Chapter 30 (I love you)

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A/N: I've actually decided to help out three of my readers in my own suffering... I'm setting up another voting! If we can get to 20 votes on here I'll write a lemon between a couple of your choice (I'm guessing it's going to be Nashi and Storm but oh well) So far we have three votes on the matter. Personally, I'm not that type of writer but if my readers want to see it I'll do it XD

You three know who you are -.-

Narrator's P.O.V:

"I'm always here for you never forget that, okay?" Nashi smiled sweetly.  

Storm's smile just seemed to brighten hearing Nashi's sweet words. He took a deep breath as he told himself he was going to tell her right now, but for some reason, the words wouldn't flow out of his mouth so he decided to wait and build up his courage. 

"I won't ever forget it" Storm smiled sweetly. 

"Good" Nashi giggled evilly, "Or I would smash it into your head so you wouldn't forget it"

"Nashi you do know how bad that sounds right?" Storm laughed heavily.

"Pervert!" Nashi blushed.

Storm fell backward laughing once again, as Nashi just deadpanned at his reaction. She crawled up on top of Storm and sat on his stomach, her legs on both sides of him

"Haha! Nashi get off! I can't" Storm bellowed, laughing like an idiot.

"No! You're a pervert you get to suffer" Nashi huffed.

"You aren't that heavy you know" Storm chuckled.

"To me, that's a compliment, but in reality, I'm a fatass" Nashi sighed heavily.

Storm sat up and caused Nashi to sit on his lap, he had a serious look on his face. As he slowly cupped Nashi's face, he looked her dead in the eyes. Nashi was growing nervous.

"What?" She questioned.

"You aren't fat" Storm spoke sternly, "You are stunningly beautiful and your personality matches your stunning looks. You are so sweet and caring, not to mention badass which is totally hot as fuck. You don't take anybody's shit and it's just amazing to watch you fight" Storm smiled.

Nashi blushed hearing Storm call her hot, but she punched Storm lightly in the arm, "Don't say things like that!"

"And why not?" Storm smirked. 

"Because it's embarrassing and not true!" Nashi whined. 

"Will you just accept that it's true! You are amazingly beautiful and your fire is almost just a stunning as your beautiful face. Not to mention your figure is flawless" Storm winked.

Nashi blushed all sorts of shades of red at that comment as she just fell forward and relaxed on his chest. Storm chuckled and wrapped his strong arms around Nashi's body firmly. Nashi giggled softly and nuzzled softly into his chest. 

Storm took heavy and deep breaths trying to gain his confidence in finally saying it, as he finally got his nerves together. 

"Nashi, you are the most beautiful girl in the world to me. And your smile could make even the saddest people smile as well, your laugh is so contagious. You are so sassy, confident, and sarcastic it just lights up my whole world so easily" Storm took a deep heavy breath.

"S-Storm" Nashi blushed at his sweet words.

"What I'm trying to get my courage up to say is...." Storm took a long deep breath, "Nashi Dragneel, I'm in love with you"

Nashi flinched slightly at his words and moved back to look Storm in the eyes. Her eyes seemed to be full of spark and just she couldn't seem to work correctly. Storm slowly started to loosen his grip around Nashi's waist.

"S-Storm h-how why?!" Nashi flipped out, "I-I love you too.."

Storm's eyes widened in pure happiness coated his bright blue eyes, Storm hugged Nashi tightly and laughed in happiness. Nashi was still freaking out as her mind was racing with thoughts.

"I never thought this would happen to me... I mean you're so perfect and charming and hot... Tall has a wonderful deep voice, you know how to make me smile, you're just perfect. Like how can a prince charming like you fall in love with someone as lame as me! I don't get it... This is impossible" Nashi ranted, "I don't get it! Can you just explain me to why-" 

Nashi was quickly cut off with a sweet kiss from Storm. The kiss didn't last long but Nashi's eyes went wide as she quickly leaned forward again and pressed her lips to Storms. 

Storm smirked through the kiss and gripped Nashi's waist tighter, as Nashi wrapped her arms around Storm's neck. The simple kiss went from quick and short to a passionate make-out session between the two lovebirds. 

Nashi's broken heart was finally starting to mend back into one whole piece again.


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