Movie and Fans // Chapter 27

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Teo and I had decided that we were going to see 'Into the Storm'. Andrew didn't care what we were going to see. But Starr wanted to see some dance movie. It looked pretty cool to be honest, but I wanted to see this movie more.

Starr and Teo walked hand in hand to the ticket booth and into the theater. Even in the theater, they were holding hands.

The seating went Andrew, me, Teo, and Starr.

Starr and Teo started what looked like a make out session next to us. I coughed and tapped Teo's shoulder. "Uh. 2 things," I said, fake chuckling. "1. The movie is starting. And 2. Get a damn room. You guys are gross." I threw my hand up in defense, to prove I was right.

Starr shrugged her shoulders and turned to watch the movie, but Teo was smirking. I didn't really know why and that bothered me.

I turned back to Andrew. He pulled my head closer to him. "Mads calm down. Its ok. But thank you for saying something. Everyone was getting grossed out," he said with his perfect smile at the end. I started laughing and got some weird looks but I didn't care. I was happy.

I laid my head on his chest and just stayed like that until the movie started. The movie started to get pretty scary. Like everyone was getting sucked up by a tornado and dying... There was like little kids dying and I started to like tear up. Like I know its just a movie but even though, little kids are still dying.

Andrew noticed right away and grabbed me and pulled me towards him. "Maddie. Shh. It's ok. Those kids aren't actually dying don't worry. And if they were, I would go out and save them."

He was so adorable when he was trying to act all strong.

I smiled and just stayed how I was positioned. I knew Starr had noticed us right away. She tried to get Teo's attention, but when she did, he looked at her and shook his head and looked back at the movie.

He was taking none of her attitude.

And I don't blame him.

She looked back at us and sighed. She started to fake cry and tapped Teo. He looked at her, wipped the tears away, and looked back at the screen.

Wow ouch...

I looked back at Starr. She had roller her eyes. She was annoyed with Teo, I could tell. Uh oh. Wonder how that's going to go.

But I watched the rest of the movie in the presents of Andrew. And it was really nice.

The movie was actually pretty good. Except for someone dying every single second. They should change that part.

But when we walked out of the theater, I could tell that Starr and Teo were fighting. She was pointing at him and he was just talking back. Then she walked off, pasted Andrew and I, and into the bathroom.

Teo just stood there. Then he sighed and seemed somewhat relieved. I really wanted to know what happened.

"Go talk to him. Its ok. I understand," Andrew had said. He saw me looking at Teo.


I smiled at him, "Thanks. I just want to make sure he's ok." Andrew just nodded and I started to walk towards Teo. As I was about half way towards him, a group of about 3 girls came up to him. He signed something and took a picture with each of them. Then, they started to get touchy and stuff and he was started to get creeped out.

I could tell.

I didn't stop walking until I reached them.

When I reached them, I got weird looks from all 3 girls. "We were here first. And obviously, he loves one of us," this one pretty blonde said. "Yea. You tell her, Brooke," the girl behind the girl 'Brooke' said.

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