Apology // Chapter 22

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Well my plan actually went pretty well. Teo came over to me after class. "Look Maddie," I cut him off. "Teo its ok. I understand that Starr is more important than me. Its fine. I get it." He just looked at me "Thanks for understanding, Maddie. If you didn't punch her, our friendship would be perfect. But since you did, I'm sorry. Starr is now more important."

Oh. Ouch.

No body understands that I didn't punch Starr. Not even my own best friend! How are you someones best friend, yet you don't trust them? I'm confused!

"Maddie?..." I just looked up at him. I showed a slight smile, "Good bye, Teo. I'll talk to you," I didn't know what to say so I just, "sometime." Then I just walked away. I just walked away.

"Maddie wait-" I didn't wait. I just kept walking.

"Maddie. Mads. MADELYN PLEASE!"

When he said that, I stopped walking but I didn't turn around to face him.

When he caught up to me, he lifted me up over his shoulder.

Now I can't get away dammit.

"Teo put me down! Teoooooooooo!" I screamed. "Nothing to see here. Keep moving along. Get to class." People started looking at us and I got weird looks from like all of Starr's friends. They were whispering, too, which is never a good thing.

He kept walking and taking me somewhere I couldn't tell where because I was upside down...

When he set me down, it turns out we were in a janitor's closet.

How cliche oh my god.

"Maddie let me talk to you," he just looked at me, straight in the eyes. I didn't saying anything, signifing that he could continue talking."I know what you're thinking: This is just gonna be anyother one of Teo's stupid paragraphs about how much I love you and how much you mean to me. But its not gonna be, Mads. I'm gonna be very, very heartfelt. I want to tell you how I feel." I just stood there, my arms folded and just listened to him.

"I'm going to be talking for a while so you can get comfy," he chuckled slightly at the end. I just smiled and looked the ground, waiting for him to talk.

"Uh. Well ok. I'm gonna start to like jump into detail after I start blabbing. So I'm just gonna start. The only reason I can't believe you this time is because Starr had proof. She has a black eye," "She has a black eye? I didn't do that to her!" "Just let me talk ok? Thanks," I just nodded my head and stayed silent. "Maddie. You are such such such such an amazing person. You are the nicest person I have ever met. You forgive so easily when I make a mistake, which I do a lot, and that's a great trait about you. Please don't ever change that part of you because no one really has that trait anymore. Also, you are so so so so so so so so so loyal. Like, you have always been there for me. It's crazy how many times I've needed you and you have shown up. And we are still friends! That's the amazing part! We've been friends for almost 10 years, Mads. Not many friendships last more than 3 years. Yet ours is coming on to 10! How amazing is that?!? But you are such a great friend to me. And like I said, you have all the traits that a perfect person has. Maddie don't get me wrong when I say something stupid that hurts your feelings, I usually don't mean it. I just-I just need this relationship with Starr. Please don't be mad at me please, Maddie. I'm gonna keep apologizing to you because I feel so bad. I feel like-"


And that's the bell.

"And the bell just rang and we are going to be late. Man do I miss summer. But honestly, summer wasn't the same without you. I woke up every morning knowing that I wouldn't be able to see you or be able to have a sleepover with you like we normally would. I wouldn't be able to really call my best friend my best friend because I was basically banned from talking to them. And it absolutely sucked!! But Starr is pretty amazing and I'm happy that we had gotten back together. But, I had to give up like the best thing in my life. And I'm sorry that we couldn't see each other as much lately. There's a list of things I could say sorry about. Wow this is cheesy now but I just wanted to say how much you mean to me and that I do love you," he now had his hands on my waist, but I just kept listening to him and taking in every word he said. "But please know that Starr has now become a big priority in my life. I'm sorry that you aren't number one anymore, but I guess its for the best, right?"

Why didn't I see this coming? I thought maybe. Just maybe Teo was gonna say he liked me and maybe we could try this whole relationship thing again. But nope. But I guess that's for the best right? That's what Teo always says.

Honestly, in my opinion, it was never for the best. It was only the best for him.

For him.

But that's ok. As long as he's happy, its fine.

When you love someone, you have to set them free....

A/N: So Teo was sweet in this part until the end...

How is this for you guys?😊

Stay beautiful


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