Chapter 21 (He cares)

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Nashi's P.O.V:

I slowly opened my eyes to see a blank ceiling above me, I felt my head pounding. As I sat up and looked around the room to realize the room was the medical room. I sighed in relief, but that didn't stop how painful this stupid headache was getting of mine. What the hell happened anyways... I groaned in slight pain as I held my sore head, I looked around the room and noticed a person sleeping next to me in a chair. 

I looked at them closer and realized it was Storm...

I started to blush all shades of red and bit my lip seeing he stayed with me. I wondered how long I was out, as I looked at Storm again and realized he had a bandage over his burnt hand. I softly winced at that, now the feeling of victory over and the feeling of guilt washing over me. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and looked around the room for anything I could to make a potion. I saw some aloe and quickly tried to stand up ended up falling straight back down, my legs were too weak for me to stand. I winced as I could feel my legs burning almost as my muscles were completely sore and felt like somebody stabbed me a million times.

Storm started to wake up, I'm guessing it's because I slightly yelped in pain. Storm slowly opened his beautiful blue eyes and looked at me. His eyes went wide quickly and jumped forward and hugged the living crap out of me. He laughed as he kept his strong arms around my body. 

"You're awake! Oh my god I'm so happy to see you awake!" Storm smiled.

"Storm how long was I out?" I asked.

"Two weeks" Storm sighed sadly.

I gasped and looked wide-eyed at Storm, my hands resting at Storm's chest. 

"T-Two weeks?" I spoke in shock

Storm nodded slowly, as I quickly shook it off. Storm finally let go of me and looked me over, he stood up and motioned for me to follow. I tried to stand up again as I fell forwards, Storm quickly turned and caught me in his arms. I blushed to feel his arms wrapped around my waist. Storm helped me stand up straight.

"Thanks... Mind helping me outside and grab my bag" I asked of him. 

Storm nodded and let me lean against the counter for a moment. While Storm grabbed my bag I took while heading back down to Fairy Tail. Storm wrapped my bag around his shoulder and helped me stand up once again, he helped me walk out of the room and I nudged him that I wanted to go outside. So he helped me outside slyly, luckily nobody noticed. We went out the back and towards the garden. 

Storm let go of me, and I softly sat on the floor. Little did Storm know I was able to pick up some aloe before we left the medical room, I turned towards Storm.

"Give me my bag, please," I asked

Storm nodded silently and handed me the bag, I smiled in thanks to him. I looked around the garden and noticed some more ingredients for the potion. I wanted to heal Storm's hand, and thanks to Zelia I know basically every healing potion needed. I took my knife out of my bag and sliced the aloe and added it to the mixture. I had a potion bottle in my bag just in case, I finished mixing the green potion and smiled.

"Storm give me your hand," I asked.

Storm bent down and sat down next to me, as he handed me his non-burnt hand. I glared at him slightly.

"Other hand" I grumbled.

"Huh?" Storm got confused.

"Just trust me okay?" I pleaded

Storm sighed and nodded, he placed his burnt bandaged hand in mine. I slowly started to unbandage his hand as he looked more confused by my actions. I set the bandage aside and looked at his hand, and holy shit I burned the crap out of his hand. The burn was turning his skin black and it was peeling and causing the edges to turn a bright red with blood. He winced feeling the bandage move, as he kept his hand perfectly still.

"You're going to hate me" I whispered

"I'd never hate you" Storm chuckled.

"For right now" I shook my head.

I quickly poured the potion onto a rag I had in my bag and firmly pressed the rag onto his burn before Storm could say anything else. He screamed as I quickly covered his mouth and shook my head no, I cupped the side of his face with my spare hand to try and relax him. Storm kept wincing softly in pain, as I applied pressure to the burn. Storm leaned forward and rested his head on my shoulder, as I softly ran my fingers through his hair. Storm kept wincing in pure pain as I could tell he was suffering, but not from this burn. He was suffering from something else... but what?

Storm rested his head on the shoulder and slowly started to nuzzle into my neck, I smiled and kept my fingers running through his soft raven locks. Storm slowly started to wrap his free arm around my waist and tugged me closer to him. I rested my forehead on his shoulder as we just sat there while I kept the rag on his burned hand.

Finally, I took the rag off his hand and the burn was perfectly healed. Storm lifted his head off my shoulder and his eyes went wide with realization and he blushed madly. While I wasn't affected I just wished that moment lasted longer than it did. Storm kept blushing.

"I-I'm so sorry N-Nash" Storm stammered.

I softly cupped his face one more time and kissed his cheek, "It's fine" I smiled

Storm didn't stop blushing as I just giggled at his face, Storm stood and looked at his hand now perfectly healed.

"H-How?" Storm asked. 

"It's a healing potion, much like healing magic only it can heal anything" I smiled, "But it does tend to sting... a lot"

Storm rolled his eyes simply. As he helped me off the floor, wrapping my bag around his shoulder. We quickly walked back to the medical room where Storm set me back down on my bed, and Storm sat in his chair.

Storm gave me this smile full of happiness, but his eyes kept telling me that he was suffering...

But why?


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