I could've saved her!* Storm cursed inside his head. 

Storm has grown up quite differently than both of his parents, he reached a giant height of 6'6 (Hehehe.... Height differences are adorable :3) his body was now pretty muscularly built. As his hair matched perfectly to his father's raven hair. His eyes were bright blue like his mothers, but his personality was similar but somehow different from his parents. Storm wasn't quick to judge anything, he took time in analyzing the situation, but getting him angry he turned into a real storm. Storm just turned 19 a month ago, he sighed and looked at the floor. 

Gale walked up to him slowly, careful of her pace. Gale turned out a lot like her father but with her mother's kind personality. Gale had her father's same features, but her hair turned out more brown than black. Her eyes matched her father's red eyes, while she stood at about 5'10. Gale just turned 18 a few days ago. 

Rin and Sylvia ran over like the two crazy kids they were, they ran past Storm and around the guild hall once again. Rin and Sylvia were now 16 but always acted like 5-year-olds instead. Rin reached a height of 5'11 while Sylvia was about 5'4. Rin and Sylvia shared the same features of their mother's beautiful blue hair with their father's sharp dark navy eyes. Rin and Sylvia were just insane crazy kids and nobody even knew where they got it from.

Gale sat down next to Storm and tried to gently take his hand. Storm moved his hands anyway from Gale, as he kept his sight on the floor. Gale winced slightly at his actions, Storm glanced at her through his raven bangs. 

"What," Storm spoke softly.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright," Gale whispered.

"Well, I'm not, so you can leave now" Storm demanded.

Gale was shocked by Storm's behavior, "B-But Storm-" she was cut off.

"I said to leave" Storm glared at her. 

"Storm I just want to make sure you're alright! No need to be so nasty!" Gale yelped.

Storm stood up to his full massive height, "I told you to leave me alone" he started to walk away and to the back of the guild hall. Gale tried to follow Storm, but he stopped immediately once they got outside.

"I told you to stop" Storm turned his head to face her.

"I'm not leaving you alone like this!" Gale winced.

"Leave" Storm kept walking.

"NO!" Gale called out, "Why are you being so cold and isolating yourself all the time!? Why happened to my sweet boyfriend?!" 

"Yours? Is that what you think of me? As some object?" Storm growled, "I'm isolating myself because I'm the reason she's dead! She's gone because of me!"

"What are you talking about?" Gale yelled.

"Nashi! I'm talking about Nashi!" Storm screamed, "I'm the reasons she's gone and maybe even dead!"

"Good! Nashi was just getting in the way of me and you!" Gale screamed.

Storm's eyes flashed, "You take that shit back right now... Nashi was my friend"

"You really are clueless aren't you?!" Gale shouted, "Nashi was growing a crush on you! Everybody could tell!"

"W-What" Storm's eyes widened, "Don't lie to me like this..."

"I'm not fucking lying you, idiot! Nashi Dragneel liked you a lot Storm! She was just getting in the way of me and you, so why don't we just go back to my place" Gale smirked.

"No" Storm stood tall, towering over Gale, "I'm not going to be your damn toy anymore! Gale, I love you I really do but you are a bitch at times!" Storm growled.

*And you aren't even that good in bed* Storm thought to himself. (A/N: YES I JUST PULLED THAT! XD)

Gale winced at his words, "I'm just trying to show you that I love you more than anybody! I don't want to lose you. I'm just trying to help, now come on let's go back to my place and get your mind off of things" she whispered.

Storm sighed in defeat, "Fine... But why do you hate Nashi so much? She was perfectly innocent, she was tortured for weeks!"

"I hate her because she was stealing you away from me. I loved you even back when we were kids, and when Nashi came into the picture she's all that you talked about. She was the only person you wanted to hang out with. And it drove me insane!" Gale shouted in anger.

"That's just cruel" Storm whispered, "I heard you earlier! You wanted Nashi dead! Why the hell would you want a beautiful girl like her dead?!" Storm yelled out in pure rage.

"Beautiful girl?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I'm your fucking girlfriend and here you are complementing other girls in front of me!?" Gale shouted.

"Don't you fucking dare turn this around on me! Now answer my damn question!" Storm shouted.

"I want her dead because if she came back she... She would just take you away from me... I was jealous of her... She's was extremely beautiful, talented, and I just wanted to be her. Heck, look at her mother she probably has the perfect body now! While I just feel ugly and gross" Gale held herself as tears raced down her face.

Storm winced seeing Gale cry, he quickly walked up to her and pulled her into a tight loving hug, "Gale if Nashi comes back, that would never change my feelings toward you. So don't be worried about that, and I promise you that you are absolutely beautiful." Storm smiled sweetly.

Gale cried happily, as Storm wiped away her tears, and leaned down and slowly pressed his lips to hers. Gale smiled through the kiss and happily kissed "her" boyfriend back.

Meanwhile, Sylvia and Rin watched the whole fight between the couple. As Rin cringed seeing them kiss. 

"Storm needs to quit lying to the poor girl" Rin shook his head, "He doesn't love her. He loves Nashi and doesn't even realize it. Oh, big brother how stupid have you become?" 


A/N: BTW Yes, that hurt me physically and mentally writing that "cute" scene between the two...

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