The Sleepover // Chapter 3

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That night, Teo did sleep over.

What was weird though is that we are dinner around 10, then literally went into my room and went to bed.

Teo went over to his drawer in my room, took out his PJ's and tooth brush and took a shower. Then he came out and laid on my bed while I went to take a shower.

When I came out, he was sleeping. He honestly looked so cute when he was sleeping. Of course if I ever said that I would get strangled by Starr so I just think all these thoughts in my mind.

I decided I would sleep on the floor so Teo could have the bed to himself. I got the air mattress from the basement, blew up it, and took it to my room. I guess it was kinda noise because it woke Teo up.

"Mads what are you doing?" Teo said in sleepy voice. "I'm sleeping on an air mattress." I replied in a happy tone. "Why?" "Because you need the bed." "No come lay next to me."

I wonder what Starr would think of this idea?

"Are you sure?" "Never been more sure in my life." I smiled and he smiled back. "Teo you're the best thing that had ever happened to me." He started blushing and patted the bed for me to come sit by him. I honestly looked terrible right now. But I didn't care. Teo slept over 1 time when I was sick to help me. And I've done the same for him.

"Maddie. Look. Starr is amazing. She makes me really happy. And I'm pretty sure I really like her and I think I love her," he said looking at me very seriously. "But," he said and licked his lips. "But there's something different about you. Like good different. Its like you've really always been there for me when Starr wasn't. And you're basically my favorite person ever. Starr is 2nd. So don't get me wrong. I would rather hang out with you then her sometimes. Like I said she's amazing but you're better."

I looked at him, waiting to see if he had anymore to say. Then I looked away. "Maddie are you okay?"
I turned towards him. "No. If I'm first why are you guys still together? Like I can't be your favorite person if you are dating Starr. I'm sorry Teo but I can't believe you," I said, dead serious and staring in his eyes.
"Look I can prove it alright. I'll even break up with her if you want me to show you it."

I wanted to scream 'YES OMG FINALLY' but I said the exact opposite.

"She makes you happy. I don't want to be the reason your happiness is gone." I was looking at him now. "Mads. You are my happiness. You want me to be 100% honest?" I nodded but I was scared about what I was about to hear.

"I've always liked you. Ever since 2nd grade. I've always had this crush on you. But you never seemed to feel the same way about me. So I went out with Starr because she did show me she liked me. And you didn't. So I'm sorry if it bothers you that I'm dating Starr. I can see it in your eye and hear it in your voice. It bothers you. And when I try to show that you are more important than her, you don't believe me. Like right now, even in your sweatpants and tank top that's too loose, you look beautiful. You have no makeup on, your hair isn't done. But yet, you look amazing. Do you know how many girls I've turned down thinking I've had a chance with you? Maddie I love you and I don't think you feel the same way about me. There's honestly a list that could go on and on and on about why I like you. Its such a blessing and privilege to be your best friend. I couldn't live without you. And the reasons Starr said that stuff is because she's jealous. Jealous I'm with you and not with her. Jealous she's not top priority. She's jealous of you Maddie. And I'm sure a lot of guys are jealous of me, too. We need each other Maddie. I need you."

Woah... Wait what actually just happened? He admitted like everything to me. Teo liked me. He liked me. He said he loves me. People are jealous of him. He's blessed to have me. He needs me.

"Teo-" I started to say, yet he cut me off. "Please don't say anything." "But I want to tell you everything to you." "You haven't already? You seem to always show it in your eyes." I looked at him, straight in the eye to show that I did have more to tell. "Look. Truth is I always thought I didn't like you. Like I would always just think of you as a best friend. That's what everyone thought was gonna happen. Nothing but friendship. But when I started to understand feelings, I realized that I did like you. I would just honestly never admit it to anyone. Like not even to myself but only because I though 'Well he would never like me back. Everyone says it'll never happen.' But it turns out you did. But Teo you're honestly my number one priority in this world. If it weren't for you, I don't know if I would be able to actually live. I need you in my life more than I need anything. Like its that stupid cliche part in the movies and books that the best friends admit that they like each other but honestly, I don't think this is cliche. Like I don't think Starr is jealous that I'm hanging out with you. I'm the jealous one. And I'm jealous of Starr."

Before I knew it, he had crashed his lips onto mine.

A/N: Oooooo🙈 Starr is gonna be mad if she finds out.

So how do you like it so far let me know in the comments😊

Stay gorgeous


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