Chapter 22 (Brokenhearted)

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Nashi's P.O.V:

I looked into Storm's eyes and kept reading through the pain he tried to hide, but he failed in hiding it from me. Storm kept that sweet smile on his face, but little did he know how much suffering I saw in his eyes. 

"Hey... Storm are you alright?" I finally asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Storm chuckled.

"Nevermind it" I looked away from him and at the floor. 

Storm hummed in curiosity but I decided to ignore it and just looked at the floor, I heard Storm stand up. I looked up at him to see him sitting right back down next to me, he smiled at me. I smiled back weakly, as I started to get tired once again even after two weeks of sleeping I'm still tired as fuck. I leaned my head against Storm's shoulder and slowly started to fall asleep once more.

But before I could fall asleep I heard the doorknob turn, and before I could react Gale quickly walked into the room. I jumped up but she gasped seeing me and Storm as her face slowly started to grow angry. 

"Seriously?! Dragneel you stay away from my boyfriend!" Gale shouted.

There she goes again with the whole 'my' thing... Stupid bitch, I may be weak but I can still put her in her place. I tried to stand up but my legs crushed beneath me as I still couldn't stand. Storm winced and tried to help me stand, but Gale yanked his arm and pulled him away from me. Gale then walked over to me and grabbed me by the throat.

"Stay away from him" She growled.

I quickly burned the fucking hell out of her hand with a extremely dangerous body temperature, then I stood up using my flames to help me stand. 

"First off, don't you dare touch me! Secondly, you cannot tell me what to do and what not to!" I cursed, as I quickly slapped Gale straight across the face.

Gale screamed in both anger and pain as she bolted out the door, Storm looked towards me and made sure I was alright. I let my flames die down and I sat back down on my bed tiredly. Storm bent down to my level, while I was just out of it.

"Go after her" I whispered.

Storm winced but didn't put up a fight and quickly ran out the door to go find Gale. I felt my legs burning with pain as I didn't even know what happened to me. It felt like I got hit by a train three times in a row, my body was aching from head to toe. I quickly laid down on my bed and started to cry into the pillow, my heart shattering slowly. I heard the door open once again and there I saw my mother standing there.

She smiled weakly and slowly walked over to my bed, sitting down next to me and softly combing through my hair with her fingers, I sighed as my breath was shaking from crying. She hushed me quietly and I could tell she was burning with anger from within. One thing I learned over the years is how to read someone by their eyes, not their smile because anybody can fake a smile. But nobody can hide their pain behind their eyes. 

"Sweetheart, what happened?" Mom asked me softly.

"S-She ruins everything, Mom... I don't get it... She just ran here like it was her room and tried to strangle me! Just because I was spending time with Storm" I stammered, my voice shaking with anger and pain.

"S-She what?!" Mom screamed, her voice filling with anger.

"Mom calm down" I sat up straight.

"No! Gale tried to strangle you! I don't care if it was a bad attempt that's just not right!" Mom cursed out.

I heard footsteps and soon I saw Dad and Igneel walk into the room, Dad tried to calm Mom down since I don't believe he knew a thing of what was going on. Igneel sat down next to me and softly started to rub my back to soothe me. I started to cry more and found myself crying into Igneel's chest while he hugged me tightly. I have such a good brother...

"She tried to strangle her, Natsu! I'm not going to just let that pass by!" Mom yelled.

"SHE WHAT!?" Dad screamed out, his voice booming with anger. 

"Mom! Dad! Calm down already!" Igneel shouted, "Your daughter is hurting like hell and here you are fighting and yelling! Come on! Gale probably learned her lesson because Nashi most likely burned the crap out of her hands. Now come on!"

"Igneel's right" Mom sighed.

I kept heavily crying into Igneel's chest as he kept hugging me tightly, I felt safe for once...

Mom quickly walked over and so did Dad, then I was hugged by the three people I trusted most. I felt safe and warm inside, as my heart felt like it was being mended finally. But it wouldn't last...

Igneel helped me to my feet, as Mom and Dad helped me walk. My legs were still not strong but I forced myself to walk. I quickly said my short goodbyes to them and ran after Gale and Storm. Sure I hated Gale with my guts, but I have a good heart like my mother and I need to know if they're alright or not!

I quickly ran out of the guild hall, forcing my legs to work. My legs ached with every step I took, as it was pure night outside. It was heavily raining, but I just heated my body temperature and kept running. Every few steps I took my legs would fail and I would fall, luckily I was able to catch myself each time. I finally found the park with the lights on and I saw two figures I recognized their faint scent even through this thick rain. I quickly ran up to them and saw it was definitely Storm and Gale... but... Storm and Gale were passionately making out.

Just seeing the two caused my slightly broken heart to just shatter into a million pieces...


Lost and Found (Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن