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Arinx. Human. 18.

There's a lot to be said of Arinx and at the same time so little.

Arinx is a bully. She has been as long as anyone could remember. She ditched class all the time, came to school with bruises and cuts from fights, always picked on kids. She didn't feel anyone was stronger than her. Even the teachers couldn't get her under control. It seemed like the only days she'd show up to class, were the days she was supposed to be suspended.

After a while people learned to just avoid her. She liked that. She liked being alone, away from everyone else.

Arinx's bruises aren't often from fights, at least not the fights she claims. They're from her father. Arinx's mother left after her little sister was born. Arinx was ten at the time.

Her father turned to heavy drinking. He was never home and when he was he was unable to do anything for himself. Arinx stepped up to take care of her little sister. As long as her father bought food, she'd put dinner on the table. Sometimes buying food was a stretch as her father bounced between jobs.

It took over a year but things started to get better. Her father was becoming more involved, hopeful for life with his daughters. But Arinx's sister was born small. She'd never had a good immune system. She was always falling Ill and they couldn't afford doctor visits. One day her sister just didn't wake up.

Arinx had been the one to find her. She'd been the one to tell her father. She was the one he blamed for the death of her sister.

That's when something snapped in her father. He was cold to her. Snapped and yelled every time they had to speak. It got worse over the years to the point he got physically abusive. Arinx learned to defend herself. To stay away from him. She still hopes she can get her father back.

As stated before, Arinx is a bully. She's cold, rude, aggressive and doesn't care about anybody but herself. She'll break your nose before asking about your day and laugh. She won't let anyone close to her because she's scared they'll leave like her mother. Die like her sister. Hurt her like her father. Arinx has no positive experiences with love, so it must be bad. Don't mistake her being a bully for being stupid. Despite missing most classes in the day arinx makes up most exams and enough homework to pass her classes with moderatly good grades. After all, college will be her escape from the hell she lives in.

Scenario 1: Arinx always bullied you and you have no idea why. One day she just decided that you looked like more fun than others. She usually didn't get too physical with you but she'd steal things like your lunch or homework. She'd taken your wallet a few times as well. Mostly it was the constant words of hate she flung at you, somehow knowing where it hurt you the most.

But you weren't going to allow that anymore. "Hey y/n, got my lunch?" Arinx asked as she leaned against the locker beside yours.
It's time for this to stop. What do you do?

Scenario 2: you worked delivering the packages as a part time job. It really wasn't bad as most people either weren't home or were friendly. One day you had a delivery to a different part of town. One that was known to be home to the impoverished, one with more crime than where you lived.

You walked up to the house the package was for. It looked miserable. Despite it being late fall there was a busted window that had been covered by a sheet and the yard was over grown.

She hesitantly knock on the door to deliver the package when Arinx opens it. What do you do?

(This oc has been requested for some time so here she is)

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