Beach Date // Chapter 17

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Andrew and I were official. And I loved it. Well it was somewhat of a plan to get revenge on Teo but of course, I loved Andrew so it all worked out in the end. After I had said yes, Andrew said he needed to call some people. I thought it was so cute that he wanted to tell people about us dating.

I picked my phone up off my bed and saw I had a text from Teo.

-Text convo-

Teo: Maddie where'd you go?

Am I suppose to tell him that Andrew and I are dating or wait? Well if I told him sooner he would get jealous faster.

Maddie: Sorry I'm here! I was just talking to Andrew :)

Teo: Oh. That's nice.

I could tell he was jealous, but he would never say anything.

Maddie: Yea! So what's up?

Teo: About to go skateboarding ;)

Winky face, eh?

Maddie: Have fun! I'll talk to you later than?

Teo: Yea of course. I'll text you after I'm done. Ily Mads.

Maddie: ily too Teo.

I set my phone down and Andrew walked in, very smiley. "I told about 15 people and most of them said how lucky I was." I just blushed, "aw Andrew." He smiled at me. "Let's do something." I nodded my head and took his hand. I wish Teo and I had this type of relationship. It would've been perfect. We walked down the stairs, hand in hand. No one but us saw, but it was enough for me. "Movie?" I shook my head. "We just saw one like an hour ago," I replied. "Yea good point. Dinner?" I just looked at him. "Already? We just started dating." He just looked at me. "Are you saying Teo didn't take you on a first date the day you guys got together?" I shook my head. "No one has before." He continued to look at me. "Well that's gonna change. Lets go to the beach." I sat there on his lap, smiling like an idiot. I can't believe that he was going to do this for me. "I'll go get dressed and then we can go." I smiled at him and he just kept a straight face. "No we are going now, you look beautiful." I knew I was blushing but I didn't care. I was so happy with Andrew. "Lets go then," was all I said before he called his mom to pick us up.

When we got to the beach, we went to one of the restaurants right on the beach. It was called 'Paradise'. We sat right in front of the Pacific Ocean. I was really enjoying my time with him. I never realized how much he paid attention to me. Like he really took in every feature. "Maddie, I've really enjoyed this summer with you. I know we weren't dating until today, but I felt like we were meant for each other." He went on and on about how perfect everything was and how happy he was with me. He was honestly one of the sweetest people I'd ever talked to.

Our food came and we ate everything and then Andrew paid for it all. He wouldn't let me pay, I tried to 4 times but he wouldn't let me. It was so sweet.

After we finished everything, we walked hand in hand on the beach. It was so adorable because we would be getting some 'awww' and 'how sweet' every now and then. We then laid on the beach then for about a half hour. It wasn't dark enough to see the stars but the sun set was beautiful. "Maddie. I hope I'm not rushing things when I say I love you. Because I do love you." He just stared at the sky, pink and orange. "It's not rushing into things. I feel the same way. I love you Andrew." I heard him sigh, probably relieved. "If I'm ever rushing into anything, please tell me. I want to keep this relationship going for a while." It was honestly so sweet to see how much he cared about this relationship. I cared about it too, but there was always that part of me that wanted to be back with Teo. I knew that wasn't going to happen though, so might as well be happy with Andrew.

We got up and walked back to my house. It was only about 30 minutes away and it was only about 7 pm so we had enough time to still be ready for school tomorrow. When we got back to my house, he lifted me into a hug and I kissed his cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow, Maddie. Do you need a ride?" "To school? Nope I've got one." I smiled at him and hugged him one more time. "Love you. Bye." "Bye Andrew," is all I said before closing the door. I looked out the window and he was jumping up and down and swinging his fists in the air. It was like he was so happy. It was really cute to see him this excited.

I walked up to my room and checked my phone. I had 2 texts, 1 from Andrew, and 1 from Teo. Andrew already texted me. Aww it was so sweet. But I looked at Teo's message.

-Text convo-

Teo: Hey Mads.

Maddie: Hi Teo. I need to come up with a nickname for you, don't I?

Teo: Lol yea. How about just Tay?

Maddie: That sounds like a girls name, Tay.

Teo: So Tay it is?

Maddie: Yea. Tay it is :)

Teo: So I guess we kinda need to talk.

Maddie: About?...

Teo: Us. I guess.

Maddie: Ok. Lets talk.

Teo: Will it be awkward between us tomorrow, ya know with you being the 3rd wheel with Starr and I?

Maddie: Uh yea actually about that.

Teo: What...

Maddie: I'm kind of dating Andrew...

Teo: Oh... well I'm happy for you guys then. Well I'll see you at school tomorrow. Night.

Maddie: Teo wait.

Teo: I said I'm happy for you how much more do you want me to say?

Maddie: I don't expect you to say anything. I just wanted you to know that it won't be awkward and that we should go on a double date sometime :)

Teo: Yea. That'd be nice I guess.

Maddie: Well I guess I should go to bed. Its almost 10.

Teo: Yea I should go to bed too.

Maddie: Goodnight Tay <3 :)

Teo: Night Maddie.

Teo was mad and I somewhat enjoyed it because I went through this pain when him and Starr got together. I was upset with myself though for letting Teo go through that pain, thinking we had a chance to get back together. I wanted to get together with him, but I was with Andrew. I can't like Teo anymore.

But, I still liked Teo. In fact, I was still in love with him.

A/N: Wow. This was kinda a hard chapter to write because I'm having somewhat of a writers block but I'm trying to make these chapters the best I can. I'm planning on using some of the ideas you guys gave me😊

Please give me more ideas!!!!

Thanks so much guys

Stay awesome


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