Chapter 29 (Mutual Feelings)

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A/N: I know some readers get annoyed when writers use narrator's pov forever but I just write better in third person than I ever do first person. And if you want cute couple writings you'll have to deal with third person because that's how I normally write anyways. Writing first person is actually brand new to me as a writer and I think I'm really bad at it... So while writing romance I rather write in third person. 

Narrator's P.O.V:

"Gale... What I'm trying to say is... I love you" Simon whispered. 

 Gale stood there slightly frozen by Simon's words, but she started to show the sweetest and brightest smile she has ever shown. Gale jumped forward and wrapped her arms around Simon's neck and begun to kiss him deeply. Simon's eyes filled with pure shock at her actions but his eyes slowly started to flutter close. 

Simon began to slowly wrap his arms around Gale's waist tightly, as the two just kept smiling through this sweet kiss. Simon was smiling knowing this was the best answer he could've ever gotten from Gale. Gale was just beyond happy that she really found someone for her and she didn't need to be jealous of Nashi anymore. 

Simon slowly broke the kiss between them and smiled down at Gale, Gale giggled softly and tilted her head to the side slightly.

"Does that give you your answer?" Gale smiled.

"I think we might have to try again" Simon flirted 

Gale laughed softly, as Simon leaned down and softly pressed his lips against Gale's once again. This time the kiss turned into a heated make-out session between the two lovebirds. Simon slowly closed the door behind him and tightened his grip around Gale's waist. Gale broke the kiss for air and smiled dearly up at Simon.

Gale giggled and yanked on Simon's arm and pulled him to her room in her small apartment, Simon softly blushed seeing where she brought him but tried to ignore the dirty thoughts running through his head. Gale sat on her bed, as Simon softly sat down next to her. He decided he might as well ask now, better sooner than later, right?

"Gale... I know you just broke up with Storm and all... But will you be my girlfriend?" Simon blushed softly. 

Gale jumped up and kissed Simon on his cheek, "Yes I will, Simon" she giggled.

Simon's heart started to flutter at not only her actions but her words sped up his heartbeat to a whole new level. Gale's sharp dragon ears could easily pick up his beating heart and smiled softly knowing that Simon wasn't lying. Gale flipped herself around and sat on Simon's lap.

She leaned forward and softly pressed her lips to Simon's, as their lips met this time it caused an immediate spark between the two. This time around the kiss was heated with passion and love filled the room. 

Simon slipped his arms around Gale's waist and reached one hand to the back of her head, and started to softly comb through her brown hair with his hand. Gale had wrapped her arms around Simon's neck. The atmosphere between the two started to get thick and heavy but not in a bad way. 

The room almost started to feel as though the temperature was heating up but in reality, it was just the connection between Simon and Gale growing closer and closer each second their lips were connected. Simon started to slowly deepen the kiss as Gale didn't seem to mind. 

Simon slowly broke apart from Gale and smiled down at her, he fell backward and Gale cuddled up to his chest, smiling brightly more than she ever had before.

"So do we want to tell the guild?" Simon asked.

"Can we keep this between me and you for a bit?" Gale winced.

"Anything you want, baby" Simon teased as he kissed her head softly.

Gale blushed brightly, she giggled nervously and cuddled into Simon's chest. The two finally fell asleep in each other's arms. Gale not even caring about the loud thunder outside she felt protected next to Simon.

And just like Nashi was feeling, Gale had a large urge to protect Simon wash over herself like a tidal wave. She smiled knowing that Simon was her mate, it wasn't Storm after all...

Gale was finally happy, along with Simon.


Lost and Found (Book 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora