the Fairy Forest

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The Forest of Fairies is an attraction for humans and supernaturals. It's a way to draw tourists to a small town. There's an entrance fee to get in and you're given a small book used to identify different types of fairies.

You are warned to watch you step as well, if you kill or harm a fairy, you will be fined quite severely. It's much like a butterfly house, the entrance is at least. You go through two layers of doors to be sure no fairies escape then are in garden. The floor is grass, a few trees and flowers grow. It's up to you to find the fairies hiding in plane sight.

And finally you can buy souvenirs. Fairy wings, fairy dust, magical items all claimed to work.  In the gift shop you can even buy your own fairy to take home.

So what is it that draws you to this town, to the Forest of Fairies?

Are you in need of magical items?
Do you wish to see if these creatures are real?
Do you want to set them free?
Do you want to buy a companion?
Or is it something else?
Only time will tell for those within.

You can start by entering the Fairy Forest or the gift shop, tell me which in your comments!

Each have a small form and a large form but due to a magical barrier placed on the 'forest' they are unable to access their human sized form. Even when free fairies rarely use it.

 Even when free fairies rarely use it

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Flora, 22, a fairy of nature.

Flora, 22, a fairy of nature

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Ocea, 19, a fairy of water.

Fucia, 23, a fairy of flames

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Fucia, 23, a fairy of flames

Fucia, 23, a fairy of flames

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True name: unknown
Age: unknown
She will only come out at night or cloudy days where there is no sun

There are others but if you're buying these three will be the only options.

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