Rumors // Chapter 21

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The next couple days at school were pretty basic and boring. Wednesday was the day it got interesting.

It started out as a normal day. I got up, got ready, ate, and Teo's mom picked me up for school.

But when I got to school, I started getting weird looks from people. People were also whispering by me when I would walk by.


I got to first hour and Starr's group of friends walked up to me. "I can't believe you. You would hurt Starr!"

What? No I didn't.

"I didn't hurt Starr what are you talking about?" They just gave me a death stare and kept talking. "Starr showed us what you did to her eye. You punched her because you are jealous she has Teo!" "I have Andrew what are you talking about...?" They looked at me. "You have a boy friend?.."


"Yea... I've dated him for a little while now." They just looked at me disguisted. "Wow.. Well gotta go talk to Teo. Byeeeee," they snapped at me and walked to Teo when he walked in the room. I just sat down in my seat and just took out my notebook. I looked over my shoulder and saw Starr's friends pointing at me and looking at me with a disguisted look. Then my eyes drifted over to Teo. He was just looking at me, astonished. I knew that they were telling him that I had hurt Starr.

I didn't hurt her... I haven't talked to her since that one day.

I faced forward again. Wow. I can't believe Starr would start a rumor about me. I never hurt her. Well except for that one time I kinda took Teo from her...

But I was snapped out of my thoughts when Teo walked over to me. He looked at me like he was disguisted and sat down. He scoffed at me and I just looked away. "Maddie why would you do that to Starr?"

He really believed them...

"Teo. Just because Starr isn't my favorite person in the world doesn't mean that I would hurt her. I'm not jealous..." He just starred at me, a annoyed look on his face. "You really believe them... And not me. Wow you're a great best friend." "I could say the same thing about you. Just because you don't think Starr and I should be together, doesn't mean you have to punch her! You're unbelieveable!!!" I felt something slide down my cheek and I knew it was a tear. "Maddie I didn't-" "I'm sure you didn't. Mr. Davison may I leave?" I asked, crying out. "Yea. Are you uh o-ok?" He looked at me with a worried expression. "No. I just found out my best friend thinks I'm terrible and doesn't believe me," was all I said before I walked out of the room and to my locker. I grabbed my phone and some spare makeup I kept in my locker. I walked to the bathroom and just looked at myself.

I was a mess.

My mascara was smearing and my foundation was coming off.

Come on.

Also my hair wasn't as it was suppose to be. It was now sticking to my face and wasn't brushed. It looked very messy. I just stood there and let my feelings out for a little bit. I started to regain myself. My breathing started to go back to normal.

I still couldn't believe that Teo would tell me I was unbelieveable and call me a liar! That just didn't seem like him.

I wasn't even mad at the rumors. I was mad at how Teo believed them. And not me.


About 15 minutes later, I fixed my hair. I had a brush so I brushed my hair out. I re-applied my makeup and made myself look better.

I was still sad because of Teo's comment... I didn't get why he wouldn't believe me.

But whatever floats his boat I guess.

I walked out of the bathroom, put my phone and makeup case in my locker. I walked up to the math class and put my hand on the door knob. I just let my hand be there for about 45 seconds before I opened up the door.

Everyone was looking at me.Teo had his eyes locked on me. I could see the guilt in his eyes. I just showed a small smile and walked to my seat.

I felt Teo looking at me, but honestly, I didn't care. It would kill him knowing that I wouldn't accept his apology.

And that's just what I was going to do.

I was going to make him jealous by talking to Andrew... in front of him... and not talk to him.

A/N: Oooo.. Maddie is getting revenge.

Jealousy is a great way to get back at people but I don't recomed it...

Stay beautiful


My Best Friend Teo Halm {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now