Dinner {Part 2} // Chapter 30

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Starr and Andrew both exploded. Like they literally jumped up and started screaming at the same time.

Oh boy this was going to get interesting..

It was all basically a blob of words. I could barely understand them. Starr said something along the lines of, "This is why I didn't want you two to hang out. You were going to get too close again," was all I could make out, yet she kept screaming at the two of us. Andrew was basically just yelling at Teo and saying, "You're such a bad boyfriend to Starr. You let who ever just lay on you," was all I could understand but he kept yelling at us.

Then, they both looked at. Oh boy....

"Maddie. Why would you do that to Andrew? He's such a good boyfriend to you and you just basically go for another guy. And Teo is taken. By me. Yet, you still want him and you still are trying to take him away from me. That's a bad thing to do especially because you have a boyfriend too!! I can't believe you!" Starr yelled at me.

The next thing that happened, I didn't expect.

She picked up her drink and threw it at me. I was covered in coke.

I jumped up. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" I screamed across the table at her. She just looked at me and smirked. "That was for all the times I really wanted to smack you for being near Teo," she said just glancing at my ruined outfit, messed up make up, and messy hair.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the restarunt. "Maddie-" I heard Teo call but I just kept walking. I had no idea where I was going to go but I didn't want to  be by them and I just wanted to get out of here for a little bit.

It was starting to get very dark when I finally knew where I was. I was at the grocery store about 45 minutes away from my house. I decide not to call anyone and just to walk. I didn't want to see anyone at the minute.

I took out my phone and texted Lori that I would be there in about an hour and a half. She asked me if I was alright but I didn't respond. The answer was 'No I'm not ok. I was basically just told that I was a terrible girlfriend and had pop thrown at me. So no I'm not ok.' And just my luck, it had started to rain. I didn't care anymore. My night was already ruined so this didn't effect me.

I didn't even realize that I had started crying until I heard myself basically whimper. My breathing had started to get uneven and I knew at that point, I was sobbing.

I didn't stop walking though. I was done with the world for a little bit.

I was just lost in thought for the rest of the walk. I was wondering what happened after I stormed out. Did Teo yell at Starr? Did Andrew yell at Starr? Did they tell her good job for getting me to leave?

I wanted to know, but at the same time I didn't. I would hurt me  probably a lot more than I would want it too.

I just kept walking, trying to remember the path home. I was really scared that I was going to get like raped or something. That's the reason I really hate nighttime. You never know what's going to happen. Its a mystery.

I would see some people that looked very suspicious walk by or drive by and I would get nervous. Like do they have a gun and are they going to kill me unless I come with them?

I think way too much.

But the people would just walk by and not say anything. Which was good.

But my situation reminded me of one you would see in the movies. Like the nerdy girl who got pop thrown at her for taking the popular girls boyfriend that no one saw coming but it was predictable. I just had a little bit of a different story. Like I wasn't nerdy. I was pretty popular in school and so was Starr. But no one really saw Teo and I getting together. We were told multiply times that we would be a bad couple, even by our own principal.. I mean I don't get why people are saying that. Like we dating before. Yea it ended terribly but I don't get why they always say that. But whatever, right?

People are probably just jealous that I'm really close with basically the hottest guy in school. I guess I got lucky.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even realize that I was only 2 houses away.

Wow. An hour and half goes by quick when you do something with your time.

I walked up my driveway and knocked on the door. Lori answered. "Maddie! I was so worried about you!! I didn't know where you were! And when you didn't answer my text, I was starting to freak out. Then Teo told me what happened." "Wait back up. Teo told you what happened?" I looked at her, confused expression on my face. Suddenly, behind her I see Teo.


"Hey Mads," he said with a nervous chuckle. "What are you doing here?" I snapped at him. "Uh well I wanted to know if you were ok. I tried following you but I couldn't tell which way you went. And I got really scared so I called my mom and we looked for you for about a half hour and we couldn't find you. So I came here and wasn't leaving until you came home. But I can leave now since your home," he said, getting quiter at the end.

He started to walk towards the door but I grabbed his arm. "No don't go," was all I said, yet he had a huge smile plastered on his face. He nodded his head and we went and sat down on the couch.

"So where'd you go?" Lori asked and they both looked at me. "Well I just kinda kept walking. I didn't know where I was going but I ended up at the grocery store about 45 minutes away when your in a car and just took that route home and yea," I said, not knowing what else to really say. They both just nodded their heads. "So what happened back at the resturant after I stormed out?" I really wanted to know this answer.

He sighed. "Uh well. I started yelling your name and then chased after you. But after I couldn't find you  I went back inside and Andrew was gone but Starr was still there. I asked her where he went and she said home-" My phone had dinged. I unlocked it and saw it was a text from Andrew.

"We're done" was all it said.

A/N: Wow rough chapter for Maddie...

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