Movie Drama // Chapter 28

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Teo and I held hands as we walked back to Andrew. When the girls finally left the theater, I let go and walked over to Andrew. Teo's face dropped and his eyes showed sadness.

Andrew put his arm around me and was giving Teo the 'stare'.

Uh oh...

"So what happened with you and Starr?" Andrew asked, not breaking eye contact with Teo. Teo looked away from Andrew and looked at me. "Well when she was 'crying' I didn't comfort her when I 'should' have. So she's pretty upset. And she called me the worst boyfriend ever. But she didn't break up with me."

Oh. I was slightly hoping they broke up...

Maddie stop doing this to yourself. You love Andrew. You're dating Andrew. I've always done this. I don't appriciate what I have.

"Oh," is all I said. "Are we still going to dinner?" I asked. "When Starr comes out of the bathroom, yes," Teo said.

Well when is she coming out of the bathroom?

"I'll go talk to her," I said. I had some words I'd like to say to her anyway. I heard one of them say something but I ignored it and kept walking.

I walked into the bathroom to see Starr there, reappling her makeup.

When she saw me, she scoffed. "What do you want?" "I-I just wanted to see if you were ok. Teo told me what happened." She snapped back at me, "Yea I'm fine. Lets go to dinner and get this stupid double date over."

Stupid double date. Not gonna pass with me.

"Stupid double date? You know how hard Teo worked on this? He has been talking about it since he found out about it! He was so excited about this. And you ruin it for him by saying he's the worst boyfriend ever! What are you talking about? That boy gave up our friendship to date you. If that's not a good boyfriend, lower your standers." I was annoyed.

"Well you guys are talking again now," she said in a quiter tone.

I'm not going to tell her about how we basically had a makeout session 5 minutes ago.

"So just because he starts talking to his best friend again, you have to call him the worst boyfriend ever? I don't know about you, but to me that sounds selfish," I said. I knew I was giving her a lecture, but she needed one. I had started to appreciate what I had. And I was going to teach her that same thing.

"Well I guess that you're right," she said, looking at the ground.

Did she just call me right???

Wow that's a first.

"So let's go back out there. And go to dinner. Ok?" I think I got this under control. I decided saying the things I wanted to say to her, were going to be a bad idea so I left those out.

She walked in frong of me out of the bathroom and ran up to Teo. "Teo! I'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that! You aren't the worst person in the world! Just the worst boyfriend I've ever had," she said, crying into his chest.

Excuse me? What?

Teo let go of her and pushed her away from him. "What do you mean I'm the worst boyfriend you've ever had? I gave up the thing that meant the most to me in the world so that I could date you!" Starr looked at him, confused. "What do you mean gave up the thing that meant the most to you? Isn't that me?..."

Uh oh. This is getting interesting.

I walked over to Andrew and he just held me in his arms. "What do you think is going to happen?" Andrew asked me. "I-I don't know. I'm kinda worried to see what's going to happen," I responded back. He tightened his grip around me as we watched them argue.

"Starr. You are very important to me. Like you're my girlfriend so you mean like everything to me. Its just like. Maddie has always been there for me when you weren't. Like for example. About 10 minutes ago," he said.

Oh boy.

"There were some creepy fans that were getting all touchy-feely with me and I didn't like it. Maddie saw and came up and helped me get them to leave," was all he said. Thank god.

Starr had a confused look plastered on her face. "What did she do to get them to leave you alone?..."

And now this is going to get interesting..

Teo nervously chuckled. I knew he didn't want Starr and I to like break out into a fight but he can't lie to her. "Just... stuff," was all he said. Starr didn't believe that it was just 'stuff'. "I would like to know what this 'just stuff' is," she said looking at him suspesiously.

Oh boy.

"Well," he nervously giggled, "its a-a rea-really funny story." He was stuttering like crazy and I knew he was nervous. "The truth, Teo," Starr said, annoyed. "Well we had to creepy fans leave by having Maddie pretend to be my girlfriend..." Teo said, quietly and looking at the ground. Starr's eyes made their way over to me.


Excuse me?

"Yea she's the one that's poop. She's a better girlfriend than you'll ever be. She cares. She would let me hang out with whoever I want. She doesn't need anything expensive! She's amazing! And she's gorgeous. So I don't know what you are talking about. In my opinion, she's awesome and the best girlfriend that I ever had. I'm sorry if that bothers you, but that's my opinion."

I looked up at Andrew, who had a confused expression on his face. "Aww Andrew. Did you mean all that?" He just looked at me.

"I wasn't the one that said that. But it summed you up pretty well I think," Andrew said.


It wasn't him? Then who was it.

I turned around to see Teo on the groud. He lightly smiled at me. "Maddie I'm sorry about anything I did. I'm such a terrible best friend, aren't I?" Guilt flooded his eyes. "No, Teo. You are the best best friend ever. And I was lucky enough to have moved in 7 houses away from you. I was lucky enough to have 1st grade with you, where we became friends. And so blessed to have became your best friend in 2nd grade," I said. I knew I was blabbing but Teo needed to hear it. I meant everything I said to him. Every. Single. Word. And I really needed him to know that. "I mean it Teo," was how I finished off my mini-speech.

I turned back to Andrew, horrified with what I had just done.

"Lets go get dinner," Andrew said, with a smile. I smiled back at him and took his hand.

"Starr you coming?" I heard Teo ask her. "Yea," I heard her respond. It wasn't in a snotty tone anymore. Thank god. I could tell there was still tension between them though because they weren't holding hands on the way to the car.

Wow. A lot happened in these 3 hours at the movie theater.


A/N: This is short sorry😁

Suggestions anyone???

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Stay beautiful


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