First Period // Chapter 18

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Ugh. I really didn't want to get up for school today. Summer went by way to fast.

I got up and went into my bathroom. I took a shower and straightened my hair. Today it was suppose to be a beautiful day in LA so I figured I would wear shorts. I ended up wearing a floral crop top that read 'Love All'. With that, I wore red high waisted shorts. I didn't know if this was a school appropriate outfit, but it wasn't showing much so I think I'll be ok.

I walked back into the bathroom to do my makeup. For my makeup, I did it very simple, but enough to make Teo jealous.

Did I really just say that?

I have Andrew what am I saying?

Back to my makeup, I put on a thin layer of black eyeliner on my top lid. After that, I added mascara. I did a couple layers to give my eyes a real pop.

I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from Andrew. He was honestly the sweetest thing. I responded to his text and sent Teo a text asking if his mom was still going to pick me up and take me to school. We did that almost all year and I was hoping that we were continuing that, even if Teo and I didn't really talk over the summer. He told me yes they were but they were picking up Starr now, too.


I haven't seen Starr since that day and I couldn't tell if we were still friends or not. We probably weren't because I was basically taking her boy friend again. And I would have successful if she didn't walk in, but I guess it was for the best.

Ugh I'm so selfish.

I walked down the stairs and got breakfast. I wasn't really hungy because I would have to be in the car with the 'perfect couple'. I could see behind all of the lies that that 'perfect couple' had. I could tell Teo wasn't happy. He had to give up a friendship that he called "The Best Friendship In The World". Starr might be happy with him and everything but I think its killing him. Starr probably doesn't even know I'm gonna be in the car with them.

I must have gotten lost in my thoughts because there was a knock on the door, signifing that Teo was here and I would have to go.

I opened the door and saw Teo standing there... holding Starr's hand.

I showed them a small smile and Starr returned the smile. Teo just kept looking at the ground. "Bye Mom!" I called then walked out. I sat in the front next to his mom while Starr and Teo sat in the back. "Maddie! I didn't see you all summer!" she smiled at me and I returned the smile. "I wasn't really allowed to see Teo this summer," I said and she just looked at me confused, "Starr said that you and Teo ended your friendship.." we both looked back at Starr. She was on her phone and Teo was even looking confused at her. "What..?" Starr asked. "You told my mom that we ended our friendship? That didn't happen! I stopped talking to her so I could date you," Teo snapped. His mom looked at him astonished, "Teo. Why would you do that? Maddie is your best friend! How could you-I can't believe this!" Teo's mom was so confused. Teo just looked at the ground of the car. "I can't believe you," she said as she started up the car and started to drive off. The car ride was silent.

When we got to school, I saw Andrew waiting by the door for me. I got out of the car and walked over to him. I saw Teo talking to his mom and Starr ran off with her friends. I heard her telling them how great her relationship Teo was going. She completely left out the part where she lied to his mom and torn our friendship apart.

But I guess that wasn't important enough.

I saw Teo look at Andrew and I then walk over to Starr. He looked guilty. He said something to her and then she took his hand. "Lets go Andrew," I said with a smile. He smiled back at me and took my hand. I looked over his shoulder to see Teo looking at us. I smirked and faced forward. We walking through the halls we knew too well to our lockers. Class started in about 10 minutes so we had enough time to unpack everything and talk to whoever we wanted. Andrew and I had 5 classes together: 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th. Teo and I had all but 1 class and that's 3rd. I had 3rd and 6th with Starr so that was going to be interesting.

I walked into 1st hour and Teo was already there. He even saved me a seat. "Hi," he said. "Look I'm sorry I brought that up. I just thought that your mom would already know," I said, feeling guilty. He just looked at me, "Maddie its ok. I didn't know Starr told her that. I can't believe she would! But I forgave her so we are still a couple," he said, just looking at the ground.

Come on. After she told his mom a lie, his mom is still ok with him and her dating. I don't know...

I faked a smile. "Well that's good, then." He just slightly nodded his head. "Yea." We just small talked for a little bit, until the bell rang. First hour was math with Mr. Davison. "Alright class, lets get to know a little about each other. I have a list of a questions that you must write down the answer and announce to the class."

This was gonna be fun...

The questions were:

1. Name

2. Nickname

3. Favorite sport

4. Favorite school subject

5. Favorite activity

6. Hate math?

7. Relationship status?

8. Best friend?

The questions were very easy.

1. Maddie

2. Mads

3. Hockey

4. History

5. Sleeping

6. Yes

7. Taken

8. Teo

We announced row by row so it was going to go about 13 people and then Teo and the I. At the moment, Teo stood up to go.

"Hi. I'm Teo. My nickname is Tay, but I only let about 3 people call me that. My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite school subject is reading. My favorite activity is watching movies. I do hate math. I'm taken. And my bestfriend is Starr."

A/N: Ek. Poor Maddie

Thank you all soooooo much for all the reads!

You guys are so amazing

Last update before I go to bed. I'll update tomorrow in the afternoon😊

Stay beautiful


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