Chapter 11 (Her Pain)

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Igneel and Nova (9 votes)
Igneel and Sylvia (1 vote)
Rin and Nova (0 votes)
Storm and Nashi (10 votes)
Storm and Gale 
(0 votes)  
Simon and Nashi 
(0 votes)  
Simon and Gale (6 votes)
Rin and ??? 
(Not taken)  
Sylvia and ??? 
(Not taken)

Nashi's P.O.V:

I kept running far into the forest, the tears slowly starting to cloud my vision. I slipped and fell as I winced in pain, I had a large gash on my leg from a random knife laying on the ground. I tried my best not to scream in pain, as I looked at the knife. Picking the knife up and throwing it straight into a tree. 

I started to breathe heavily from the massive pain my leg was in, I shook my head trying to get the thought out of my head. I tried to stand up but the pain was unbearable, I fell over but caught myself on a tree. I leaned against the tree, and softly picked my foot off the ground to get all pressure off the injury. 

I heard flapping, as I looked forward and spotted Casper, thank god... Casper yelled out to me as he quickly flew to me. Stopping before he crashed into me. He looked at me and noticed the clear pain in my face. He checked over my body and noticed the deep cut, but then saw the tears staining my cheeks.

"Casper... I'm not going back to Fairy Tail" I whispered.

"I get you don't want to... But Nashi people care about you. I wanna go home" Casper looked at me with sadness coating his adorable eyes. 

"Casper..." I whispered sorrowfully, tears coating my eyes once again.

"NASHI!" I heard my brother call for me.

"We're over here!" I yelled back.

I didn't have a choice, Casper has been flying all day. Sending messages for the girls, so he can't take me back home. I certainly can't walk, so I have to get their help. Igneel quickly ran over, and immediately noticed my bleeding leg.

"Come on Nashi, that cut is bad" Igneel walked up to me.

"You'll just try and make me go home again... Igneel I really don't have the courage to face him" I lifted my face so he could see my teary eyes.

"N-Nashi..." Igneel's eyes widened with shock, I barely ever cried as a child even now I don't cry... This was a rare moment for me.

"Igneel... Don't make me go back" I whispered, crying softly.

"I'll be right there, and if that bastard Storm decides to ignore you I'll beat his ass for you. Just please come back" Igneel responded.

I finally gave in, for now, I need to get this cut treated. I nodded slowly, as Igneel smiled weakly as he slowly started to pick me up. He held me bridal style and walked back to the Cerberus girls' house. I rested my eyes and sooner or later. I fell asleep, with Casper laying on my stomach, clearly worried about me.

He's such a different exceed


Igneel's P.O.V:

I saw Nashi fall asleep in my arm, as I just hoped she was just tired and didn't just pass out from blood loss. I got into view of the others, as everybody gasped upon seeing Nashi and her injury. Yulia quickly took Nashi from me... Damn that girl is strong...

Yulia walked inside with Nashi and the other two sisters following inside. Lilia motioned for us all to follow along. We all followed her inside and towards a couch, where Yulia carefully laid Nashi down. Casper remaining on her stomach, his face full of worry. Zelia walked into another room, as Lilia was checking over Nashi. I sat down on a seat next to the couch, looking down at Nashi. 

Everybody else was scattered around the room, worry written all over their faces about Nashi. Zelia came back into the room, as Nashi slowly opened her eyes. Zelia poured something on a rag, and slowly approached Nashi. Sitting on a chair beside her.

"You're about to hate me" Zelia spoke.

"Wait wha-" Nashi was cut off by screaming.

Zelia placed the rag on the cut and pressed down firmly on the cloth, Nashi screamed in pain and agony.

"You were so damn right! I'm gonna kill you!" Nashi cursed out at Zelia.

Zelia laughed softly and shook her head simply. Nashi kept cussing and yelling at Zelia to stop, she hit the side of the couch multiple times as the pain looked unbearable. Zelia lifted the rag and the cut was completely sealed. But a scar was left on her leg, Zelia then placed a potion over the scar making the scar disappear. Zelia cleaned off the extra blood and Nashi sat up. Slapping Zelia across her cheek.

"Bitch" Nashi cursed.

"It's either that or you bleed out" Zelia chuckled.

"Fuck you" Nashi snapped.

"Sorry sweetie," Zelia rustled Nashi's hair, "I don't swing that way"

Nashi's face heated up with either rage or embarrassment I couldn't exactly tell. Nashi stood up and started to scream at Zelia, Yulia knocked her on the head and Nashi was forced to sit back down once again.

"I hate you all" She cussed.

"Nashi... You said you would back to Fairy Tail, did you mean it?" I quickly changed the topic.

Nashi's eyes filled with realization, "Oh... right..." her eyes coated with sadness once more. 

"Please... big sis" I used my old nickname for her.

Nashi laughed softly, as tears flooded her eyes, "I don't want to..." she whispered.

"I'll make sure Storm doesn't ignore you," I smiled.

Nashi finally sighed in defeat, "Alright..."

"Seriously?!" Everybody jumped up for joy.

"Yes, I'll go back to Fairy Tail without a fight" Nashi smiled.


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