No More // Chapter 8

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When I woke up, Teo wasn't there. I just laid there for a little bit. The ground here was pretty comfortable.

After about 10 minutes of laying there, I finally got up. I stretched first then walked out of the tent.

The first thing I saw was Teo kissing some girl in a red convertible. Starr was running up next to him. I walked back into the tent.

And cried. Again. AGAIN. We've been dating for what? 3 days? And he cheats on me twice already. Wow just wow.

Starr ran in the tent. "Maddie... I'm-" I cut her off before she could finish. "Its fine. Obviously he doesn't care about this relationship. We had an argument about this yesterday," starting to cry at the end. "Maddie you don't deserve this. No one does goddammit Teo." She, too, was crying now also.

Ugh I felt so bad.

"Starr don't cry, its not your battle. Its Teo's. Don't cry." She looked up at me, her eyes red, "You just don't deserve this. You're too nice of a person." I looked at her straight in the eyes, unable to tell if this was a lie or not.

Then, in the worst timing possible, Teo runs in a hugs me.

"Maddie. Ugh I'm so stupid I love you so much. How could I do this to you?"

I let go of him and looked him in the eyes, he did the same. His eyes started to get red, probably from knowing that he made me cry. "Maddie if you give me another chance I pro-" I cut him off. I didn't want to hear what he had to say.

"Teo. I'm sorry but I can't date you if you kiss every girl you see. We-"

Teo now started to cry. It really hurts to see him cry. I pulled him in for a hug and he hugged me back. We stayed in that position for a while. I forgot Starr was in the tent.

I wonder how she was reacting to everything? And by everything I mean us hugging for about 3 minutes.

Teo broke the awkward silence. "Maddie do you forgive me?"

I looked at him, trying to see if it was a genuine apology.

It was.

I looked at him, no where in particular but just looked. How could I not forgive him?

"Yes Teo of course I forgive you. But I don't know if we should continue dating..."

He looked at me. And I started to cry this time. He pulled me in for a hug and I hugged back. This was a time I really needed a hug.

Starr spoke up, "So are you two not dating anymore?.." She looked confused at both of us. We didn't break the hug but just stayed in that position. I didn't want to say anything because I don't want to hurt Teo. I mean he's my everything. How could I hurt him?

Teo was the first to speak up. "Maybe it is best if we just stay best friends."

I felt a pain in my heart, even though I was the one who suggested it. I started to cry again and Teo pulled me away from the hug, arms still around me.

"Madelyn Grace Tanner. Don't get me wrong when I say I think its best if we stay best friends. I do really love you and I want you to know that if its for the best, I think that's what needs to be done."

I didn't want to look at him. So I just looked at the ground. Teo guided my head up with his hands. "Maddie. Its ok. I'm still always gonna be there. Its not like you're losing me. If I lost you, my world would be a nightmare." I didn't say anything. I just kept staring at him. He hugged me again, but I didn't hug back. I just stayed in that position, not knowing what was gonna happen.

He never let me go, not until I pulled away. And when I did pull away, he just looked at the ground.

His mom called us over about 5 minutes later. We all looked like a mess except for Ben, who hasn't been crying. I looked the worst because I was still basically letting tears fall from my eyes. Teo still had his arm around me, like nothing had ever happened. She told us to pick up all the camping stuff and get back in the car. We all nodded lightly.

Teo and I went over to our tent and picked everything up. We didn't talk at all. I figured after today, I would pick the mood back up by going back to the principals office and seeing him in there.

When we finished picking everything up, we carried it back to the car and put it in the trunk. Teo and I sat in the back and Starr sat in front of Teo, with Ben sitting in the front next to Teo's mom. Teo still held my hand but not the way he would before. It was like an 'I'm-always-going-to-be-here-for-you' way. I laid my head on the window but he would pull my head to lay on his chest. Gosh I loved this kid, but obviously weren't suppose to be together.

Its ok though. We still loved at each other. And that's all that matters right?

Well no.

A/N: Aw Maddie and Teo broke up😣

(Don't worry it won't be the last of them)

But should Teo go back for Starr? Let me know what you think in the comments.

This part was kinda sad so sorry😶

But stay beautiful


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