Feelings // Chapter 14

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I just laid there. I don't know how long I was there but I just laid there.

It wasn't until I heard my phone vibrating that I got up. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Not even my mom.

I flipped my phone over to see I had 48 messages from Teo, 18 from Starr, and 26 from Andrew. I had about 17 from an unknown number too which was weird. I also had about 17 missed calls from Teo and about 29 missed FaceTime calls from Teo, too. I checked the messages and right as I did, Teo FaceTimed me. I answered yet put my phone towards the pillow so he couldn't see I'd been crying.

-FaceTime call-

"Maddie oh my gosh you scared me. I thought something bad happened to you again." I didn't respond because if I did, I knew I was going to cry. "Maddie are you ok?" I could hear worry in his voice and knew I had to respond. "Yea," but it came out more as a croak, which would signify that I'd been crying. "Maddie why are you crying?" Sometimes I wish that kid didn't know me so well. "Its nothing," I said and felt tears rolling down my cheek. "Its something. I'm coming over." Dammit Teo. "Teo no I look like a me-" is all I was able to say before the call ended and I knew he would be on his way over.

When I heard the doorbell, I got up and went downstairs. I placed my hand on the doorknob and just let it sit there. After just standing there, I turned the knob and Teo ran in and engulfed me into a hug. He never let go of me. Instead, he pulled me up more and I wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his neck. He took me upstairs to my room and set me down carefully on my bed. "Maddie you still look beautiful." Yea heard that one before, I thought but didn't say it out loud. I still felt my cheeks get warm and saw Teo smile. We just stayed silent for a couple minutes. He broke the silence between us. "Maddie please please please tell me what's the matter. Was it something I did? Please tell me." I just kinda nodded and he looked at the ground, "Is it because Starr and I got back together?" That one really hurt. I thought maybe she was lying to try to get back at me, but now I know its true. Him and Starr got back together. I didn't care this time. I just let the tears roll down my face and hit my bed.

I looked over at Teo who wasn't looking at me. He was facing the window and I heard him cursing at himself. I got up and went to the bathroom. I closed the door and leaned up against it, my chin resting in my knees. There was a knock on the door and I knew it was Teo. I slid away from the door and croaked out, "come in." Teo entered and sat next to me. "Maddie if it bothers you, I'll break up with her. You are more important to me than she is." He was now looking at me and wiping the tears away with his hand. "No no Teo. She makes you happy. I'm not gonna take that away." This reminded me of a conversation we had not that long ago. "She's not my happiness. You are. And when you are sad, I feel terrible. When she's sad, I don't get the same feeling. I don't feel bad. Yea I'm gonna try to help her, but I don't feel sad when she's sad. I only get that feeling with you." I was looking at him now, reading his face. "Maddie just because I'm in a relationship, don't let it get in the way of our friendship," was all he could get in before I interrupted him. "Well that's kinda hard to do when I'm basically in love with you. Like I'm trying to have our friendship go back to normal, but its hard because I like you. I love you, Teo. Its hard to see you with someone else." He looked at me, astonished. "Maddie what do you mean?"

I just told him all that and he asks me what do I mean? Really?

"Teo it means I'm in love with you and I can't stand to see you with anyone else and I know that sounds really selfish but like trust is key right?" he nodded his head lightly, still taking everything in.

He still didn't talk for about another 5 minutes. "So your saying that you love me so much, it kills you see me dating anyone else?" he was smirking now.

I'm scared to see where this is gonna go.

"Yea," is all I said because I didn't want to say too much to him.

He stood up, picked me up, took my to my bed, sat down, and just sat there.

Yea I'm nervous to see where this is going to go.

My body was facing the other way from him. He quickly fixed that. He picked me up again and sat me down, facing directly at him. This was one of the closest I'd ever been to Teo. We were just looking into each other's eyes. "Maddie I love you." I smiled at his simple yet sweet comment. "I love you too, Teo." Before I knew it we both leaned in and were kissing. I forgot about everything at that moment. I forgot about Andrew. I forgot about my family. I forgot about everyone but Teo. But that moment was cut short by the door swinging open and someone walking in.

Uh oh.

It was Starr.

A/N: Cliff hanger sorry😬

You guys are the best omg thanks so much for all the love you give this story! It means everything to me💕

Stay beautiful


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