Chapter 13 (Lowlife)

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Igneel and Nova (10 votes)
Igneel and Sylvia (1 vote)
Rin and Nova (0 votes)
Storm and Nashi (11 votes)
Storm and Gale
(0 votes)
Simon and Nashi
(0 votes)
Simon and Gale (6 votes)

Rin and ???
(Not taken)
Sylvia and ???
(Not taken)

Nashi's P.O.V:

"Long time no see" Storm whispered.

I froze seeing him, as Luke let go of my hand and ran inside with Luna the two kids laughing. Igneel watched Storm carefully, as Nova was getting nervous. I started to try and back away from Storm, my nerves getting overwhelming for me to bare. Igneel placed his hand on my back before I could turn and run away. Storm started to get teary-eyed as I was confused at first, not understanding. I watched him, as he took a step forward testing the waters. 

Storm then just stopped all his thinking and quickly ran towards me, I started to cry myself before I ran up to him as he hugged me tightly. I laughed and hugged this stupid idiot back. 

"Don't you go running off like that again! I was about to put up one hell of a fight" Storm whispered.

"Sure you were, you giant dork" I laughed, crying tears of happiness.

I let go of him as he smiled down at me... Holy shit he's tall... DUDE, HE'S FUCKING HOT! And his voice got really damn low... Why me... I looked up at Storm tempted to say that I loved him right then and there before a familiar face walked out and took Storm's hand. I took a small step backward and realized the girl to be Gale, she snuggled into Storm's arm. As my heart slowly started to crack into two. 

"Oh right, Nashi Gale and I are dating now!" Storm smiled.

And at that moment my heart almost shattered.

"Oh.. Congrats you two" I smiled, fakely.

Gale sent me this harsh glare towards me, as I sent her a look of confusion. She sharpened her glare as I winced softly. Storm didn't even seem to be realizing what Gale was doing... Fucking idiot... But a really fucking cute idiot... 

"Hey, Dragneel" Gale started.

She already started to get on my nerves by using my last name, it reminded me of when Haru used to bully me. I sent her a sharp glare.

"Mind staying away from my boyfriend" Gale emphasized 'my' 

I growled lowly, "And you're going to make me?" I snapped. 

"If I have to" Gale's eyes glowed.

"Heh, look sweetheart. You'll have to do a lot of shit in order to scare me off" I laughed, "I'm not some kid you can scare with a glare"

"Hey, you two quit it" Storm muttered.

Igneel walked up to Storm and shook his head no. "Let her do this" he whispered. Nova nodded in agreement with Igneel.

"Wait, what why?" Storm freaked out.

"You have to admit.. Gale needs to be put in her place" Igneel responded.

"Yes she does, but Nashi could get hurt! Gale is serious!" Storm spoke worriedly.

This little comment of his caused me to laugh softly.

"Trust me, Nashi will take care of it" Igneel nodded, "Just stand aside"

Storm finally sighed in defeat and did as he was told, he stood by Igneel and Nova. Simon stood by them while Rosemary watched interested, she knew something.

"Whatever! You think you're so tough! Please!" Gale mocked me. 

"Don't test your limits, they're running thin" My eye twitched with anger.

Looks like I'll need to strike fear into this girl, I need to show her who's boss. And mainly that Storm doesn't belong to anybody!... I wish he belonged to me but that's beside the point!

"Oh no! I'm so scared!" Gale smirked.

"You should be" I started to walk up to her, my eyes glowing a fiery yellow. 

"Pfft please," Gale laughed.

"You should learn to respect your elders, girlie" I warned her, smirking.

Inside this creepy smile, I was trying so hard not to bust my ass off laughing, as I could tell that Gale's confidence was cracking with every step I took towards her. 

"I'm not respecting your lame ass" She mocked, her confidence starting shatter.

"Well, you should learn to, because I'll become what keeps you up at night. I'll become what starts eating you inside, I'm going to become your worst nightmare" I smirked darkly.

With that comment of mine, Gale's confidence shattered.

"W-Who do you think you are!?!" Gale screamed.

"I am Nashi Dragneel, a fourth generation dragon slayer," I spoke, confidence filling my voice. 

"Fourth generation my ass! More like the lame second generation!" Gale shouted.

"WATCH YOUR DAMN MOUTH GALE! MY FATHER IS A SECOND GENERATION SLAYER!" Nova shouted as she tried to jump forward.

"The fourth generation, a child of a first-generation slayer and perfectly able to control dragon force if trained right," I spoke.

"D-Don't tell me..." Gale whispered.

"Bingo... I can control dragon force like the sabertooth twin dragons" I laughed, "Only my dragon force is completely natural not some fake ass shit. Do you want a demo of what I'm capable of?" I smirked devilishly.

Gale stepped backward, her confidence in beating me just shattered. I'm enjoying this may be a little too much, but it's fun to define who's on top. And this time it's me who's on top, and this lowlife is below my foot. Get used to it Gale, because I'm staying on top forever. 

"L-Leave me alone!" Gale winced.

"Oh come on! I didn't even do anything... yet" I giggled insanely.

"That is my sister... what the actual fuck" Igneel whispered.

"Now have you learned your simple place? It's beneath me, and below everybody. Because people who think they're top dog tend to get beaten to the point of where they can't breathe." I smiled, "Take the last guy I fought for example! He couldn't walk after one hit from my dragon force." 

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" Gale shouted in pure terror.

"Let's just say... My nightmares got to my head and made me a little insane, but I'm okay with it. Because I've accepted my demons" I giggled, "Now I have more important people to talk to than some lowlife such as yourself. Bye bye now" I waved.

I sent Gale a sharp glare as I walked past her and into the guild hall.

What has Fairy Tail become? They are getting scared too easily, or maybe it's just Gale being a natural weakling.

I guess we'll find out...


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