True 'Love' // Chapter 33

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When I woke up, I didn't really remember what had happened last night.

And then it all came back to me.

At least I think all of it.

Teo and I  were in a fight twice, Andrew dump-texted me, and Teo and I had made up after our fight.

Wow there was a lot that had gone on.

"Good morning, Mads," I heard Teo chirp happily beside me. "Aw you seem happy," I said back to him, turning towards him. He was smiling at me now. "Yea. I get to see my best friend every day now," he said as he moved closer to me. I was feeling pretty over Andrew now. Like, after I realized that I did have someone who cared, I seemed to forget a little about Andrew. 

I shook myself from my thoughts when I suddenly was pulled over. "I hope this isn't weird for you," he said and lossened his grip a little on me. I scooted closer to him. "No," I smirked, "no it doesn't bother me."

I knew he was smiling and I felt accomplished.

He had put his head on top of mine and let it sit there. We stayed in the same position. And it was really nice.

About 5 minutes had passed and we had barely moved. I told myself I wasn't ready for a relationship at the moment, but he was making this really hard to not be completely in love with him.

"Hey honey do you want any-" And my mom had walked in. Shoot. "Oh," she nervously chuckled as I released myself from Teo's grip. "I can come back later," she said before leaving the room.

I sighed and got up to go talk to my mom. I heard Teo say something under his breath before saying something to me. "Maddie I'm sorry. I didn't mean for your mom to see us," he said, getting up and walking over to me. "Teo its ok. She just probably felt bad about invading personal space. Its not your fault. And oh my gosh. She still thinks I'm dating Andrew," I said before darting out of the room.

I heard footsteps following me and knew Teo must be following me. "MOM!" I yelled when I reached the kitchen. "Hm?" she said then looked up at me breifly. "I want you to know that Teo and I are going to be haning out a lot more now because... well," I said yet couldn't finish it. "Andrew, being a big dofus, broke up with her. And I broke up with Starr because she had thrown pop at Maddie. So we are both single and can reconnect again," Teo had said.

He had worded it perfectly, in my opinion.

I had nodded my head and then looked at the ground. My mom had stopped cooking and was now looking up at both of us. "So you two aren't dating?" she asked us, being straightforward. "No," I said and Teo was just looking at my mom. "So that's why I saw you two cuddling upstairs... In the same bed?" she said and raised an eyebrow at us.

Yea. She got me there.

"Well," Teo had started then nervously giggled, "you see. We were in a couple fights yesterday and then we made up. And we're closer now. But aren't dating," he said. I was a little confused on why he kept telling her 'we aren't datinng' or 'were single'. Like that's personal. Yea I would tell my mom and I would tell him, but its not really his buisness to just tell anyone who he wants that I'm single.

What am I talking about? I have the best friend in the world and I'm complaining that he told my mom that I'm single after I told her Andrew and I broke up.

I can't believe myself sometimes. I can be really selfish...

My mom nodded. "Ok. So you guys want breakfast?" she asked us. "Yea but I have a photoshoot to go to today. But Maddie you can come if you want," he said and I smiled, knowing things were going back to normal. "Yea," I said, "yea I want to go. That sounds fun." He was now smirking at me and nodding.

Oh boy... I'm scared to see where this goes..

"Yea," I said then nervously chuckled.

We both ate breakfast and then I got ready while he waited downstairs. Once I was ready, we both walked over to his house and got in his mom's car. We drove there and his mom just talked the whole time about how she was happy that Teo and I were good friends again and that him and Starr were no longer a 'thing'. It was so cute to see Teo's reactions to what his mom had said. He was blushing half the time. One time, his mom said, "Yea. You should've seen how upset he was after he came home from your house that day he told you that you and him couldn't hang out anymore. He was crying and Starr didn't even care. He kicked her out of the house, and he sat in his room and cried. I felt so bad, yet couldn't call you because you guys weren't on the talking status anymore." He was blushing like crazy and he was looking at the ground for basically all the car ride. I had grabbed his hand and he grabbed mine back. I smiled when he had squeezed my hand. Our friendship was really coming back to normal and I loved it.

When we had arrived to his photoshoot, he was taken away from me. He went through hair and makeup, which I didn't understand why they had touched up his face with makeup. His face was perfect.

Wait what?

When he was in clothes, I saw one of the designers point at me and look at me. He had then looked over at me too. He was blushing and smiling and seemed to be going on and on and on about something. I had started blushing, too, yet I didn't even know if they were talking about me. Part of me was hoping they were, but the other part knew they probably weren't.

While he was in the photoshoot, the designer he was talking to had walked over to me. "Ya know, he really loves you," he had said to me. I smiled, blushed like crazy, and looked at the ground. "He's told me a couple times. And if you talk to him again, tell him I really love him too. Because I really do," I didn't know what else to say. There was too much to say that I was lost for words. The designer, who's name was Paul, smiled at me and nodded. "Do you like him?" Paul asked.

Wow he was not afraid to be straightforward.

"Yea I like him. I mean he's my best friend," I said, getting quiet at the 'best friend' part. "No no no. Not like that. Like you like like him. Like boyfriend material," he said. This guy gets really honest.

But now I had a good question to ask myself. Did I actually like Teo? I mean I thought I did but I didn't know anymore.

"I'll give you a hint," Paul said. I looked at him and waited for him to continue. "Your answer should be yes," was all he said to me before walking off.

A/N: So should Maddie and Teo date again?

 And did anyone watch the Young Hollywood Awards yesterday night just to see Teo? I did and I only saw him like twice :/

Stay perfect


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