Villey and Talia

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Villey (black) and Talia (white), 18 year old twins, spys of 9 years

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Villey (black) and Talia (white), 18 year old twins, spys of 9 years.

Villey and Talia were born to free parents. As hybrids, they were very lucky to be free as their parents managed to buy their freedom from hybrid slavery. Many humans still believe hybrids to be lesser. Despite ridicule and even threats, their parents worked hard as engineers and sent the girls to school.

When the twins were 7, their parents were killed in a work 'accident.' the twins didn't believe that for a minute. It took almost a year but they found their parents killer and got their revenge. That was the start of their career as spys for a special agency. They do not work for any company or the government, they simply try to keep the peace.

Talia is the more strict twin. She has her own walls to keep her emotions and thoughts hidden. She act like the older sister, more protective and violent. On the job she tends to be the one to go in. She's great at acting as whatever role needs to be filled she is also a trained fighter.

Villey is the softer of the two. She has nearly no emotional barrier. She can be serious on the job but at home she is playful and funny and sweet. She's also easily frightened. She's the behind the scenes girl, the one to find information and plan what has to be accomplished.

Scenarios... Will be added shortly until then feel free to make them up

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