The Truth // Chapter 19

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Teo looked right at me. I thought that he said I was his best friend. Just another thing he lied to me about. The class clapped and he went to sit down. I had to figure out if I was going to say him, or just come up with someone else.

It was my turn.

When Teo walked back to his seat, he came up to me. "I'm sorry. Starr has friends in this class." I just nodded and walked up to the front. I still can't believe that relationship means that much to him like come on...

I walked up to the front of the class. "Hey there," I chuckled, "well if you didn't know, I'm Maddie. My nickname is Mads but you only get to call me that if I told you you can. My favorite sport is hockey. My favorite subject is history. My favorite activity is sleeping," which got a laugh out of the class. I smiled, knowing I accomplished something. "Yes I hate math. I'm taken by Andrew," I just couldn't stop myself from blushing. I heard a couple 'oooo's and 'awwww's from people. I looked over to see Teo just staring at me, disgusted.

I didn't know what to say next. Should I say Teo yet that could ruin his relationship with Starr? Or say Andrew because he was next in line. "My best friend and I are having a complicated time right now so I don't really know who my best friend is."

I looked at Teo. I stared at him, long and hard.

I saw him lifted his hand to his eye and wipe something away. Was he seriously crying? At least I didn't completely replace him like he did with me.

I was told to go sit down and I did. People kept telling the facts about themselves and the next person would come up. I decided to write a note to Teo, just to tell him why I said what I said.

"Look. I know you're probably mad at me for not exactly giving your name but I couldn't lie and tell people Andrew was my best friend. You are my best friend. I just didn't know what to say because I didn't want to ruin your relationship with Starr. Please don't be mad at me, Teo. You have no idea how much I actually missed you over the summer. I cried the 1st night I couldn't see you. I also cried the first couple weeks when I would see you two outside together. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I would never. Ever. Ever. Want to hurt you. You are the most important thing on the planet to me. You're amazing. Please forgive me. Mads❤️"

I tossed the note onto his desk and he just looked at it and looked back up at the person presenting.

What the heck.

"Teo," I whispered. I know he heard me but he just didn't listen. "Teo," he turned his head this time. "Hm?" "The note." He looked at it.

Boy this boy can be annoying.

"What about this note?" he asked waving it between his fingers. "Read it." He sighed and opened it up.

I turned my attention back to the presentations. When you actually listen, you will learn a lot about people. I learned at least 3 new people today and what they liked and stuff. It was nice.

My sentimental thought were interrupted by a tapping on my shoulder.

"Follow my lead." I just nodded my head. Teo's hand shot up. "Yes Teo?" "May I use the bathroom?" "Sure just be back before class is over." He nodded and winked at me. I waited about 30 seconds before raising my hand. "Maddie what is it?" "My throat is quite dry. May I go get a drink?" I asked in the nicest tone possible. "Yes yes go ahead."


I walked out of the room and there Teo was. "Teo I-" "Mads. I get it. You didn't want to jeopardize my relationship. I was just hurt that-that. Well what you said like how we were going through that hard time. It was true and its all because of me. This relationship was so important to me that I had to throw away the best thing that had ever happened to me. And that's you Maddie. Look I've lied to Starr. Not you. I've told Starr I didn't love you. Not true. I love you so much its indescribable. Maddie I could talk for hours, days, years about how amazing you actually are. You mean the world to me. Please don't ever change."

I just looked at him. I felt myself start smiling like an idiot. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, not knowing what actually just happened. "Oh Teo," was all I said before he picked me up and hugged me. "Maddie I love you. Please know that." I was still smiling. "I love you too, Teo. I never stopped."

Maybe this school year wasn't gonna turn out to be so bad after all.


A/N: So Teo and Maddie seem to be closer again yay😊

Keep sending in your suggestions! I really need them!!!

Thank you guys so much for everything you are all amazing💕

Stay amazing


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