Again // Chapter 13

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When I regained consciousness, I was in my bed. I looked up to see Starr and Andrew.

No Teo. Oh..

Starr noticed I was up immediately, "Maddie oh my god you scared us. I wasn't here yet I cried when Andrew called me."

Andrew called her? Where the hell was Teo all this time?

I didn't say anything. I just plopped my head back down on my pillow. Andrew came closer to me, but I moved away. I didn't know what had happened but I felt like he was a part of it. "Maddie I'm not gonna hurt you. I wanna make sure that you're ok." I still had my back turned to him. "Maddie I skipped school for this. Look at me please," skipped school what time is it? Its the last day but why'd he skip school? But honestly I didn't care that Andrew was with me. I wanted to know where Teo was.

"Where's Teo?" I asked bluntly, getting weird looks from Andrew and Starr.

"Uh I don't know. He wasn't here when I got here," Starr said, acting a little suspicious. We both looked at Andrew. "He didn't know what happened with you and he started panicking and everything. So I told him to go home and that I'll tell you to call him after you wake up." Starr then looked back at me but I just reached for my phone on the dresser and dialed his number. "Ring ring ring," the ringing continued, "ring ring ring."

No answer.

I looked back at Andrew who was looking intently at me. For some reason, tears started to well up in my eyes.

Even since Teo and I dated, I've been so much more emotional. Its probably because that was the only relationship that really mattered to me.

Andrew reached his arms out and I accepted. I then released myself from his grip and went back to my phone, seeing if Teo called me back or sent me a text.

He didn't.

I checked twitter and Instagram and vine. He posted something on twitter about a half hour again.

"@TeoHalm: guys I have a emergency about someone that's the most important person in the world so I won't be on for sometime"

That's why he didn't answer my calls is because someone he cared about had an emergency. It sucks knowing I'm not his favorite person in the world though. Like I knew I wasn't, but if hurts for him to actually say that.

This time, the tears released themselves from my eyes.

Dammit weak Maddie.

Starr came up and started patting my back. "I'm sorry. I really am. But he said he wanted to tell you."

Oh boy tell me what?

"Tell me what..?" She just looked back at me. She nervously giggled, "Oh uh well I'm not suppose to tell you. He was going to." "Starr tell me. I'm getting annoyed." I really was. My 2 best friends keeping a secret from me? How low on the scale is that?! She looked back at me and sighed. "Fine. I'll tell you. Teo well." "Teo what oh my god is he hurt? Is he fine?" "Yea. Teo's fine. But him and I are. Well kinda... dating again." I just stared at her. And to think that I told Teo that I liked him and he does this!

"Both of you. Out." They listened and scurried off, leaving just me, my broken heart, and my tears.

A/N: Woah did you see that coming? Poor Maddie😭

Who should be with Teo? Starr or Maddie?

Thank you so much for all the reads I love you guys😊

Stay perfection


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