Angelica full

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Angelica, 22, Assassin

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Angelica, 22, Assassin.

Angelica was born into a family of assassins. For three generations that was their family business. Naturally, she was taught from her parents.

Her parents died when she was 12, though this hardly effected her. She hated her parents. Still, she continued with her job as an assassin.

Angelica is human but she has telekinesis and knows how to use it to her best advantage.

Angelica is ruthless and has a 100% success rate. She's expensive though and hard to contact.

She has a pet Siberian tiger named Tina. (Long backstory behind that). Tina is able to speak through minds though her mind reading ability is very limited.

Angelica, when on the job, is a merciless killer. still, she enjoys taking some time to play with the people she's after. Let them fight for their life. When at home with Tina, her only friend, she can be relaxed, funny, playful, a bad girl but still fun. She's very protective of those she loves though be careful because her loyalties may not lie where you think they do.

Scenario 1: You're an assassin. You had been hired to take out Angelica. You'd heard about the girl, that she never fails. It's extremely rare for assassin to turn on assassin, it's an unspoken code that you simply don't do that. Yet here you are, waiting on a route you know Angelica takes to get to a meeting place every third Wednesday. If you need this up, you'll have to wait another three weeks or try to find another one of her routes. Soon you heard her footsteps and she came into sight. What do you do?

Scenario 2: Angelica needed information from you. So naturally she had kidnapped you, knocked you out and stole you away. You were finally coming to. You opened your eyes and found yourself in some sort of cell. There were other cells in the room. Four including yours. On the wall different types of tools were hanging. All looked terrifying. They glistened in the dim light, clean as the day they were bought, sharp as they day they were bought. Soon you heard footsteps coming down the stairs to the concrete basement you were in. What do you do?

Scenario 3: you're a cop. You'd gotten a tip off of where Angelica's next mission was. You doubted it but got the forces out there. Thank goodness you did. Right on schedule, Angelica showed up and made her way towards the house, not noticing you and the other cops. Now's your chance! What do you do?

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