Dinner {Part 1} // Chapter 29

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We arrived at this semi-fancy restuant. It was called 'Tanaline'.

Weird name, right?

We got a booth seat and we each hand little name cards next to where we were suppose to be sitting. There were 2 chairs so 2 people were going to be sitting in the booth.

At the chairs, the card names were Andrew and Starr.

Well ok then.

That means that Teo and I are going to be sitting next to each other.


We all sat down at our seats and started to order drinks. None of us are able to drink yet, but they all still offered us some wine and said that we looked '22' and not 15.


But anyway, we all ordered any drinks and apatizers we wanted.

There was some awkward silence for a little bit, which I completely dreaded.

"So," I said, adding a chuckle to the end. "This is a weird seating arrangment, don't you think?" Teo and Andrew nodded and Starr was just on her phone, texting away.

I didn't blame her. She said she didn't want to be here anymore. And her and Teo were in a fight. How can it get any worse than being in a fight with your boy friend???

It doesn't get any worse than that, trust me.

I just looked down at my lap and started to play with my hands. Teo noticed and he started to mock me.

That's why we were best friends.

We mock each other yet, it doesn't bother either of us. We really have the best friendship.

I started to laugh and so did he. Andrew gave him the 'stare' again. I felt bad so I put my hand on Andrew's arm and mouthed 'Its ok. He's just my best friend'. I sent him a reassuring smile and he showed me a small smile back. I knew he didn't like us being friends, but of course he would never ever say anything! He wouldn't want us to break up because he wouldn't let me hang out with someone. So he stayed quiet. I liked how laid back he was with me. It made him a lot cuter too.

Teo and I played this weird game all night where we would like put our hands in between us and then one of the people would try to touch your hand and u couldn't lift it off the seat. You just had to drag it around. It was pretty fun though. It made me laugh pretty loud too.

I hate hate hate to admit this but my feelings for Teo were coming back.

And I was falling for him hard... again.

But I was dating Andrew. Why can't my mind get around that thought! I can't like Teo when I'm dating Andrew. It can't happen. I mean its already happening...

I feel so ashamed.

I can't make up my mind! And no one needs this.

But Teo still wants to get back together with me. He told me this morning... But I'm with Andrew. Oh my gosh why is this so hard for my brain to rememeber! I'm going crazy with this. I was so lost in thought when all of the sudden, I had started to fall forward, not knowing what had actually just happened.

"MADDIE!" I heard Teo yell. Andrew jumped up out of his seat and ran over to get some help. Teo had caught me and I was laying on his lap. "Maddie. Are you ok?" Teo was freaked out, I could tell. "Yea. I-I'm fine. I was just so lost in thought that I must have like lost control of myself for a little." I was still laying on his lap. I wasn't ready to get up yet. I was worried too that if I did, I would get light headed and pass out for real this time.

I had passed out a couple times and it was terrible. I hated it. I lost full control of myself. It was a terrible feeling. I would be awake and somewhere and then bam I would be somewhere else. It was a terrible, terrible feeling.

Anyway back to reality.

I continued to lay on his lap and he would play with my hair when Andrew came back with our waiter. "You ok?" the waitor asked me. "Yea. I didn't pass out thank god," I said and Teo chuckled. "Ok. Well if you need anything, you know where to find me," our waitor said with a smile. Andrew then sat down and I figured I should sit up so I sat up. I heard Andrew sigh so he was probably mad that I was laying on Teo...


Starr was on her phone the whole time. I doubt she even knew what had just happened. It sucked thinking that your best friends girlfriend hates you when you didn't do anything.

Ok that's a lie... I almost took Teo from her a couple times. But obviously she didn't seem to mind now.


But there were times I would put my head on his shoulder and try to get her attention. She wouldn't even look up. I didn't get why she was so interested in her phone that she can't have a conversation with her boyfriend. Teo wouldn't mind when I had my head on his shoulder. He would just play with my hair.

I honestly had such a weakness for guys who played with my hair. Like I loved it so much. Andrew would never play with my hair but Teo would and I liked that.

I looked over at Andrew and his face was basically boiling over with anger. I lifted my head of Teo's shoulder and looked down at the table. I was ashamed. I was dating Andrew, yet I was sitting next to Teo and I was basically acting like Teo was my boyfriend. I would be doing the same thing if I was sitting by Andrew. But I wasn't.

Our food finally came and we started to eat. That was the first time that night Starr had put her phone down. She didn't talk to us when we all eating though. She just sat there. It was like she was so done with everyone at this table.

I felt there was going to be some big argument that broke out between 2 of the people at this table. The tension at the moment was crazy high. And I already wasn't feeling good because of earlier.

Finally, Starr said something. "So what are we doing after this?"

Going home and sleeping. What is she talking about?

"Nothing," I said. "I'm going home." I looked over at Andrew who was nodding his head. I looked over at Teo who was giving Starr a weird stare and she just shrugged her shoulders. She was looking at us at the moment and I thought it would be a fun idea to see what her reaction would be if I put my head on Teo's shoulder.

When I made contact with his shoulder, Starr was looking away.


Then, Teo caught on and put his head on top of mine. And that's when everything went 'BAM'.

A/N: Uh oh. What do you think the 'BAM' is?

Thank you for all the support on this book. I'm gonna need you guys help coming up soon😊.

Stay perfect


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