Fight // Chapter 7

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At the end if the movie, Teo stood up and waved. I burst out into laughter. He then pulled me up and said "my beautiful girlfriend Maddie Tanner."

I stood next to him and smiled. He pecked my lips and the crowd all went 'awww'.

Well except for the 6 girls in the top of the theater that were Teo fans. I got dirty looks from all of them.

After the movie, Teo had to use the bathroom. Starr and Ben went into the van and I waited for Teo.

Then trouble arrived. The Teo fans walked up to me.

The girl on the far left who had Teo written on her forehead said, "So. You're the girl Teo chose over us." "Well actually, Teo chose me over you guys before you knew he existed. So tough luck, babes." I flashed a cheeky smile and wished they would leave me alone.

"Oh. So he's chosen you. Why did he date Starr then?" "Ask him yourself." "But we are talking to you and not him," then one of the other girls said, "much be rather talking to him but whatever.."

Then Starr walked in. "Hey Maddie. Ready? Oh. You have some guests."

"Ohmygawd you're Starr. You dated Teo. The love of our life's."

"Your big point? I'm not dating him anymore. So leave us alone. Let's go Maddie." "Starr I have to wait for Teo I told him I would." She sighed. "Okkkay. Let's wait then."

The girls decided to talk to us again. "So. Teo's phone number is important. Give it to us." I scoffed, "Uh no. That's private information. I'm not giving it out."

Teo suddenly walks out of the bathroom. He saw the fans and his eyes go huge.

"Girls. I have to go home I have some plans."

"TEO!" they all screamed out in unison.

"RUN!!!!!" Starr and I yelled.

Teo grabbed my hand and I grabbed Starr's and we ran until we reached the van. Ben was in the front seat. The side door was open and we jumped in. I was sitting on Teo's lap and Starr was sitting next to us. His mom jumped on the gas.

We drove for about an hour in the opposite detection of his house so they wouldn't know where he lived, and next thing we knew, we were in the middle if no where.

Teo's mom always had camping stuff in the back so we all pulled that stuff out and unpack it all. It was in a grassy area with no lights in seeing distance. Right now, it was about 7. Thank god we didn't have school tomorrow. Then we have school Tuesday and Wednesday and were on summer break.

There were 2 tents. Plus there was a car. Teo's mom said she would sleep in the car so that we could sleep in the tents. It was an obvious choice that Teo and I would be sharing a tent. Starr and Ben on the other hand. But they sucked it up and shared a tent.

Even though this wasn't the type of second date that was the 'cliche' type, it was pretty good.

We laid out, in the middle of California, not knowing where we were, and just watched the stars. They were beautiful.

"This reminds me of Earth to Echo. Like a scene in it or something," he pointed out. "Yea. I bet it does. How fun was making a movie?" I was just curious so I thought why not ask? "It honestly was one of the best things I'd ever done. Like it was so cool to bring Alex to life. Like he's nothing like me, so it was fun."

We laid there. I took in what he said about him and Alex not being actually him. They just looked alike. That was it. It was like how he brought a person that is nothing like him to life. Its astonishing. Like if you think about that, how actors and actresses do that, its pretty cool. Like not everybody can do that.

He broke my thoughts. "After we started dating, have you noticed a difference in our relationship? Its not as like out going anymore?"

I honestly did notice. I just didn't say anything.

"Yea. I did. Like we haven't been as like funny with each other. But the kissing part is pretty good."

He chuckled. "Yea. That part is amazing but like I want our old friendship back. Don't you?"

Well of course I did but I like where we are now.

"Yea I guess but-" I stopped myself. I didn't know what I was going to say. "Maddie. I know we just started dating, but do you think this is wrong?" "You don't like me anymore do you." "Of course I like you. It just feels weird but I love you don't get me wrong." "Teo. You're on my mind 24/7. All day. Everyday. I love you so much. I have this huge crush on you. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I've never fallen for someone so hard." "Mads. I feel the same way about you too. I don't want you to think that I don't." "Lets just sleep on it ok? If you still don't feel right about that, we will break up then ok? ok goodnight."

I started to walk towards the tent when Teo grabbed my waist and whipped me around.

"Madelyn Grace Tanner. I'm in love with you. I'll never stop loving you. Don't think I won't. I just want our friendship back, where we were always really stupid and just a perfect friendship. Yea I love us dating but I miss the old us too. Don't you?"

"Yea I do but I love you and I want to date you. But whatever you want to do."

I walked into the tent. I heard Teo yelling and cursing at himself outside.

He walked into the tent, his eyes puffy. He'd been crying. Oh my gosh I feel terrible. So he laid down next to me. He laid the other way, facing the outside of the tent.

I turned to face him, seeing his back in my face.

"Teo." He didn't respond. "Teo please I'm sorry. I shouldn't be been such a jerk." He turned to look at me.

I came closer to him. I wrapped my arms around him and he put his arms on my back. We laid there for a while.

After a while, I let go and buried my head into his neck.

And that's exactly how I fell asleep.

It'd been a rough day, but in the end, it turned out to be pretty good.

A/N: Ooooo what's gonna happen? Are Teo and Maddie gonna stay together?

Or is he gonna go back to Starr?

Comment which one he should go with!

And I know Teo fans aren't gonna be like this, I just needed this part for the story😊

And thank you so much for 100 reads!

Remember, I post twice a day or every 5 votes😊


P.S. YOU GUYS DID IT! 5 votes! Thank you so much😊💕

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