Make up // Chapter 32

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I was in shock. Like I knew he wanted to get back together but he broke up with Starr?

What did he think was gonna happen? Once he told me I was gonna break up with Andrew and go straight for him? No I wasn't. He had pushed me out of his life for 3 months, comes back, and expect me to just love him again?

He nodded his head, like he understood what I was going to say. "Teo look-" He had cut me off, "Mads its ok. I understand lets just forget I had ever said anything. Ok? Lets just take it like we are the single best friends that will be a terrible couple like everyone has told us. Ok?" he had spat out at me. "Teo I'm not saying that. I literally just got my heart broken," I had started crying before I was able to finish, "by someone who had said they really cared and loved me."

Teo had walked up to me and hugged me.

I pulled away though. I was done with the whole 'friendship hugs' and everything because I knew what he actually wanted.

"Teo lets just go upstairs and watch the movie. Ok?" He nodded and put his hand in front of the stairs, letting me go first. I nodded and started to walk in front of him.

I hated this awkwardness. But I didn't want to say something that might be the wrong thing to say so I just stayed quiet.

He must have been thinking the same thing because he stayed quiet too. I always wanted to know what was going on in his head. Like was he thinking about how bad of a best friend I am? Thinking it was a mistake that he broke up with Starr? Thinking that he should just leave and just let me cry some more to myself?

He told me that he wouldn't leave me and that he cared, so I knew he wasn't going to be leaving me.

"Maddie," he said and chuckled. "We forgot the DVD downstairs," he said and started to laugh. I started laughing, too. It had lightened the mood a little bit. "I'll go get it," he said, still laughing. "I'll wait for you right here," I said and smiled at him. He turned around and smiled back at me. I waited on the stairs and watched him take the DVD out and walk back to the stairs.

"Thank you," he said. I looked at him confused, "For what?" He looked at me and showed a small smile to me, "Just for waiting for me. Starr wouldn't have done that. She would have just like walked up the stairs. So thank you."

I was still confused.

"What?" he asked me. "Starr wouldn't wait for you?" He shook his head and started to frown down, yet I could tell he was more annoyed than sad. "Oh. Well I don't get why she would've done that," I said, showing him I was on his side. "Me neither. I mean I thought she cared," he said, getting softer at the end.

Now I have to stand up for her. "Well she did care, Teo. She was your girlfriend so she had to care," I said. "But trust me, I care more," I added and winked at him. He smiled at me and then he looked at the ground.

When we got up to my room, he had put the movie in and I jumped into my bed. I grabbed my blanket underneath my bed. I was really looking forward to seeing what was going to happen tonight. Were we gonna get in another argument? Were we just gonna watch the movie and go to sleep? I didn't know and I was a little afraid to see what was going to happen.

He had jumped in the bed and sat next to me. "Ready for me to start it?" he asked me.

He seemed to be a lot more careful with what he did now. Like before, he would have just played the movie and then sit next to me.

I thought it was maybe because my heart was broken like an hour ago.

Maddie stop bringing it up. You don't want to cry somemore.

I really needed to stop overthinking.

"Maddie, you ok?" Teo had asked, waving his head in front of my face. I lightly shook my head, coming back into reality. "Yea," I said with a smile, "go ahead and play the movie."

When the movie had started, I had laid my head on the pillow next to me. I felt Teo look at me and I looked over at him. "What?" I asked him, a little confused. "I'm right here. You don't have to use a pillow," he said and smirked at me.

I didn't know if I should just ignore it and continue laying on the pillow or listen to him and lay on his chest instead? I don't know for some reason if bothered me this time about laying on him. Like I did it at the restaurant but that was his shoulder...

Honestly, Andrew breaking up with me has messed me up. I don't know what happened, but I'm not me anymore. This is how I was after Teo and I broke up.

Wow. Break ups must affect my personality.

"Eh. I don't know Teo. It'll feel weird," I said, looking away. "Yea. Alright. I understand," he said and turned to the TV. "Teo I did-" "Yea I know what you meant. Its fine. Its fine that you don't want things to go back to normal. Its fine that you are being stubborn. Its all fine," he snapped at me. "Teo. Its not that easy for things to just go back to normal. We both got out of relationships today! Doesn't it hurt a little bit!?" I was basically yelling at him. He looked at the ground and nodded. "Exactly! I want things to go back to normal but you gotta understand that's hard for me right now. That's hard," I cried out to him. "Maddie I didn't mean for us to start fighting," he said and pulled me closer to him. "I know you didn't. I'm just a mess right now," was all I said to him.

I haven't even noticed that the movie had started.

"I'm sorry you've seen my cry like 4 times tonight," I said, staying in the position he was holding me in. "Mads its fine. I understand. Break ups are hard. I remember that you were there for me when Brooke broke up with me. I'm gonna be there for you," he said to me. Then he kissed my forehead, which was something he hadn't done in a while. But I really did miss that. "Teo. You-your-y-you're amazing," I told him, stuttering a lot. "So are you Maddie. So are you."

A/N: So they made up somewhat.

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Stay perfect


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