Summer // Chapter 16

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Over the summer, I got really close to Andrew. He started to become one of my bestfriends. Teo was still first, but Andrew was a close second.

School starts tomorrow and its gonna be the first time I've seen Teo since that last day of school. We went the whole summer withoug seeing each other. It honestly still hurts to think that suddenly Starr was more important. And he kept saying he had to protect me. Well he can't protect me if he doesn't make an effort to talk to me. I sent him a text a couple weeks ago and he read it right away, but never texted me back. It sucks that I don't even know my bestfriend anymore.

But back to today.

Andrew had asked me if I wanted to go see a movie with him. Of course, I said yes. He picked to see that new Marvel movie Gardians of the Galaxy. It was a pretty good movie, but I was just mostly thinking about what was going to happen between Teo and I tomorrow. Is he gonna just be with Starr 24/7? Is he not gonna remember I exist? Will he recognize me? I got somewhat of a new look. My hair got longer and turned a lighter shade than it was before, I wore more makeup now, I was very tan, and I wore different clothes than I did before. The way he would be able to tell it was me is because I regrouped myself, wasn't emotional anymore, and I had my big mouth back.

Andrew would always tell me how beautiful or pretty I looked. He was always so sweet.

"Maddie," Andrew whispered in my ear, "Yea?" I responded with a smile even though we were in a pitch black theater. "Can we talk after the movie is done?" "Yea of course," I smiled and saw him smile back when the movie screen lit up.

About half way through the movie, Andrew put his arm around me and I put my head on his chest. This reminded me a lot of what Teo and I used to do. I smiled at the thought, yet was filled with sadness at the same time.

When the movie ended, I got up and started to walk away. I felt a hand on my back and knew it was Andrew's and just let it sit there. I smiled at the thought of how close we had gotten over the summer.

We got out of the theater and walked out to where his mom was. He turned 16 in December and I turned 16 in April, so neither of us could legally drive. So his mom basically took us everywhere because my mom and dad were always working. It was just like Teo and I with his mom driving us everywhere. But Andrew's mom was awesome. She was super sweet all the time and she would always give you what you wanted, as long as you asked nicely."Where are we going next, kiddos?" Mrs. Bazzi asked. "Maddie's house," Andrew said, then looked over and smiled at me. I returned the smile then looked down at my phone. I had a lot of twitter notifications. I was scrolling through them when a name caught my eye: Teo Halm.

"@TeoHalm: GUYS IM SO EXCITED I GET TO SEE @itsmaddietanner TOMORROW😘😘"

I was gonna start crying. I can't believe it. He thought of me. He even put a kissy face emoji.

"@itsmaddietanner: @TeoHalm IVE MISSED YOUUUUUUUUUUU"

2 minutes later I got a reply from him.

"@TeoHalm: @itsmaddietanner I've missed you more, trust me. I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

Before I knew it, we were at my house. "Ready?" Andrew asked me. I smiled and nodded my head. I stepped out of the car and Andrew followed me. He then picked me up and carried me bridal style into my house. I looked behind Andrew for a quick second and saw Teo standing in his driveway, wearing his glasses, holding his phone, his skateboard in his other hand, and watching us. My smiled dropped and I just starred at him. He was watching me, watch him. He then looked at his phone and started typing stuff. I then felt my phone double vibrate, indecating that I had gotten a text. I would check it when I got in the house.

Andrew and I walked into the house, me still in his arms. He took me upstairs and set me on my bed. "I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." I just nodded and smiled at him as he left the room. I took my phone out and saw that I had gotten the text from Teo.

-Text Convo-

Teo: I saw you and Andrew. How are you two?

I could tell that Teo was jealous. He didn't like Andrew in the first place.

Maddie: Pretty good :) We've gotten pretty close over the summer. What about you and Starr?

Teo: She's mad at me right now. She saw us tweeting each other and then she saw the kissy face emoji and got pretty upset at me.

Maddie: Why would she do that? She took you away from me and excepts us to not talk?

Teo: She reads my texts to make sure I don't talk to you. She doesn't want us talking. Today I'm not gonna see her because shes going to the mall.

Maddie: Why does us being friends bother her so much? I want to know. Our friendship is torn apart because of it.

Teo: She thought there was something going on between us idk.

Maddie: Well that makes two of us, Teo.

Teo: What do you mean?

I started typing but Andrew walked it. His arms were behind his back and he was wearing a hoodie. I had a weakness for boys hoodies.

"Maddie. I've been thinking about this long and hard. And I really do like you."

Oh boy.

"Would you please be my girlfriend?" he asked, pulling out a boque of roses behind his back and taking his hoodie off to give to me. If I said no, I would be mad at myself.


A/N: Wonder how Teo is gonna take the news?

Thank you guys so much for all the reads I love you guys so so so so so so much

1K reads you guys are awesomeeee💕

Stay beautiful


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